Welcome to the website hosting the lecture materials and formative exercises for The University of Manchester's COMP26020 Programming Languages and Paradigms part 1: C programming. You can use the menu on the left to navigate the materials: for each lecture you can access the lecture notes as well as the lecture slides. For most topics covered there is also a series of formative auto-corrected exercises.

From here you can download all the lecture notes in a single PDF 🗎 as well as an archive containing all the slides in PDF 📦 (last update 24/10/2024).

Instructor: Pierre Olivier

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You can access the slides 🖼️ for this lecture. You can download the entire set of slides and lecture notes in PDF from the home page.

Here we discuss how the C programming part of COMP26020 is organised.

A Typical Week

The unit follows a blended approach: we'll have one live session per week, then there is also a set of asynchronous materials (videos and exercises) to study. This year the live session is on Monday, and then you have the rest of the week to work on the asynchronous materials:

C Part: Unit Content

The C part of the unit is made of:

  1. Lecture materials:
    • There is a live lecture every Monday 12pm-1pm, located in Simon Building Lecture Theatre B.
    • There will also be a set of (short) videos to watch every week after the lecture.
  2. Formative (i.e. not marked) assessments:
    • One quiz to complete each week after having studied the lecture materials, to check that you understand the theory well.
    • A set of autocorrected programming exercises to complete each week after having studied the lecture materials, to validate your knowledge from the practical point of view.
  3. Summative (i.e. marked) assessment:
    • 1 lab exercise to be done at home and/or on the Department's machines.
  4. Support sessions:
    • These are optional and basically office hours, come if you have any questions about the lecture materials or assessments.
    • Support sessions are scheduled every other week starting week of 30/09, Wednesday 11am-12pm and Thursday 9am-10am in Kilburn 1.8.

Unit Website

The unit has a Blackboard page here. The landing page for the C part is here, and everything regarding that part can be accessed from there:

  • The unit's schedule (what to do each week)
  • Lecture videos, including live sessions recordings
  • Lecture notes and lecture slides
  • The summative lab exercise brief
  • The formative autocorrected programming exercises
  • Formative quizzes
  • Discussion boards
  • Reading lists

Required Software

All programming exercises (summative and formative) should be done in a Linux x86-64 (i.e. Intel CPU) environment with the GCC compiler version 10/11/12. To access such a development environment you have several solutions:

  • Use the Department's machines
  • If your computer has an Intel x86-64 CPU, run Linux in a virtual machine. A suitable VirtualBox VM image can be found here.
  • If you know what you are doing you can install Linux natively on your x86-64 machine. For that Ubuntu 22.04 is recommended.

🚨🚨 Do not use native Windows/Mac or WSL environments 🚨🚨. We will not provide support for these environments, and you may lose marks when we grade your summative exercise due to differences in build toolchains.

For those of you using MacBooks with ARM CPUs (Apple silicon) we'll give some solutions next, but the general advice is to come on campus and use the lab machines.

Lecture Videos and Slides

Lecture videos, slides, as well as recordings of past live sessions are available on Blackboard. In particular the slides contain clickable links and interactive code snippets, here is an example (empty C program):

Take a look at the links at the bottom left of the code snippet, you have:

  • A link (blue path) to download a fully functional program containing the code illustrated in the snippet, if you want to build and run it on your local machine.
  • A link to a GitHub repository containing the code in question, located in the same path as defined in the blue link, e.g. with the example above you can find the code in 00-logistics/sample-code.c. The GitHub repository also contains instructions on how to set up a proper development environment to build and run the code samples, and to do the formative/summative programming exercises for this part of the unit. This includes instructions for those of you that cannot get a native/VM-based Linux environment (e.g. Apple silicon CPUs).
  • A Programiz link to quickly run the sample code in your browser. Please note that this is not a good development environment to work on exercises though as it is too restrictive in terms of functionalities.

Lab Assignment (Marked)

The brief is accessible on Blackboard. The goal of the exercise is to implement a matrix processing library in C. It weights for 6.5% of the final COMP26020 mark. Keep in mind that this is a full year unit, and that the coursework/exam weights split for the C part of the unit is 50/50.

Autocorrected Programming Exercises (Not Marked)

There are a few formative programming exercises:

These exercises are corrected automatically with a tool called check50. The instructions on how to install and use it are available on the page regarding the dummy exercise.


There is a small, formative quiz to complete each week on Blackboard.

ChatGPT and other AI Tools

You should not use such tools to complete the summative lab exercise. We understand that they are becoming an important part of a programmer's toolbox, and you will likely use them extensively throughout your career, but in our case they defeat the purpose of the unit which is to teach you how to program in C. All submissions will be passed through a plagiarism checking tool, and the ones with high code similarity (e.g. because the authors copied and pasted code from ChatGPT) will be subject to an academic malpractice procedure.

Similarly, it is not recommended to use AI tools to complete the formative exercises: they are overall quite simple and easily done with such tools, and you are not learning much in the process.

Programming Paradigms

You can access the slides 🖼️ for this lecture. All the code samples given here can be found online, alongside instructions on how to bring up the proper environment to build and execute them here. You can download the entire set of slides and lecture notes in PDF from the home page.

In this lecture we discuss the concept of programming paradigm and how it relates to programming languages.

Programming Paradigms

To put it simply a programming paradigm is a style of programming. This style defines how the programmer describes a program within its source code: the data that it uses, as well as the computations manipulating this data. Paradigms are high level categories used to classify programming languages.

Relation to Programming Languages

All programming languages fall within at least one paradigm. What this means is that they make it easy to program in the style defined by the paradigm in question. For example a lot of operations look pretty similar in C++ and in C# because both languages fall within the object-oriented programming paradigm. Also, a lot of languages can be classified within several paradigms. For example, objective Caml (OCaml) belongs to the object-oriented as well as functional programming paradigms:

This picture is adapted from this post.

