class: center, middle ### COMP26020 Programming Languages and Paradigms Part 1: C Programming *** # Case Study: C Standard Library --- # The C Standard Library - Provides and implement all the functions from `stdio.h`, `stdlib.h`, etc. - C + a tiny bit of assembly - Default libc in most Linux distribution Glibc - Complex and hard to study - - Simpler: Musl -
??? - The C standard library is the library providing `stdio.h`, `stdlib.h`, etc. that we have been using since the beginning of the course - It written mostly in C with a few bits of assembly - The default library coming with most Linux distribution is the GNU Libc, Glibc - It is very complex and difficult to study - So we will have a look at a simpler C standard library named Musl --- # Using Musl Simple to try it out: ```shell # Download musl git clone # Compile it and install it locally cd musl ./configure --prefix=$PWD/prefix make make install # Write a hellow world and compile it against Musl rather than Glibc # Don't forget the -static ./prefix/bin/musl-gcc hello-world.c -o hello-world -static ./hello-world hello world! ``` - Let's have a look at **how Musl implements `printf`** ??? - It's very easy to try out Musl - ... - Now, want I want to show in this video is a quick over view of how the C library works - The main job of the C library is to interface the application with the operating system - To study this, let's see how Musl implements the function we have been using the most, printf - But before that, we need to understand how the C Library request services from the OS, through system calls --- # System Calls - Application request services from the OS through **system calls** - Generally not made directly by user code but rather the libc - Upon syscall: user/kernel "world switch" - System calls have a **calling convention** - Machine instructions used to trigger a syscall ??? - Letting application access the hardware directly is too dangerous - So applications use system calls to ask for services from the kernel - Syscalls are rarely made directly by the user code, user rather calls libc to make syscalls (for example `printf` calls the `write` syscall or a variant of it) - Doing so the libc provides wrappers for system calls to the user code, some wrappers have the same name as the system call in question such as write - When a syscall is made, what happens under the hood is a bit more complex than a simple function code - There is a world switch from user to privileged (kernel) mode - There is a particular convention on how this switch should happen, i.e. what are the machine instruction that user mode should issue to indicate to the kernel what syscall to run, with what parameters --- # System Calls On Intel x86-64, this convention is as follows: 1. Syscall *number* in `%rax` - List here: 2. Syscall parameters in order in `%rsi`, `%rdx`, `%r10`, `%r8`, and `%r9` 3. Execute the `syscall` instruction 4. Return value in `%rax` ??? - On Intel x86-64, this convention is as follows: -. First the syscall *number* is put in the `%rax` register - This number identify uniquely a given syscall, you can see the list of Linux syscalls and their numbers here: - The syscall parameters are put in `%rsi`, `%rdx`, `%r10`, `%r8`, and `%r9` (in order) - Then the "syscall" instruction should be executed, this triggers a trap to the kernel and the OS will process the syscall - When done the kernel place the syscall return value in `%rax` --- # Musl's `printf` Implementation
- In [`src/stdio/printf.c`]( ```c #include
int printf(const char *restrict fmt, ...) { int ret; va_list ap; // variable argument list management va_start(ap, fmt); * ret = vfprintf(stdout, fmt, ap); // stdout: data structure representing the std output va_end(ap); return ret; } ``` --- # Musl's `printf` Implementation In [`src/stdio/vfprintf.c`]( ```c /* lots of logic for format string parsing ... */ int vfprintf(FILE *restrict f, const char *restrict fmt, va_list ap) { /* ... */ * ret = printf_core(f, fmt, &ap2, nl_arg, nl_type); /* ... */ } static int printf_core(FILE *f, const char *fmt, va_list *ap, /* ... */) { /* ... */ * if (f) out(f, a, l); /* ... */ } static void out(FILE *f, const char *s, size_t l) { * if (!