class: center, middle background-image: url(include/title-background.svg) # COMP35112 Chip Multiprocessors
# .white[Operating System Support for Multithreading] .white[Pierre Olivier] --- # OS Support for Multithreading - Aspects of chip multiprocessor we covered until now: - **Software** (user level): POSIX thread programming - **Hardware**: cores, cache coherence, atomic operations -- - Let's have a look at what sits in between: the **operating system**
-- - Focusing on Linux, **what is the role of the operating system in the management and synchronisation of multithreaded programs**? - **How is concurrency managed in the kernel**? --- class: middle, inverse, center # Thread Management --- # Thread Management - A thread is a unique schedulable entity in the system - Each process has 1 or more threads
- Each thread is uniquely identified by its TID - Threads sharing the same address space will report the same PID (equals to the main thread's TID) - Many system calls requiring a PID (e.g. `sched_setscheduler`) actually work on a TID, read man pages --- # Thread Management ```c #define _GNU_SOURCE // Required for gettid() on Linux /* includes here */ void *thread_function(void *arg) { printf("child thread, pid: %d, tid: %d\n", getpid(), gettid()); pthread_exit(NULL); } int main() { pthread_t thread1, thread2; printf("parent thread, pid: %d, tid: %d\n", getpid(), gettid()); pthread_create(&thread1, NULL, threadFunction, NULL); pthread_create(&thread2, NULL, threadFunction, NULL); pthread_join(thread1, NULL); pthread_join(thread2, NULL); } ``` .codelink[
] Example of output: ```sh parent thread, pid: 12674, tid: 12674 child thread, pid: 12674, tid: 12675 child thread, pid: 12674, tid: 12676 ``` --- # Thread Creation - Processes and threads are created with the `clone()` system call: ```c long clone(unsigned long flags, void *stack, int *parent_tid, int *child_tid, unsigned long tls); ``` -- - **When creating a process** most of these parameters do not matter and are set to `0`/`NULL` - Behaviour similar to the `fork` UNIX primitive: parent's resources (including address space) are duplicated for the child -- - **When creating a thread**: - `flags` specifies creation options - `stack` and `tls` point to the child's stack and thread local storage - `parent_tid` and `child_tid` specify where to store the id of the created thread --- # Thread Creation - Musl libc's `pthread_create` implementation in [`src/thread/pthread_create.c`]( (simplified): 1. Prepare `clone`'s flags with `CLONE_VM | CLONE_THREAD` and more 2. Allocate space for a stack, thread local storage (TLS) and thread specific data (TSD) with `mmap` 3. Place on that stack a data structure with the thread's argument and entry point 4. Call `clone`'s wrapper `__clone` (simplified): ```c ret = __clone(start, stack, flags, args, &new->tid, TP_ADJ(new), &__thread_list_lock); ```
--- # Thread Creation ```c __clone(start, stack, flags, args, &new->tid, TP_ADJ(new), &__thread_list_lock); // wrapper clone(unsigned long flags, void *stack, int *ptid, int *ctid, unsigned long tls); // syscall ``` - `__clone` is implemented for x86-64 in [src/thread/x86_64/clone.s]( - x86-64 syscall invocation convention: syscall id in `%rax`, arguments in order in `%rdi`, `%rsi`, `%rdx`, `%rcx`, `%r8`, `%r9`, return value in `%rax` .leftcol[ ```asm __clone: xor %eax,%eax mov $56,%al // clone's id in rax mov %rdi,%r11 mov %rdx,%rdi // flags in rdi mov %r8,%rdx // parent_tid in rdx mov %r9,%r8 // TLS in r8 mov 8(%rsp),%r10 mov %r11,%r9 // entry point in r9 and $-16,%rsi sub $8,%rsi // stack in rsi mov %rcx,(%rsi) // push pointer to args ``` ] .rightcol[ ```asm syscall // invoke kernel test %eax,%eax // check parent/child jnz 1f // parent jumps xor %ebp,%ebp pop %rdi // pointer to args in rdi call *%r9 // jump to entry point mov %eax,%edi // ain't supposed to return xor %eax,%eax // here, something's wrong mov $60,%al syscall // exit (60 is exit's id) hlt 1: ret // parent returns ``` ] --- # Thread Creation Inside the kernel when `clone` is implemented in [`kernel/fork.c`]( 1. System call handler calls `sys_clone` 2. `sys_clone` calls `kernel_clone`, which calls `copy_process` 3. `copy_process` implements the parent's duplication: - Calls various functions checking `clone`'s flags to know what needs to be copied and what needs to be shared between parent/child - E.g. for the address space (simplified): ```c static int copy_mm(unsigned long clone_flags, struct task_struct *tsk) { /* ... */ if (clone_flags & CLONE_VM) { // creating a thread, don't duplicate the address space mmget(oldmm); mm = oldmm; } else mm = dup_mm(tsk, current->mm); // creating a new process, duplicate the address space /* ... */ } ``` --- # Thread Creation - Back to user space the thread starts at