Suitability of Paradigms/Language to Software Engineering Problems

Given a particular software engineering problem, let's say one has to build a particular program, there are some programming paradigms that are much more efficient at solving that problem. For example one cannot really write an operating system with a logical programming language.

JavaScript Example

Let's illustrate the fact that a paradigm defines a programming style with an example. We simply want to multiply by 2 each element of an array. JavaScript allows writing code according to the imperative programming paradigm:

function mult_by_two_imperative (array) {
  let results = []
  for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
    results.push(array[i] * 2)
  return results

The imperative paradigm requires describing step by step all operations performed by the program. So we use a for loop to iterate over all the elements and multiply each by two. In some sense this is very close to what happens on the CPU, which is executing instructions one step at a time.

JavaScript also allows writing code according to the declarative paradigm:

function mult_by_two_declarative (array) {
  return array.map((item) => item * 2)

With the declarative paradigm we describe high level operations to be performed on each element of the array: each item is multiplied by two. This is more abstract and also more concise than imperative programming: it's a one-liner

A Programming Paradigm is a Programming Style

The paradigm characterises how the programmer defines the computations. It's generally a sequence of statement performing various operations, in various order -- for example sequentially or in parallel. These computations can be decomposed into units named functions. The computations can also be described in terms of how the result should look like. The paradigm also defines how to describe the data that is manipulated by the computations. It answers questions like what are the basic types, can we define custom data structures by composing these types, can the functions manipulate only a local set of variable or do they have access to a global state.

Picking a Programming Paradigm

Because some paradigms are more efficient than others to solve a given problem, when one needs to develop software, choosing a language (in other words choosing a paradigm) has huge consequences on the efficiency, size, complexity and clarity of the code.

The Main Programming Paradigms

You can access the slides 🖼️ for this lecture. All the code samples given here can be found online, alongside instructions on how to bring up the proper environment to build and execute them here. You can download the entire set of slides and lecture notes in PDF from the home page.

Here we briefly discuss the main programming paradigms, example of languages implementing them, and what are the kind of software engineering problems they are good at solving.

Main Programming Paradigms and Sub-Paradigms

Below are some of the main programming paradigms. They generally belong to one of the two high-level paradigms:

  • Imperative:
    • Structured (or procedural)
    • Object-Oriented
    • Concurrent
  • Declarative:
    • Functional
    • Concurrent These are the main ones, there are many more.

Imperative Programming Paradigm

As we saw in the JavaScript example from the previous slide deck, the imperative paradigm requires the programmer to describe the computation step by step, as a sequence of statements, a bit like a cooking recipe:

Here is an example of an imperative program written in x86-64 assembly language:

        .global _start
        mov     $1, %rax                # system call 1 is write
        mov     $1, %rdi                # file handle 1 is stdout
        mov     $message, %rsi          # address of string to output
        mov     $14, %rdx               # number of bytes
        syscall                         # invoke operating system to perform the write
        .ascii  "Hello, world!\n"

It's a hello world program in assembly. No need to go into the details but in this program instructions are executed one after the other to print a message on the console. Assembly is purely imperative is very low level, so it has some nice benefits such as very good performance and low memory footprint. It is also the only way to realise some low level operations that are needed when one writes things like an OS or a virtual machine monitor.

The problem with assembly is that it's not structured. In terms of control flow there is no clear notion of functions, loops, and so on. We get what is called spaghetti code:

So even a medium-sized code becomes very hard to understand and reason about. Other examples of purely imperative languages are early versions of FORTRAN, COBOL, BASIC.

Imperative Structured Programming Paradigm

To be able to write bigger programs we need to use structured imperative programming. It includes control flow operations and the notion of procedures or functions. It makes it much easier to reason about large programs. Here is an example in C:

int is_prime_number(int number) { /* Check if a number is prime */
    if(number < 2)
        return 0;
    for(int j=2; j<number; j++)
        if(number % j == 0)
            return 0;
    return 1;

int main(void) { /* Check which of the first 10 natural integers are prime */
    int total_iterations = 10;
    for(int i=0; i<total_iterations; i++)
            printf("%d is a prime number\n", i);
            printf("%d is not a prime number\n", i);
    return 0;

Once again the instructions within a function are executed one after the other. But we can see some control flow operations: loops, conditionals, and function calls. This program prints the list of the first 10 integers and which ones are prime or not. Structured imperative programming originally appeared in languages such as ALGOL, Pascal, ADA, etc. Today most programming languages are structured for obvious reasons, compared to unstructured programming:

  • Their modularity makes it easier to write code for medium/large programs.
  • There is Less complexity and the code is easier to understand.
  • It also eases testing and debugging.

Modern low-level imperative structural languages without too many additional layers include C and FORTRAN. We will see that they are very efficient for HPC and systems software development. We will also see that they have memory safety issues.

Imperative Object-Oriented Programming Paradigm

With the object-oriented paradigm, the programmer links together the data and the code manipulating it into objects. While in non-object oriented languages one calls a function out of nowhere passing data as parameters. With object-oriented this function can be called upon a given data, for example here with the dot operator. Object-oriented also defines concepts such as inheritance and polymorphism that facilitates code reuse and organisation. Here is a C# program implementing these object types, that are actually named classes: shape, square and circle:

// Example in C#
abstract class Shape {
    public abstract void printMe();

class Square : Shape {
    override void printMe() {Console.WriteLine ("Square id: {0}, side: {1}", _id, _side);}

class Cicle : Shape {
    override void printMe() {Console.WriteLine ("Circle id: {0}, radius: {1}", _id, _radius);}

public class MainClass {
    public static void Main(string[] args) {
            Square mySquare = new Square(42, 10);
            Circle myCircle = new Circle(242, 12);

We create two objects and call the printme function on them. A few examples of object-oriented languages are C++, C#, or Java. Object-oriented languages are good to represent problems with a lot of state and operations, for example when we have to process a lot of data that can be described as attributes. For example simulators, video games, and so on. This paradigm also helps in organising and understanding large code bases but for small programs it can sometimes be overkill.

