class: center, middle background-image: url(include/title-background.svg) # COMP35112 Chip Multiprocessors
# .white[More about Locks] .white[Pierre Olivier] ??? - Hello everyone - So we have seen previously that locks are practical to protect critical sections - However they are not without dangers - This is what we will cover in this lecture, as well as a few additional info about locks --- class: center, middle, inverse # Dangers with Locks ??? - Let's start with a few issues we can get when using locks --- # Dangers with Locks
??? - One of the common issues with lock is the deadlock - This is when, due to improper use of locks, your program is stuck waiting indefinitely, trying to take a lock it will never acquire - This is illustrated on the picture - If you look at the center part - White truck is stuck because white car can't move - White car can't move because gray car is stuck - And gray car is stuck because white truck can't move --- # Dangers with Locks ```c typedef struct { double balance; pthread_mutex_t lock; } account; void initialise_account(account *a, double balance) { a->balance = balance; pthread_mutex_init(&a->lock, NULL); // return value checks omitted for brevity } void transfer(account *from, account *to, double amount) { if(from == to) return; // can't take a standard lock twice, avoid account transfer to self pthread_mutex_lock(&from->lock); pthread_mutex_lock(&to->lock); if(from->balance >= amount) { from->balance -= amount; to->balance += amount; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&to->lock); pthread_mutex_unlock(&from->lock); } ``` .codelink[
] ??? - As soon as your code uses more than one lock it opens the possibility for deadlocks if the lock/unlock operations are not made in the proper way - Let's take an example - We have a data structure representing a bank account, with a balance, and an associated lock protecting the balance from concurrent access - We have a simple init function that sets a starting balance in the account and initialises the lock - We also have a function, transfer, that moves a given amount of money from one account to another - transfer is supposed to be called from multithreaded code. So we use the locks relative to each account. - We first check that from and to aren't the same account, because a standard lock can't be taken twice, that'll result in undefined behaviour - Next we first lock the from account, then lock the to account, we perform the transaction is there is enough money, then release the locks in order - Everything seems fine right? let's try it out --- # Dangers with Locks .leftcol[ ```c void transfer(account *from, account *to, double amount) { if(from == to) return; pthread_mutex_lock(&from->lock); pthread_mutex_lock(&to->lock); if(from->balance >= amount) { from->balance -= amount; to->balance += amount; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&to->lock); pthread_mutex_unlock(&from->lock); } ``` ] .rightcol[
] ??? - So what happened? - Here's a scenario that leads to a deadlock - We have two threads calling the transfer method at the same time - Thread 1 calls transfer from account a to account b and the other thread from b to a - Let's assume that thread 1 gets a's lock first, then it tries to get b's lock - But in the meantime thread 2 took b's lock and is now trying to lock a - No thread can continue and the system is stuck, it's a deadlock --- # Dangers with Locks ```c typedef struct { int id; // unique integer id, used to sort accounts double balance; pthread_mutex_t lock; } account; void transfer(account *from, account *to, double amount) { if(from == to) return; pthread_mutex_t *lock1 = &from->lock, *lock2 = &to->lock; if(from->id < to->id) { // always lock the accounts in the same order lock1 = &to->lock; lock2 = &from->lock; } pthread_mutex_lock(lock1); pthread_mutex_lock(lock2); if(from->balance >= amount) { from->balance -= amount; to->balance += amount; } pthread_mutex_unlock(lock2); pthread_mutex_unlock(lock1); } ``` .codelink[
] ??? - So what is the solution to this problem? - One possible solution is to give each account a unique identifier that can be used to establish an ordering relationship between accounts - And we use this to sort the objects to lock so that, when given 2 accounts, all threads will always lock them in the same order, avoiding the deadlock - In this example we use a simple unique integer id for each account - In the transfer function we use the id to sort the accounts - Establishing such an ordering allows us to always take the locks in the same order, so when a thread calls transfer from a to b while another calls transfer from b to a, both will lock the accounts in the same order and only one can obtain both locks at once --- name:lost-wakeup # Dangers with Locks - **Lost wakeup** issue - Example with `bounded_buffer` code from last lecture ??? - Another issue with synchronisation is the "lost wakeup" - It happens when the programmer mistakenly uses conditions - Let's take an example with the bounded buffer code from last lecture - Something that can happen is the following scenario --- template:lost-wakeup
??? - Assume we have an empty queue and 4 threads --- template:lost-wakeup
??? - Thread A tries to extract something from the empty queue and waits - Thread B tries the same, and waits --- template:lost-wakeup
??? - Next thread C deposits something in the empty queue, so it signals a waiting thread - Let's assume it's thread A --- template:lost-wakeup
??? - Let's assume that at the same time thread D also deposits in the queue, which is non empty, so there is no need to signal --- template:lost-wakeup
??? - A wakes up, and extracts an element from the queue --- template:lost-wakeup