(f->flags & F_ERR)) __fwritex((void *)s, l, f); } ``` All these transforms something like `"hello: %d, %lf", 12, 12.0"` into `"hello: 12, 12.00000"` --- # Musl's `printf` Implementation In [`src/stdio/fwrite.c`]( ```c size_t __fwritex(const unsigned char *restrict s, size_t l, FILE *restrict f) { /* ... */ * size_t n = f->write(f, s, i); /* this is actually a call to __stdout_write(f, s, i); /* ... */ } ``` In [`src/stdio/__stdout_write.c`]( ```c size_t __stdout_write(FILE *f, const unsigned char *buf, size_t len) { struct winsize wsz; f->write = __stdio_write; if (!(f->flags & F_SVB) && __syscall(SYS_ioctl, f->fd, TIOCGWINSZ, &wsz)) f->lbf = -1; * return __stdio_write(f, buf, len); } ``` --- # Musl's `printf` Implementation In [`src/stdio/__stdio_write.c`]( ```c size_t __stdio_write(FILE *f, const unsigned char *buf, size_t len) { /* ... */ * cnt = syscall(SYS_writev, f->fd, iov, iovcnt); /* ... */ } ``` - In C, printing to the standard output corresponds to a `write` (or `writev`) syscall on a file descriptor representing the standard output --- # Musl's `printf` Implementation In [`src/internal/syscall.h`]( ```c /* ... */ #define __SYSCALL_NARGS_X(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,n,...) n #define __SYSCALL_NARGS(...) __SYSCALL_NARGS_X(__VA_ARGS__,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0,) #define __SYSCALL_CONCAT_X(a,b) a##b #define __SYSCALL_CONCAT(a,b) __SYSCALL_CONCAT_X(a,b) #define __SYSCALL_DISP(b,...) __SYSCALL_CONCAT(b,__SYSCALL_NARGS(__VA_ARGS__))(__VA_ARGS__) #define __syscall(...) __SYSCALL_DISP(__syscall,__VA_ARGS__) #define syscall(...) __syscall_ret(__syscall(__VA_ARGS__)) /* ... */ ``` ```c // This is a set of macros that transforms "syscall(SYS_writev, f->fd, iov, iovcnt); we saw // earlier into: __syscall_3(SYS_writev, f->fd, iov, iovcount); ``` --- # Musl's `printf` Implementation We now reach the architecture-specific part, let's look at the x86-64 code, in [`arch/x86_64/syscall_arch.h`]( ```c static __inline long __syscall3(long n, long a1, long a2, long a3) { unsigned long ret; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "syscall" : // 5) the syscall instruction "=a"(ret) : // 6) we'll get the return value in rax "a"(n), // 1) syscall number in rax "D"(a1), // 2) argument 1 in rdi "S"(a2), // 3) argument 2 in rsi "d"(a3) : // 4) argument 3 in rdx "rcx", "r11", "memory"); return ret; } ``` ```assembly 401bae: 41 be 14 00 00 00 mov $0x14,%r14d ... 401beb: 48 63 7b 78 movslq 0x78(%rbx),%rdi 401bef: 49 63 d5 movslq %r13d,%rdx 401bf2: 4c 89 f0 mov %r14,%rax 401bf5: 48 89 ee mov %rbp,%rsi 401bf8: 0f 05 syscall ``` --- # Printing Without Libc - Now that we know how to print on stdout, we can make a syscall directly from our program without involving libc ```c /* Without libc the default entry point is _start */ void _start() { unsigned long ret; /* write(1, "hello!\n", 7); */ __asm__ __volatile( "syscall" : // the syscall instruction "=a"(ret) : // we'll get the return value in rax "a"(1), // syscall number (1 for write) "D"(1), // argument1: file descriptor (1 for stdout) "S"((long)"hello!\n"), // argument2: char array to print "d"(7) : // argument3: number of bytes to write "rcx", "r11", "memory"); /* exit(0); */ __asm__ __volatile( "syscall" : : // syscall instruction "a"(60), // exit's syscall number "D"(0) : // exit parameter: 0 "rcx", "r11", "memory"); } ``` .codelink[
] --- # Printing Without Libc ```asm 0000000000001000 <_start>: 1000: 55 push %rbp 1001: 48 89 e5 mov %rsp,%rbp 1004: 48 8d 35 f5 0f 00 00 lea 0xff5(%rip),%rsi # argument 2, address of "hello!" 100b: b8 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%eax # syscall number, 1 == write 1010: bf 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%edi # argument 1, fd 1 == stdout 1015: ba 07 00 00 00 mov $0x7,%edx # argument 3, 7 bytes to write 101a: 0f 05 syscall 101c: 48 89 45 f8 mov %rax,-0x8(%rbp) 1020: b8 3c 00 00 00 mov $0x3c,%eax # syscall number, 60 == exit 1025: ba 00 00 00 00 mov $0x0,%edx # argument 1: 0 102a: 89 d7 mov %edx,%edi 102c: 0f 05 syscall 102e: 90 nop 102f: 5d pop %rbp 1030: c3 retq ``` --- # Feedback form .center[]