Imperative Concurrent Programming Paradigm

With the imperative concurrent paradigm the programmer uses various features provided by the language to describe parallel and interleaving operations. Here we have an example with a C library named the POSIX threads:

static void *thread_function(void *argument) {
    int id = *(int *)argument;

    for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
        printf("Thread %d running on core %d\n", id, sched_getcpu());

int main(void) {
    pthread_t threads[NUMBER_OF_THREADS];
    int thread_ids[NUMBER_OF_THREADS];

    for(int i=0; i<NUMBER_OF_THREADS; i++) {
        thread_ids[i] = i;
        pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, &thread_function, &thread_ids[i]);
    /* ... */

The important part is within the for loop where we create a certain number of threads. These threads are parallel execution flows and each will execute the function named thread function. An example of execution of this program with 4 threads and 2 parallel processing units (CPU cores) could be:

A concurrent programming language describes in particular how the execution flows can communicate, can they share data structures, and if yes what is the consistency of that sharing. There are many methods for concurrent programming in imperative languages. They include shared memory threads and processes, message passing and automatic parallelization libraries, GPU programming languages, and so on. Important use cases for concurrent programming are of course high performance and distributed computing, graphic processing, etc.

Declarative Programming Paradigm

Contrary to imperative programming where the programmer describes a sequence of instructions, in other words the way to obtain a certain result, with declarative programming the programmer describes how the result should look like. A good example of a pure declarative language is HTML. It is used to construct web pages, declaring elements such as headings and paragraphs with tags. Declarative programming is at a much higher level of abstraction compared to imperative programming that is closer to the machine model. One can describe complex programs with few lines of code and the low level implementation details are abstracted. A downside is that the code can easily become convoluted and hard to understand in large programs. Some examples of pure declarative languages include: HTML, SQL, XML, CSS, Latex. Note that these are not Turing complete. Pure declarative programming is useful for document rendering, structured data storage and manipulation.

Declarative Functional Programming Paradigm

A very important declarative subparadigm is functional programming. With this paradigm, the programmer calls and composes functions to describe the program. Here is an example in Haskell:

add_10 x = x + 10
twice f = f . f
main = do
    print $ twice (add_10) 7

We define a function add_10 that takes one parameter and adds ten to it. We also define another function that takes a function as parameter and applies it twice. The last line will print 27 as it first adds 10 to 7 and passes the result as parameter to a second invocation of add_10.

Functional Programming Features

With functional programming we have first-class/higher-order functions can be bound to identifier and passed as parameters or returned. Loops are implemented with recursion, which is well suited for some optimisations, as well as operations such as tree traversal problems, used for example when parsing. Pure functions have no side effects on global state. It is easier to understand and reason about what they do, it is also easier to proof, test and debug, because having less state means less chances for mistakes. Some example of functional languages are Haskell, Scala, F#, etc.

Declarative Concurrent Programming Paradigm

Some declarative languages also provide ways to describe concurrent operations. For example Erlang provides what is called the actor model. One of the advantages of this model is a reduction in synchronisation operations, for example there is no lock. Declarative concurrent languages are useful when designing distributed applications, web services, and so on.

Other Paradigms

There are many other programming paradigms: Logic, Dataflow, Metaprogramming/Reflexive, Constraint, Aspect-oriented, Quantum, etc. A lot more information can be found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Programming_paradigm.

Multi-Paradigm Languages

A Language X is said to support paradigm Y if the language offers to possibility to program in the style defined by the paradigm. Many languages are multi-paradigm. For example Haskell is purely functional and does not allow OO style. OCaml is mainly functional but allow OO and imperative constructs. C, C++ and many others are imperative but allow some functional idioms. For example this is a recursive factorial implementation using C:

int fact(int x) {
    if(x == 0) return 1;
    return x * fact(x-1);

It all Boils down to Machine Code

A last thing to remember is that independently of the programming language used to build a program, the only language that the CPU understands is machine code, which is a binary representation of assembly. So in the end all programming languages compile or translate to machine code:


We have two principal categories of programming paradigms, declarative and imperative:

On the declarative side, a major subparadigm is functional programming, defined by several features including first class and higher order functions. Regarding imperative paradigms, we have procedural or structured programming enabled by control flow structures such as loops and functions or procedures. Adding to this the notion of object we get the object-oriented paradigm. And adding the notion of concurrent execution flows we get the imperative concurrent paradigm.

This is how the different parts of COMP26020 map to these paradigms:

  1. In Semester one we will start with imperative procedural programming in C.
  2. Then we will cover object-oriented programming with C++.
  3. Next we will see functional programming, with Haskell.
  4. After that, in Semester two, we will first study compilation, the process of transforming the textual sources of programs written in various languages into the machine code that is eventually executed on the CPU.
  5. Finally, we will see concurrent programming with a language named solidity.

Dummy Exercise

There is no exercise for the programming paradigm part of the unit. However there is a dummy exercise that you should complete to make sure you can handle the automated checking tool that will be used for all the proper exercises you will need to complete in the upcoming weeks.

Installing check50

In a terminal:

pip3 install check50
echo "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

If the command fails with error: externally-managed-environment, try pip3 install --break-system-packages check50. If the command fails with pip3: command not found, you can install pip3 on a computer for which you have admin access as follows:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3-pip git

You should now be able to avoid check50 from a terminal. Simply invoking it as follows should print a few guidelines about its usage:


If you get a check50: command not found error, try adding pip3's executable folder to your path. For the bash shell:

echo "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

For other models of shell (e.g. zsh) you'll probably need to adapt this code.

