Modular Compilation

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Here we discuss modular compilation, the process of decomposing a program's sources into several files and compiling a single executable from these sources.

Modular Compilation: Motivation

With large programs, it is necessary to organise the code in several source files. The Linux kernel v6.4 is for example composed of more than 56K C source files. One cannot run gcc <56K source files>: not only it is impossible to write manually, but also would take an enormous amount of time to compile each time one do just a small update to one or a few source files. Hence, here we will answer the following question: how to break up the program code into well isolated compilation units? In the next lecture we will see how to automate efficiently the build process?.

A Closer Look at the Compilation Phase

Until now we saw that when we compile a source file into an executable, set aside the preprocessor phase, the compiler directly transforms the source code into the executable. Actually things are a bit more complicated under the hood. The compiler produces (sometimes transparently) an intermediate format: object files. And then we have a second tool named the linker, called under the hood by the compiler, that transforms object files into executables:

We can trigger these steps manually with the following commands:

$ gcc -c src.c -o src.o
$ gcc src.o -o executable
$ ls
executable src.c src.o

First we generate the object file with the -c switch when invoking the compiler. The object file here is src.o. Then we link it into an executable. With only one source file, the linker does little work, but it plays an important role with modular compilation. The object files are binary files: they contain compiled machine code, however that code is not ready for execution and needs linking. Generally, object files have the .o extension.

Breaking Down the Program into Modules

Running Example

Now let us study how to break down the program sources into several source files. It is good to regroup code into source files (named modules in C) by functionality. Let's assume that we have a hypothetical simple server application that works as follows:

When it is launched, the server initialises and enters its main loop. In this loop the server waits for a request from a client. When such a request is received, the server first parses it to exctract its content, then it processes the request. Once done with that request, the server continues its main loop and wait for the next request to arrive.

The server is built from 3 source files:

  • network.c contains the code related to networking operations.
  • parser.c contains the code to parse the requests received by the server.
  • main.c contains the main function, initialisation/exit code, and the main server loop.

We can compile each into the corresponding object file as we saw previously, and link all the object files together into an executable as follows:

On the command line:

$ gcc -c main.c -o main.o                   # build main.o
$ gcc -c parser.c -o parser.o               # build parser.o
$ gcc -c network.c -o network.o             # build network.o
$ gcc main.o network.o parser.o -o prog     # link executable

Application Programming Interfaces

Each source file exposes a set of functions that can be called from other files: an application programming interface, API. This interface should be as small as possible to hide internal module code and data. For example if we have a function implemented in network.c and this function is only supposed to be called internally within the network module, there is no reason to give main.c the possibility to call that function.

We assume the following interactions between the 3 source files composing our program:

  • When the program starts, in order to initialise networking, main.c calls init_network() which is implemented in network.c.
  • main.c then runs the main sever loop:
    • main.c calls rcv_request() implemented in network.c to wait for the next request.
    • When a request is received, main.c calls parse_req() which is implemented by parser.c to process the request.
    • Rinse and repeat.

These interactions can be illustrated as follows:

Defining APIs with Header Files

To define the APIs exposed by each module that can be called externally, we use header files (with *.h extension) and the #include preprocessor directives to realise this compartmentalization. Let's assume that the external interface offered by the network module is constituted of 2 functions, init_network and receive_request, both supposed to be called from main.c. The interface offered by the parser module is a single function, parse_request, also supposed to be called from main.c.

We create one header file per module exporting an interface: network.h and parser.h. These header files will be included in several source files, so it is important that they contain only declarations: function prototypes, struct/typedef/enum declarations, variable declarations, etc. They should contain no definitions.

On the filesystem our source code now looks like that:

This is network.h:

#ifndef NETWORK_H // include guard
#define NETWORK_H

typedef struct {
    int id;
    char content[128];
} request;

void init_network();
int rcv_request(request *r);

#endif /* NETWORK_H */

It contains everything that the world outside the network module needs to know in order to use the network interface. We have the prototypes of the two functions of the interface, and also the declaration of the struct that is used as parameter in one of these functions. Note the enclosing #ifdef NETWORK_H, it's call an include guard. It avoids the problem of double declaration when we include in a C file several files that themselves include this header.

Below is the content of network.c, also called its implementation:

/* std includes here */
#include "network.h"

// this function and variable are internal
// so they are not declared in network.h
// the keyword static force their use
// to be only within the network.c file
static void generate_request(request *r);
static int request_counter = 0;

void init_network() {
    /* init code here ... */

int rcv_request(request *r) {
    /* ... */

static void generate_request(request *r) {
    /* ... */

We need to include the corresponding header to get access to the struct definition. We have a function generate_request and a global variable request_counter that are internal to the module, and they are not supposed to be called/accessed from outside, we can enforce that with the static keyword. And we have the implementation of the 2 functions that are exported by the network module.

parser.h and parser.c follow the same principles:

/* parser.h */

#ifndef PARSER_H
#define PARSER_H

/* needed for the definition of request: */
#include "network.h"

void parse_req(request *r);

/* parser .c */
#include "parser.h"

static void internal1(request *r);
static void internal2(request *r);

void parse_req(request *r) {

static void internal1(request *r) {
    /* ... */

static void internal2(request *r) {
    /* ... */

We have an external interface function declared in the header. We also need the declaration of the struct so we include network.h in the parser header. And in the module implementation we include the parser header. We have a couple of internal functions, as well as the exported function.

Finally, main.c looks like that:

/* main.c */

#include "network.h"
#include "parser.h"

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    request req;

    /* call functions from network module */

    /* call function from parser module */
    /* ... */

It's including both headers to get access to the interface function prototypes. And within the main function the functions from the interface can be called.