the `start` entry point defined by Musl in [`src/thread/pthread_create.c`]( - It extracts from the stack the `args` data structure containing the user-defined thread entry point and parameters - Then calls the entry point and passes it the parameters ```c static int start(void *p) { struct start_args *args = p; /* ... */ __pthread_exit(args->start_func(args->start_arg)); } ``` --- class: inverse, middle, center # Locks Implementations --- # In-Kernel Locks .left3col[ - Under the hood `pthread_mutex_lock` and other sleep-based lock access primitives rely on the kernel - There is a good reason to **implement such locks in the kernel** rather than user space: - The kernel is the entity that can put threads to sleep and wake them up ] .right3col[
] --- # In-Kernel Locks - Historically each lock operation, including lock take/release, required a system call - As implemented with e.g. System V semaphores - User/kernel world switches are **expensive** and the resulting overhead is non-negligible in low-contention scenarios
--- name: futex # Futex - Observation: we only need kernel intervention when there is contention, i.e. when a thread needs to sleep - **Futex**: Fast User space mutEX - Lock implemented **in part in user space** with atomic operations when there is no contention - And **another part in kernel space** when there is contention and threads need to be put to sleep --- # Futex
--- # Futex
--- # Futex
--- # Futex
--- # Futex
--- # Futex
--- # Futex
--- # Futex
--- # Futex
--- # Futex
--- # Futex
--- # Futex
--- # Futex
--- # Basic Futex Lock Implementation ```c /* check full implementation for includes */ atomic_int my_mutex = ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(0); int my_mutex_lock() { int is_free = 0, taken = 1; // cas(value_to_test, expected_value, new_value_to_set) while(!atomic_compare_exchange_strong(&my_mutex, &is_free, taken)) { // put the thread to sleep waiting for FUTEX_WAKE if my_mutex is still equal to 1 syscall(SYS_futex, &my_mutex, FUTEX_WAIT, 1, NULL, NULL, 0); } return 0; } int my_mutex_unlock() { atomic_store(&my_mutex, 0); // wake up 1 thread if needed syscall(SYS_futex, &my_mutex, FUTEX_WAKE, 1, NULL, NULL, 0); return 0; } ``` .codelink[
] --- # Investigating Lock Performance - Measure latency introduced by locking/unlocking operations: ```c void *thread_function(void *arg) { for(int i=0; i < CS_NUM; i++) { lock(); // instantaneous critical section to maximise the impact of the latency introduced by the // lock/unlock operations unlock(); } return; } ``` .codelink[
] --- # Pthread Mutex Implementation - Previous custom futex lock implementation is suboptimal (and not 100% correct - Musl implementation of `pthread_mutex_lock` in [`src/thread/pthread_mutex_lock.c`]( ```c int __pthread_mutex_lock(pthread_mutex_t *m) { if ((m->_m_type&15) == PTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMAL && !a_cas(&m->_m_lock, 0, EBUSY)) // CAS, futex fast path return 0; return __pthread_mutex_timedlock(m, 0); // Didn't get the lock } ``` `pthread_mutex_timedlock` (in [`src/thread/pthread_mutex_timedlock.c`]( calls a bunch of functions that end up in `FUTEX_WAIT` being called in `__timedwait_cp` (in [`src/thread/__timedwait.c`]( --- # Pthread Mutex Implementation - Musl implementation of `pthread_mutex_unlock` in [`src/thread/pthread_mutex_unlock.c`]( ```c int __pthread_mutex_unlock(pthread_mutex_t *m) { int waiters = m->_m_waiters; /* ... */ cont = a_swap(&m->_m_lock, new); if (waiters || cont<0) __wake(&m->_m_lock, 1, priv); } ``` In [`src/internal/pthread_impl.h`]( ```c static inline void __wake(volatile void *addr, int cnt, int priv) { /* ... */ __syscall(SYS_futex, addr, FUTEX_WAKE, cnt); } ``` --- class: middle, inverse, center # Concurrency in the Kernel --- # Concurrency in the Kernel - There used to be a **big kernel lock** serialising all execution of kernel code - Slowly removed over time, removal finalised in v2.6.39 (2011) - Today the **kernel is a highly concurrent, shared memory program** -- .left3col[
] .right3col[ **Sources of concurrency:** system calls, exceptions, hardware interrupts, kernel threads & more, preemption, etc. ] --- # Locking in the Kernel - Similar to user space, in-kernel critical data sections must be protected by locks - Different types available: -- - **Mutexes**: sleep-based wait, usage count (number of entities that can hold the mutex) is 1 -- - **Semaphores**: sleep-based wait, usage count can be >= 1 -- - **Spinlocks**: busy waiting, usage count 1 - Run with preemption and possibly interrupts disabled - **Usable when kernel execution cannot sleep** (e.g. interrupt context, preemption disabled) -- - **Completion variables** (~condition variables) -- - **Reader-writer spinlocks** - **Sequential locks** --- # Spinlocks