Dummy Exercise

This is a dummy exercise asking you to create an empty C program. To succeed in this exercise, simply write the following program:

int main() {
    return 0;

To check the correctness of your program, use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named sample-exercise.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week1-intro/01-sample-exercise

Introduction to C

You can access the slides 🖼️ for this lecture. All the code samples given here can be found online, alongside instructions on how to bring up the proper environment to build and execute them here. You can download the entire set of slides and lecture notes in PDF from the home page.

Here we do a quick introduction to the C Programming language. We also learn how to write, compile and execute a few simple C programs.

C: Origin

C is a relatively old programming language, it was developed in the 70s by Dennis Ritchie, working at the time at Bell Labs. The language was oringally used to develop applications running on top of the Unix operating system, developed by Ken Thompson, with Dennis Ritchie among others. C ended up also being used to reimplement Unix's operating system kernel, which was originally written mostly in assembly, significanly increasing its portability accross various architectures.

Ritchie and Thomson received in 1983 the Turing award for their contributions to operating system, and in particular for the development of Unix. On the picture below you can see Thompson on the left and Ritchie on the right:

C: Popularity

C is still today one of the most favoured programming language. It can be found in the top-10 of most programming languages popularity indexes (e.g. TIOBE, RedMonk, or PYPL).

The graph below is taken from the RedMonk page, and present the popularity rank of languages on StackOverflow on the Y axis, and the popularity rank on GitHub on the X axis: C is up there in the top right corner.

C: Characteristics

In terms of pros, C has a very simple and extremely popular syntax. Many newer languages such as Java or Go take much inspiration from the syntax of C. C is also a low level language that efficiently maps to machine code and integrates well with assembly. It gives a high degree of control over the hardware, for example contrary to many languages C lets the programmer write at arbitrary virtual addresses in memory. Because of its simplicity C is also very fast, and also allows programs to have a low memory footprint. This all comes at a relatively high cost which is a very large area to make mistakes, resulting from the high degree of control over the hardware. The compiler will not catch every mistake. And some errors may lead to undefined behaviour that is sometimes hard to debug. Still, the benefits of may make that it is the default programming language in many domains, including systems software such as operating systems or virtual machine monitors, but also high performance computing, embedded systems, among others.

A lot of extremely popular software is written in C:

Examples include:

  • The Linux kernel, the most popular OS in HPC, cloud/servers, embedded systems
  • The Xen hypervisor, one of the most popular virtual machine monitors.
  • The GNU Libc standard library, used by most programs in many Linux distributions to interface with the OS.
  • Apache, NGINX, and Redis, that are among the most popular web / key-value store servers.
  • Git, which is by far the most popular version control system.

Programming Mistakes in C

Programming mistakes are quite common in C, and can lead to:

  • Compilation failing: the C compiler used to transform sources into executables can detect many errors and will refuse to build any program that contain clear programming mistakes.
  • Crashes: the fact that a C program builds does not mean it is correct. Crashes at runtime can be annoying but at least it is clear that something is wrong and that the program needs to be fixed.
  • Program misbehaving: this is also generally a clear indication that something needs to be fixed.
  • Hard to reproduce bugs: certain crashes or forms of program misbehaviour can be hard to reproduce because they require very specific execution conditions. So it is not uncommon for certain bugs to require running the program for a very long time or a very high number of times to trigger the bug. The problem with these bugs is that without proper testing the developpers can simply miss it.
  • Security vulnerabilities: certain bugs lead to much more dire consequences than crashes/misbehaviour, and can be exploited by attackers to take over the program or the computer it executes upon, leak critical data, etc.

Why Learn C Today?

It is still very relevant to learn C today. As we have seen, it is still the default programming language in many different domains. C is also not going anyway anytime soon: there is an enormous amount of existing/legacy C codebases, and it is likely that we will need programmers with knowledge of C for decades. Also, because of certain characteristics of the language, learning C will have beneficial side-effect on your knowledge:

  1. Because of its proximity to the hardware, learning C and how a C programm executes helps understanding how a computer works.
  2. C has established an extremely popular syntax, and learning C will make it easier to learn the many other languages sharing that syntax (e.g. Java).

Hello World in C

This C program simply writes hello world to the console, also named the standard output:

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
    printf("hello, world!\n");
    return 0;

Before studying it more in details we can build and run it on the Linux command line as follows:

$ gcc listing1.c -o listing1
$ ./listing1
hello, world!

The first line with #include allows us to get access to functions from external libraries. We need the printf function from stdio.h to be able to print to the standard output.

Next we have a function named main. In C functions are implemented as follows. We first have the return type, here int, followed by the function name, main. Then between braces we have the function body, containing the function's code. In C main represents the program's entry point, i.e. the first function to run when the program is launched.

main's body is composed of two statements. In C statements ends with a semicolon. The first statement is a function call: the printf function is called with a parameter between parentheses. printf is used to print something on the standard output, and that something is passed as a parameter. It is a character string, delimited by double quotes. '\n' is a special character defining a carriage return. Finally, the second statement uses the return keyword that returns from the current function to the calling context. We return the integer value zero, a common return code indicating successful execution. Because we return from main, this actually triggers the exit of the program with return code 0.


The compilation is the process of creating an executable program from the source code:

For this we use a tool named the compiler. The C compiler we will use is named the GNU C compiler, GCC.

A compiler takes the source code as input, here it's listing1.c. It generates the machine code ready for execution on the CPU and puts it into an executable, here listing1. .c is a common file name extension for C source code. Executables generally don't have a file name extension on Linux.

