class: center, middle background-image: url(include/title-background.svg) # COMP35112 Chip Multiprocessors
# .white[Logistics] .footnote[.white[Pierre Olivier and Pavlos Petoumenos
[](, [](]] --- # Instructors .leftcol[ .center[
**Pierre Olivier** From 27/01 to 14/03 []( ]] .rightcol[ .center[
**Pavlos Petoumenos** From 10/03 until the end in May []( ]] --- # A Typical Week Blended approach: live sessions + asynchronous videos & exercises
--- # Course Website
.center[**Everything centralised on Blackboard**: Schedule, synchronous/asynchronous materials, lab instructions, etc.
] --- # Assessment Final grade divided into: - **70% final exam** - **30% coursework: summative lab exercises** - 3 lab exercises, each weighting 10% of final mark --- # Course Schedule - A typical week: - **Live session** on Monday 10am-11am - In *Kilburn Building Lecture Theatre 1.5* - **Asynchronous content** to do at home during the week: video(s), quiz(zes) (formative) - **Drop-in office hours** every Friday 3pm-4pm - In *IT 415 (Pierre's office)* or/and *IT 414 (Pavlos' office)* - Lab weeks (weeks starting 10/02, 17/02, 03/03, 10/03, 24/03, 31/03): - **Lab session** on Wednesday 10am-12pm in Kilburn G23 - Check details of the schedule for each week on the [Blackboard's schedule page]( --- # Asynchronous Content - **Videos** - To watch during the week after the live session for Pierre's part - To watch before the live session for Pavlos' part - **Quizzes** (formative assessments) - All available on Blackboard, check the schedule to know what to do each week --- # Lab Assignments - To be done during lab sessions, finish at home if needed -- - 3 exercises, subjects are/will be published on Blackboard 1. **Delivering speedup for vector addition** - Deadline 21/02/24 6pm 2. **Synchronisation: the dining philosophers problem** - Deadline 14/03/24 6pm 3. **Relaxation** (to solve Poisson’s equation) - Deadline 04/04/24 6pm -- - Submission method: on GitLab - 1 repository per project, use a specific tag on the master branch to indicate submission - Further details in lab briefs --- # Required Software - To complete lab assignments, **need a Linux distribution with a recent GCC/G++ (~v11-13, i.e. what comes with Ubuntu 22/24.04)** - Department's machines (explicitly use the command `gcc-11`, as `gcc` defaults to 9, same for `g++`) - Connect remotely to Dept. machines: (requires VPN outside of campus) - Your own machine: - Run Linux in a virtual machine (make sure to [give it several cores]( or natively if you know what you are doing -- - You'll get access to a **high-core count machine** (48 cores) to test your programs at scale: *mcore48* - Works with a job queue system to avoid multi-tenant disturbances - Connection and usage instructions with the lab briefs - Requires VPN outside of campus --- # Reading List - Highly Recommended: **Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach**, *J.L. Hennessy and D.A. Patterson*, 4th Edition, Morgan Kaufman, 2007. In particular chapters 1 and 4. - Others: check on *Blackboard -> Course Information -> Reading List* (some/most of this material goes beyond what we cover in the lectures) - --- # Discussion Board - On Blackboard "Discussion Board" on the left menu: - Feel free to create new threads - Don't post answers there! --- # Drop-in Office Hour Sessions - 1 on 1 meetings with the instructor or a TA - Optional, come if you have questions about **anything** related to the course - Every Friday 3pm - Pierre's office: IT 415 (31/01 to 14/03) - Pavlos' office: IT 414 (14/03 to 04/04) --- # Attending Live & Lab Sessions - **Benefits of physically attending the live sessions:** - Make the effort to wake up and come to the session, 1 hour dedicated to studying/focusing on the materials with no distractions - Ask questions and interact with the instructor - Participate in the interactive activities - All these things let your brain focus on the materials, knowledge will come back much more easily when revising -- - **Benefits of physically attending the lab sessions:** - Time scheduled for you to complete the summative exercises - Ask questions/interact with TA and instructor, we are here to **help** i.e. allow you to get higher marks -- - **General benefit of physical presence:** - We see your face and remember your engagement --- class: center, middle, inverse # How to get help? --- # How to Get Help - Any question? By increasing order of urgency: - Step 1: Come to the next office hour - Step 2: Discussion boards - Step 3 (only if urgent!) contact the instructors: - [](, - [](