in the Kernel Interrupt handler for the i8042 mouse/keyboard driver in [`drivers/input/serio/i8042.c`]( ```c static irqreturn_t i8042_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id) { spin_lock_irqsave(&i8042_lock, flags); /* read data from device */ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&i8042_lock, flags); } ``` - Spinlock needed, interrupt context cannot sleep (not a schedulable entity) - `spin_lock_irqsave` takes the lock and disables interrupts *if they are not already disabled* - `spin_unlock_irqrestore` releases the lock and restore interrupts *if they were enabled* when `spin_lock_irqsave` was called --- # Reader-Writer Spinlocks - Serialises write accesses with other (read/write accesses), but allows concurrent readers (**favours readers**)
--- # Sequential Locks - Lock has a **sequence number** associated: - Incremented each time a writer acquires the lock - Incremented each time a writer releases the lock - Concurrent readers are allowed, they check the number at the beginning and end of their critical section - If it has changed, a writer started/finished during the reader's critical section - Need to read again: reader restarts its critical section - Seqlocks scale to many readers like reader-writer locks, but **favour writers** --- # Sequential Locks
--- # Read-Copy-Update - RCU protects a critical section and **allows concurrent lockless readers** - For situations in which **it's OK for concurrent readers not to see the same state for a given piece of data**, as long as **all see a consistent state** - Extensively used in the kernel ??? - Read-copy-update is a synchronisation mechanism used to critical sections - It allows concurrent lockless readers. - It is suited in situations where it OK for concurrent readers not to see the same state for a given piece of data, as long as all see a consistent state. - Although this mechanism is not specific to Linux, it is extensively used in the kernel. - Let's take an example by demonstrating how concurrent accesses to a linked list can be made safe with RCU. --- # RCU Example: Linked List Update .left3col[
] .right3col[ - Singly linked list - Readers traverse the list to read data from certain nodes - Writers traverse the list to update the data contained in certain nodes - Writers also add/delete elements ] ??? - We consider a singly linked list with a head pointer. - We have readers that traverse the list to extract data from certain nodes - As readers, because they do not modify anything, with RCU they do not take any lock. - We also have writers that traverse the list to update the data contained in certain nodes. - Writers also add/delete elements. - Each node is a data structure with a few members and a next pointer. --- # RCU Example: Linked List Update .left3col[
] ??? - Let's study what a writer would do with RCU when it wants to update the content of a node. - We assume that the amount of data to update atomically is larger than what can be simply updated with an atomic operation, for example here we assume the writer wants to update two fields of the data structure --- # RCU Example: Linked List Update .left3col[
] .right3col[ 1. Allocate a new node ] ??? - First the writer allocates a new node data structure --- # RCU Example: Linked List Update .left3col[
] .right3col[ 1. Allocate a new node 2. Copy target node data ] ??? - Then the writer copies in there data from the node it wishes to update --- # RCU Example: Linked List Update .left3col[
] .right3col[ 1. Allocate a new node 2. Copy target node data 3. Perform update ] ??? - The desired update is performed by the writer in the copy --- # RCU Example: Linked List Update .left3col[
] .right3col[ 1. Allocate a new node 2. Copy target node data 3. Perform update 4. Point to next node ] ??? - Then the new node is made to point to the node after the one we wish to update --- # RCU Example: Linked List Update .left3col[
] .right3col[ 1. Allocate a new node 2. Copy target node data 3. Perform update 4. Point to next node 5. **Atomically swap previous node next pointer** ] ??? - And with an atomic operation, the next pointer of the node preceding the one we wish to update is swapped to point to the new node - From the point of view of the readers traversing the list, a reader following the reference before the atomic update will see the old version of the node, and a reader taking the reference after the atomic update will see the new version --- # RCU Example: Linked List Update .left3col[
] .right3col[ 1. Allocate a new node 2. Copy target node data 3. Perform update 4. Point to next node 5. **Atomically swap previous node next pointer** 6. Grace period: wait for outstanding readers on the old queue state to finish ] ??? - At that stage, there may be outstanding readers still reading the old version of the data structure and we need to wait until no reader is accessing that old node: this is called the grace period --- # RCU Example: Linked List Update .left3col[