Concretely, we call the compiler as follows on the command line: gcc, followed by the name of the source file listing1.c, followed by -o to indicate the name of the output program, listing1:

$ gcc listing1.c -o listing1

Compilation: Warnings and Errors

The compiler will check and report some programming mistakes. There are two levels of issues reported by the compiler:

  • An error is unrecoverable, and the compilation process will stop upon detecting it
  • On the other hand, warnings may or may not be indicative of an issue and the compilation continues.

Compilers are very advanced today and warnings are almost always indicative of an issue: they should always be fixed. An important thing to note is that when multiple issues are listed, it is important to fix them in the order they are reported, because mistakes down the list may result from the ones up the list.


Comments are annotations in the source file that will not be processed by the compiler. It is important for a programmer to comment code a bit to explain what it does: for other people to understand his/her code, but also for himself/herself to dive back into complex pieces of code written a long time ago. There are two comments style supported in C:

/* style 1 */
// style 2

Everything that is between the /* and */ delimiters is commented. One can also use the // to comment the rest of the line.

Variables, Types, Printing to the Console

You can access the slides 🖼️ for this lecture. All the code samples given here can be found online, alongside instructions on how to bring up the proper environment to build and execute them here. You can download the entire set of slides and lecture notes in PDF from the home page.

In this lecture we talk about variables, types, and printing to the console in C.


Here is an example of C code with a main function using a local variable named a:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    int a;                          // declare a of type int (signed integer)

    a = 12;                         // set the value of a to 12
    printf("a's value: %d\n", a);   // print the value of a

    return 0;

The variable is set to 12 and then printed to the standard output. Variables have a name, here it's a. Variables also have a type, here it's int corresponding to a signed integer. Finally, variables have a value, which can generally evolve as the program executes. Before being able to use a variable, it must first be declared. A variable declaration is a statement defining the name and type of the variable. Here we declare a in the first line of code of the main function. In C a variable name should start with a letter or underscore and contain a combination of letters, underscores, numbers. Try to be descriptive, for example here sum or final_balance2 are much more meaningful than just a.

Using Variables

Here are a few examples of variables usage:

int a; int b; int c;
int d = 12;  // declare and set
int x, y = 10, z = 11;

a = 12;      // set a to 12
b = 20;      // set b to 20

c = 10 + 10; // set c to 20
a = b;       // a = 20
d++;         // d = d + 1
y *= 2       // y = y * 2;

We first declare 3 integers a, b and c. A variable can be declared and set in one statement, this is what happens to d. On the third line we declare x, y and z and we also set the value of y to be 10 and the value of z to be 11. On the code on the right we have an example of arithmetic operation, setting the value of c to be 10+10. We also set the value of a to be the value of b. And we also have some nice shortcuts for commonly-used operations. For example by using d++ we effectively increment d by 1. Also, y *=2 corresponds to multiplying y by 2 and storing the result in y. There is a similar construct for addition, subtraction and division.


Each variable must have a type. Types are used by the compiler to do two things. First, the compiler performs some checks on the operations realised on the variable. For example in some cases it is able to warn about overflows when one tries to store a number larger than the size of the target variable type. Second, allocate the memory space for the variable. Each type defines a given size in bytes for this.

Types Define Data Storage Size in Memory

At runtime one can see the program's memory as a gigantic array of bytes. As an example, the int type, on the x86-64 architecture that most of our laptop/desktop computers are using, is 4 bytes long. So the compiler reserves 4 bytes in memory when declaring e.g. int a. That memory will be used to store a's value at runtime:

Primitive Types

Beyond int, other basic types (named primitive types) include characters (char) and floating point numbers (float for single- and double for double-precision). We can describe a constant character in the code, here x, with single quotes. When performing an arithmetic operation on an integer and a float, the compiler will promote the result to a float (same for double). For example here float_res will include a decimal part:

int int1 = 2, int2 = 4;
float float1 = 2.8;

// when mixed with floats in arithmetics, integers are promoted to floats:
float float_res = int1 + float1;
float float_res2 = int1 * (float1 + int2);

// when stored in an integer variable, floats are _truncated_:
int int_res = int1 * (float1 + int2);

Note the use of the parentheses to set the order of evaluation in the second example setting float_res2. Even if the right-hand side is promoted to a float in the assignment of int_res, because of its type (int), the result will be truncated.

More Types, Qualifiers

When declaring a variable, we use a combination of a type and optional qualifiers, that will define what the variable can hold and how much space is reserved. It is very important to be aware of the storage size of variables, as things like overflows can have very nasty consequences. Here are a few examples with the information that the C standard^[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_data_types] gives about the corresponding storage sizes:

short int a;              // signed, at least 16 bits: [-32,767,        +32,767]
int b;                    // signed, at least 16 bits: [-32,767,        +32,767]
unsigned int c;           // unsigned:                 [0,              +65,535]
long int d;               // at least 32 bits:         [-2,147,483,647, +2,147,483,647]
unsigned long int e;      // unsigned:                 [0,              +4,294,967,295]
long long int f;          // at least 64 bits:         [-9x10^18,       +9x10^18]
long long unsigned int g; // unsigned:                 [0,              +18x10^18]
float h;                  // storage size unspecified, generally 32 bits
double i;                 // storage size unspecified, generally 64 bits

For example int is signed (i.e. it can hold positive as well as negative integers) and should be at least 2 bytes, so it can store numbers from -32,767 to 32,767. unsigned int has the same size and is unsigned, so it can store more, but only positive, numbers. Note that the storage size information coming from the standard are rather imprecise. The actual sizes depend on the architecture of the CPU the program is compiled to execute upon.