??? - In the end, B is never awoken, even though the queue is not empty! --- template:lost-wakeup - Fix (here) would be to use `pthread_cond_broadcast()` instead of `pthread_cond_signal()` - Wake up **all** threads (vs. a single thread) waiting on a condition variable ??? - In this scenario, the fix would be to use the `pthread_cond_broadcast()` function when someone deposits in an empty queue, rather than `pthread_cond_signal()` - That would ensure to wakeup all the waiting threads --- class: center, middle, inverse # Misc. Information about Locks ??? - Now let's briefly see a few miscellaneous topics regarding locks --- # Granularity - How big a chunk of code which depends on obtaining a lock should you write? - **Coarse-** vs. **fine-** grained .leftcol[ ```c /* Coarse-grained locking: */ lock(); /* access a mix of shared and unshared data */ unlock(); ``` ] .rightcol[ ```c /* Fine-grained locking: */ lock(); /* access shared data */ unlock(); /* access non-shared data */ lock(); /* access shared data */ unlock(); ``` ] ??? - The granularity of locking defines how big are the chucks of code that you protect with a single lock - it is an important design choice when developing a parallel program - Large blocks of code protected by locks generally access a mix of shared and non shared data - We talk about **coarse-grained** locking - Because locking serialise the protected code it limits parallelism - On the other hand you can have many lock operations each protecting small quantities of code: - This is **fine-grained** locking - It increases parallelism - However it may lead to a high overhead from obtaining and releasing many locks - The program is also harder to write - So it really is a trade-off - For example we could lock a whole array to allow updates to some element(s), or we could lock only the individual element(s) being changed --- # Reentrant Lock - By default, a thread locking a lock it already holds results in **undefined behaviour** .leftcol[ ```c void transfer(account *from, account *to, double amount) { /* no check if from == to */ // BUGGY when from == to if lock is // not reentrant pthread_mutex_lock(from->lock); pthread_mutex_lock(to->lock); if(from->balance >= amount) { from->balance -= amount; to->balance += amount; } /* ... */ } ``` ] .rightcol[ ```c int main(int argc, char **argv) { account account1; pthread_t t1; initialize_account(&account1, 1, INIT_MONEY); /* transfer from account1 to account1 */ worker w1 = {&account1, &account1, ITERATIONS}; pthread_create(&t1, NULL, thread_fn, (void *)&w1); pthread_join(t1, NULL); return 0; } ``` .codelink[
] ] ??? - We can also talk about a special type of locks, reentrant locks - To understand let's first see what happens when a thread tries to take a standard lock twice in a nested fashion - Let's assume the transfer function does not check if to and from are the same account - Assuming the thread calls transfer with the same account by pointed by the from and to parameters - It will then take the account's lock once, then attempt to take it a second time while already holding it - On a standard lock this results in undefined behaviour, it's a bug - We can try it out --- # Reentrant Lock - A **reentrant** lock can be taken by a thread that already holds it - Avoid a thread deadlocking with itself ```c // Version of the bank account program that allows self transfers // (return value checks omitted for brevity) void initialize_account(account *a, int id, double balance) { a->id = id; a->balance = balance; /* Declare the lock as reentrant */ pthread_mutexattr_t attr; pthread_mutexattr_init(&attr); pthread_mutexattr_settype(&attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE); pthread_mutex_init(&a->lock, &attr); } ``` .codelink[
] ??? - A reentrant lock can be taken several time by the same thread - We can specify that a mutex is reentrant by using the second parameter of the pthread_mutex_init function - It takes a pointer to a data structure of type pthread_mutexattr_t, that allows to set various attributes to a created mutex - It is initialised with pthread_mutexattr_init, and we indicate the fact that we want to set the reentrant attribute with pthread_mutexattr_settype - If we try the corresponding code, even when transfer is called with the to and from parameters pointing to the same account, there is no problems because the lock is reentrant --- # Other Lock Types - **Semaphores** - Mutexes that can be hold by multiple threads - Useful to coordinate access to a fixed number of resources - **Spinlocks** - Threads attempting to hold an unavailable lock will **busy-wait** - As opposed to going to sleep for mutexes - Monopolises CPU, lower wakeup latency - **Read-write locks** - Allows concurrent reads and exclusive writes For more information see the multithreaded programming guide: ??? - So in addition to the mutex, pthread gives you access to other lock types - While the mutex can only be held by a single thread, even if it is reentrant, a semaphore is a lock that can be held by several threads at once - It is useful for example to arbitrate access to a set of resources that are in limited number - Further we have the spinlock - Contrary to a mutex that, when it cannot take a lock, has the operating system put the calling thread to sleep, the spinlock uses busy waiting - It spins, it means it monopolises the CPU in a loop until it can take the lock - It wastes CPU cycles but gives a better wakeup latency versus compared to the mutex - And finally we have read-write locks, they allow concurrent reads, but serialise write operations --- # Summary - Locks come with their own issues - **Concurrency issues are hard to debug, it's important to get your synchronisation strategy right from the beginning** - Lock granularity and reentrancy - Other lock types: semaphores, spinlocks, read-write locks Next lecture: hardware support for synchronisation ??? - And that's it! - To briefly summarise, locks are important to protect critical sections, however they have some specific issues that it is important to keep in mind - When implementing your locking strategy, you have to think about all the possible scenarios to avoid things like deadlocks - It is not easy, however concurrency issues are generally very hard to debug and it is important to get your locking strategy right from the start - In the next lecture, we'll see what are the low-level hardware mechanisms that make locking possible