] .right3col[ 1. Allocate a new node 2. Copy target node data 3. Perform update 4. Point to next node 5. **Atomically swap previous node next pointer** 6. Grace period: wait for outstanding readers on the old queue state to finish ] --- # RCU Example: Linked List Update .left3col[
] .right3col[ 1. Allocate a new node 2. Copy target node data 3. Perform update 4. Point to next node 5. **Atomically swap previous node next pointer** 6. Grace period: wait for outstanding readers on the old queue state to finish 7. Free old node ] ??? - Finally, when we are certain there is no reader accessing the old node, it can be freed - Once again, during the grace period we'll have some readers seeing the old version of the node, and other readers seeing the new one - RCU needs to be used in situations where this is OK - Consider the state of the list a reader would see if it runs during any of the steps we previously described. - Races are not possible because at any time the readers will either see a consistent state of the queue: either the state before or after the update. - We have made the update atomic with respect to the readers. - During the grace period, some readers will see the new state of the queue, and other readers will see the old state of the queue after the writer has effectively realised the update. - In many situations this is OK, in others it is not, so consider this carefully before choosing to use RCU. - Finally, note that although we have lockless readers, the writers do need to take a lock because they still need to be serialised. --- # RCU Example in Linux From .leftcol[ ```c struct foo { int a; int b; int c; }; DEFINE_SPINLOCK(foo_mutex); struct foo __rcu *gbl_foo; void foo_write(int new_ab) { struct foo *new_fp, *old_fp; new_fp = kmalloc(sizeof(*new_fp), GFP_KERNEL); // allocate new data spin_lock(&foo_mutex); // serialise writers // get a ref to the data: old_fp = rcu_dereference_protected(gbl_foo, lockdep_is_held(&foo_mutex)); *new_fp = *old_fp; // read+copy data new_fp->a = new_ab; // update data new_fp->b = new_ab; // update data // atmoic ref update: rcu_assign_pointer(gbl_foo, new_fp); spin_unlock(&foo_mutex); ``` ] .rightcol[ ```c synchronize_rcu(); // wait for grace period kfree(old_fp); // free old data } void foo_read(void) { struct foo *fp; int a, b, c; rcu_read_lock(); fp = rcu_dereference(gbl_foo); a = fp->a; b = fp->b; c = fp->c; rcu_read_unlock(); /* do something with a, b, c... */ } ``` .codelink[
] ] ??? - Here is an example of kernel code using RCU - If you click on the links at the bottom you'll get access to the full code of a kernel module and instructions on how to build and run it on your computer - We have our data structure declaration, the type is `struct foo` and it has 3 members, `a`, `b` and `c`. - The reference to the data structure we want to protect with RCU is `gbl_foo`. - We assume that the data structure it points to is initialised somewhere else (in the full program the module's initialisation function takes care of that). - We define a spinlock `foo_mutex` to serialise the writers. - The two functions `foo_write` and `foo_read` represent the code that the concurrent readers/writers will run. - `foo_read` is relatively simple: it uses rcu_read_lock and rcu_read_unlock to indicates its critical section. - Note that these functions do not actually take or release a lock, but rather help keep track of readers to know when the grace period has ended. - Within the critical section the reference is grabbed with `rcu_dereference`. - `foo_write` starts by allocating a new data structure with `kmalloc` (the kernel equivalent of malloc), and grabs the spinlock serialising writers. - It then gets a reference to the protected data structure with `rcu_dereference_protected`, which is an optimised version of `rcu_dereference` that can be used on the writers' side. - It then performs the copy, and updates it. - The atomic reference update is performed with `rcu_assign_pointer`. - Next the spinlock can be released. - Finally, `synchronize_rcu` is used to wait until the end of the grace period, i.e. to wait until there is no reader holding a reference to the old data structure, which can finally be deallocated with `kfree`. - And that's it for RCU, feel free to try this code at home --- # Wrapping Up - **The kernel sits between multithreaded applications and the multicore hardware** - Involved in thread management and many synchronisation primitives - **The kernel is itself a highly concurrent program** - Needs its own synchronisation primitives