To get the exact storage size we can use the sizeof function, that takes a type as parameter and returns its storage size in bytes:

int so_short = sizeof(short int);
int so_int = sizeof(int);
int so_uint = sizeof(unsigned int);
int so_long = sizeof(long int);
int so_longlong = sizeof(long long int);
int so_float = sizeof(float);
int so_double = sizeof(double);

printf("size of short:         %d bytes\n", so_short);
printf("size of int:           %d bytes\n", so_int);
printf("size of unsigned int:  %d bytes\n", so_uint);
printf("size of long int:      %d bytes\n", so_long);
printf("size of long long int: %d bytes\n", so_longlong);
printf("size of float:         %d bytes\n", so_float);
printf("size of double:        %d bytes\n", so_double);

On the Intel x86-64 architecture:

  • The size of short is 2 bytes.
  • The size of int, unsigned int as well as float are 4 bytes.
  • The size of long, long long int, and double are 8 bytes.

In memory things look like that:

Printing to the Terminal

We have been using printf to print a lot of things to the console, let's see how it works more in details. It takes one or more arguments:

printf(<format string>, <variable1>, <variable2>, etc.);

The first argument is the format string containing the text to print as well as optional markers that will be replaced with variables' values The next arguments are optional. It is the list of variables which value needs to be printed, 1 variable per argument. The format string marker to use depends on the corresponding variable type. A few examples:

int int_var = -1;
unsigned int uint_var = 12;
long int lint_var = 10;
float float_var = 2.5;
double double_var = 2.5;
char char_var = 'a';
char string_var[] = "hello";

printf("Integer: %d\n", int_var);
printf("Unsigned integer: %u\n", uint_var);
printf("Long integer: %ld\n", lint_var);
printf("Float: %f\n", float_var);
printf("Double: %lf\n", double_var);
printf("Characters: %c\n", char_var);
printf("String: %s\n", string_var);
printf("Several variables: %d, %lf, %s\n", int_var, double_var, string_var);

Various markers are illustrated in that example:

  • %d is used for signed integers, %u for unsigned ones.
  • %l is used to indicate the long qualifiers, for example we have %ld for a signed long int.
  • %f is used for floats and %lf for doubles.
  • Finally, notice the declaration of a string with the brackets for the variable name and the double quotes for the string itself. We can print it with %s.

Arrays, Strings, Command Line Arguments

You can access the slides 🖼️ for this lecture. All the code samples given here can be found online, alongside instructions on how to bring up the proper environment to build and execute them here. You can download the entire set of slides and lecture notes in PDF from the home page.

Here we consider arrays, strings and command line arguments in C.


Arrays are declared with a statement starting with the type, followed by the name of the array variable, then between brackets the size of the array, here 4 elements:

int array[4];

We can write something in an array slot with the affectation symbol, equals, and the index to write between bracket. For example here we write 10 in the first slot and 20 in the second one:

array[0] = 10;
array[1] = 20;

In C the indexing starts at 0, i.e. the first slot is index 0. We read a slot by indicating its index between brackets, for example here we read the second slot:

int x = array[1];

Something important to note is that arrays are stored contiguously in memory. Remember on x86-64 the size of int is 4 bytes. So in memory, for our array of 2 elements, we have 2*4 = 8 contiguous bytes in memory holding the array's data:

Multi-Dimensional Arrays

Arrays can be of multiple dimensions. To declare such an array we can use several pairs of square brackets. For example to declare a 3 by 2 array:

int my_2d_array[3][2];
  • We also refer to particular slots with pairs of square brackets:
my_2d_array[0][0] = 0;
my_2d_array[0][1] = 1;
my_2d_array[1][0] = 2;
my_2d_array[1][1] = 3;
my_2d_array[2][0] = 4;
my_2d_array[2][1] = 5;

This is for a 2 dimensional array, but there can be more e.g. int array[2][2][2]. Arrays are still laid out contiguously in memory with the last dimension first, so we have my_2d_array[0][0], followed by my_2d_array[0][1], followed by my_2d_array[1][0], and so on:

Arrays: Static Initialisation

Rather than initialising the array after its declaration, we can also initialise it with its declaration. This is called static initialisation. With it, it is possible to omit the size of the first dimension, as shown on this example:

int array[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
int array_2d[][2] = { {1, 2}, {3, 4}, {5, 6} };

Here we create and initialise a one dimensional array with 5 slots, and a two-dimensional array of size 3 by 2.

Character Arrays: Strings

In C a string is simply a character array that is terminated with a special character, '\0', marking the end of the string. This character is used by many functions to know where a given string ends. For example when we call printf on a string, it prints on the console all the characters of the array until it encounters the termination character. We can declare a string like an array. It can be done statically, and we use the double quotes to indicate a string:

char string1[6] = "hello";
char string2[] = "hello";

The compiler will automatically include the termination character for these. However, be careful to account for it when setting the size of the array, even if "hello" only has 5 characters, we need a sixth for the anti slash 0. We can also fill an array after its declaration:

string3[0] = 'h';
string3[1] = 'e';
string3[2] = 'l';
string3[3] = 'l';
string3[4] = 'o';
string3[5] = '\0';  // Important here

When a string is created in such a way, the termination character needs to be added manually. In memory, the string is represented as follows:

Command Line Arguments

Command line arguments are strings passed on the command line when we invoke a program, separated with spaces. For example here we execute the program gcc with 3 arguments: test.c, -o, and program:

$ gcc test.c -o program

Command Line Arguments: argc and argv

The main function can be declared with 2 parameters:

  • argc, an integer indicating the number of command line arguments.
  • argv, a bi-dimensional character array, in other words an array of strings, that contains the arguments.

Here is an example of a simple program simply printing the number of command line arguments and the first 3 of these arguments:

int main(int argc, char **argv) { // 'char ** argv' means 'char argv[][]'
    printf("Number of command line arguments: %d\n", argc);
    // This is a bit dangerous...
    printf("argument 0: %s\n", argv[0]);
    printf("argument 1: %s\n", argv[1]);
    printf("argument 2: %s\n", argv[2]);
    return 0;

Don't be scared by the ** before argv, it is just another way to declare a 2 dimensional character array. This program is not ideal: what happens if this code is called with less than 3 arguments? We get a memory error The program trying to print command line arguments that do not exist, leaking weird values from its memory. That's quite dangerous, there could be sensitive things like a password in there. We'll remediate this in the next lecture regarding control flow.

String to Integer Conversion

Command line arguments are strings, so if numbers are passed they need to be converted them. This can be done with the atoi function. To use it, stdlib.h needs to be included:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // needed for atoi
/* Sum the two integers passed as command line integers */
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int a, b;
    // Once again, dangerous!
    a = atoi(argv[1]);
    b = atoi(argv[2]);
    printf("%d + %d = %d\n", a, b, a+b);
    return 0;

To convert a string to a double there is atof.

Conditionals and Loops

You can access the slides 🖼️ for this lecture. All the code samples given here can be found online, alongside instructions on how to bring up the proper environment to build and execute them here. You can download the entire set of slides and lecture notes in PDF from the home page.

In this lecture we discuss different control flow statements in C: conditionals, loops, and functions.


To create a conditional we use the if statement. If the condition within the parentheses is true the code within the braces will be executed. If the condition is false, the if body is not executed and execution resumes right after. This will call printf only if x is equal to 50:

if (x == 50) {
    printf("The value of x is 50\n");

We can use else to define a block of code that is executed only if the condition is false:

if (x == 50) {
    printf("The value of x is 50\n");
} else {
    printf("The value of x is not 50\n");

We can chain the if statements as presented on the slide:

if(x < 50) {
    printf("The value of x is strictly less than 50\n");
} else if (x == 50) {
    printf("The value of x is exactly 50\n");
} else {
    printf("The value of x is strictly more than 50\n");

On this example, only one of the three printf statements will be executed depending on the value of x. To write the condition one can use various operators. Note the use of == for the equality. Do not mix it with the assignment operator =, this can produce nasty bugs. Inequality can be checked with !=.

Writing the Condition

There is no boolean type per se in C. A condition is false if it evaluates to 0. And it is true if it evaluates to anything but 0. We have the following boolean operators: && (logical AND), || (logical OR), as well as the negation !. Here are a few examples of usage:

int one = 1;
int zero = 0;
if (one) { /* will take this branch */}
if (zero) { /* won't be taken */}
if (!one) { /* won't take */}
if (one || zero) { /* will take */ }
if (one && zero) { /* won't take */ }
if (one && zero || one && zero) { /* won't take, && evaluated before || */ }
if (one && (one || zero)) { /* will take */}

The negation operator ! is placed before the expression one want to negate. The || and && operators in between two expressions. Be careful about operator precedence, which is the order of priority of evaluation. The negation ! has the highest priority, then comes &&, then ||. To modify the evaluation order we can use parentheses.

Switch Statement

When one has to write a long if ... else chain checking a given integer value, the switch statement is useful. We put the condition to evaluate or a variable after the switch between parentheses. Then we write a series of case blocks where the execution will jump according to the condition value:

switch(x) {
    case 1:
        printf("x is 1\n");
    case 2:
        printf("x is 2\n");
    case 3:
        printf("x is 3\n");
        printf("x is neither 1, nor 2, nor 3\n");

For example here let us assume x is equal to 2. The code will jump to case 2, execute the printf statement. When encountering a break statement the code will exit the switch. It is important not to forget breaks otherwise all the cases below the one taken will be executed. There is a special case named default that is taken if none of the other match. Note that the switch's condition needs to evaluate to an integer.

While Loop

The while loop keeps executing its body as long as a given condition is true. In this first example the code will keep printing and decrement x as long as x is superior to 0:

int x = 10;
while (x > 0) {
    printf("x is %d\n", x);
    x = x - 1;

There are two flavours of the while loop. The first, corresponding to the example above, in which the condition is checked before entering the loop:

while(/* condition */) {
    /* body */

And the other with do ...while, where the condition is checked after the loop body:

do {
    /* body */
} while (/* condition */);

The following code is an infinite loop, the condition is always true:

while(1) {

If a program gets stuck, one can type ctrl + c to kill it.

For Loop

Very often we use some kind of iterator within a loop. The for loop is perfect for that. In the header of the loop there are 3 things separated by semicolons:

  • An initial statement executed once at the beginning of the loop.
  • A condition checked before each iteration of the loop.
  • If true, the loop continues, if false, it exits.

And a last statement executed after each iteration, generally used to update the iterator. In this example we set i to 0 before starting the loop, which runs for as long as i is inferior to 10:

for(int i = 0; i<10; i = i + 1) {
    printf("i is %d\n", i);

After each iteration, we increment i by one.

break and continue

The break statement within a for or while loop body directly exits the loop. In this example the loop will iterate until i reaches 5:

for(int i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1) {
    printf("iteration %d\n", i);
    if(i == 5) {

The continue statement within a for or while loop body jumps directly to the next iteration. In this example we print all numbers from 0 to 9, except 5:

int i = 0;
while(i < 10) {
    i = i + 1;
    if(i == 5) {
    printf("iteration %d\n", i);

Loops and Arrays

Loops are useful to manipulate arrays. Here we fill and print an array within a loop, using the iterator as index:

int my_array[4];
for(int i=0; i<4; i = i +1) {
    my_array[i] = 100 + i;
    printf("index %d contains: %d\n", i, my_array[i]);

To iterate over a multidimensional array we can use nested loops:

int my_2d_array[3][2];
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
    for(int j=0; j<2; j++) {
        my_2d_array[i][j] = i*j;
        printf("Index [%d][%d] = %d\n", i, j, my_2d_array[i][j]);

On this 3 by 2 array we use a first loop doing 3 iterations and inside a second loop doing 2 iterations.

Back on Command Line Arguments

With proper control flow instructions, we can now fix our code sample printing command line arguments from the previous lecture. Remember that with a hard coded number of arguments printed, we were at the risk of memory errors. With a conditional we can ensure the program is called with the proper number of arguments, like in this example:

int print_help_and_exit(char **argv) {
    printf("Usage: %s <number 1> <number 2>\n", argv[0]);

/* Sum the two integers passed as command line integers */
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int a, b;
    if(argc != 3)
    a = atoi(argv[1]);
    b = atoi(argv[2]);
    printf("%d + %d = %d\n", a, b, a+b);
    return 0;

Braces in Conditionals and Loops

When a conditional/loop body consists of a single statement, we can omit the braces:

if (x)
    printf("x is non-null\n");
    printf("x is 0\n");
for (int i = 0; i<10; i = i +1)
    printf("i is %d\n", i);

If later more statements need to be added, one needs to put the braces back. Forgetting to do so can lead to nasty bugs:

  else           // whose else is this?


You can access the slides 🖼️ for this lecture. All the code samples given here can be found online, alongside instructions on how to bring up the proper environment to build and execute them here. You can download the entire set of slides and lecture notes in PDF from the home page.

In this lecture we discuss functions.


Functions have a name, zero or more parameters, each with a type and a name, and a return type. In this example, we have a function named add_two_integers:

int add_two_integers(int a, int b) {
    int result = a + b;
    return result;

int main() {
    int x = 1, y = 2;
    int sum = add_two_integers(x, y);
    printf("result: %d", sum);

    if(add_two_integers(x, y))
        printf(" (non zero)\n");
        printf(" (zero)\n");
    return 0;

It takes two integers as parameters named a and b. It returns an integer which is the sum of the two parameters. Like variables, functions must be declared before being called. We declare the function by first writing the return value type, then the function name, followed by the parameters list between parentheses, each with its type. We can call a function as presented in the example, passing the parameter values between parentheses. The call evaluates to the function return value, so we can affect a variable with it or use as a condition. If a function does not need to return anything, void should be set for return type.

Call by Copy

An important thing to note is that in C, function parameters are passed by copy and not by reference as it is the case in other languages such as Python. What this means is that each function call gets its own local copy of the parameters' values and updating will not modify the calling context. In the example we have x set to 10, then passed as a parameter of a function that sets this parameter to 12:

void my_function(int parameter) {
    parameter = 12; // does not update x in main
int main() {
    int x = 10;
    printf("x is %d\n", x); // prints 10
    return 0;

If we print the value of x after the function call, it is still 12 because the function, when called, got his own copy of the value of x. We will see in a later lecture how to have a function update a variable from the calling context: this is achieved through a mechanism named pointers.

Forward Declarations

The function signature or prototype suffices for the declaration. As shown on the example it contains the function return type, name, parameters, and simply ends with a semicolon:

/* Forward declaration, also called function _prototype_ */
int add(int a, int b);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int a = 1;
    int b = 2;
    /* Here we need the function to be at least declared -- not necessarily defined */
    printf("%d + %d = %d\n", a, b, add(a, b));
    return 0;
/* The actual function definition */
int add(int a, int b) {
    return a + b;

The body can be declared further in the file. It can be located below statements in which the function is called. This is called a forward declaration. It gives the programmer more freedom for organising his/her code.

Global vs. Local Variables

Until now we only saw local variables visible only from within the context they are declared in. It can be a function, a loop body, etc. On the contrary global variables are declared outside functions. They can be read or written from everywhere in the sources. For example here global_var is set to 100 and printed in main, and it is also incremented in the add_to_global_var function:

int global_var;
void add_to_global_var(int value) {
    global_var = global_var + value;
int main() {
    global_var = 100;
    printf("global_var is %d\n", global_var);
    return 0;

There are many issues with global variables. An important one is that because they can be read or written from anywhere, they make it harder to understand and reason about the program. They should be used only when needed.

Variables Scope and Lifetime

Contrary to globals, local variables are visible only within the enclosing block of code, delimited with braces. Consider this example:

int x = 12;
if(x) {
    int y = 14;
    printf("inner block, x: %d\n", x);
    printf("inner block, y: %d\n", y);
printf("outer block, x: %d\n", x);  // working: x is in scope
printf("outer block, y: %d\n", y);  // error: y only visible in the if body

for(int i=0; i<10; i++) {
    printf("In loop body, i is %d\n", i); // working, i is in scope
printf("Out of loop body, i is %d\n", i); // error, i only visible in loop body

int j;
for(j=0; j<10; j++) {
    printf("In loop body, j is %d\n", j); // working
printf("Out of loop body, j is %d\n", j); // working, j in scope

While x is visible from anywhere in main, y cannot be printed there because it's visible only within the if body. The i iterator here is visible only in the for loop body. For j, because it is declared in the scope of main, it is still visible after the loop finishes. Generally, it is a good practice to try to declare local variable at the beginning of the block.

Custom Types and Data Structures

You can access the slides 🖼️ for this lecture. All the code samples given here can be found online, alongside instructions on how to bring up the proper environment to build and execute them here. You can download the entire set of slides and lecture notes in PDF from the home page.

Here we cover how to create and use custom data types and structures in C.

Custom Types: typedef

To create a custom alias for a type, use the typedef keyword as follows:

typedef long long unsigned int my_int;  // 'my_int' is now equivalent to 'long long unsigned int'
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    my_int x = 12;
    printf("x is: %llu\n", x);
    return 0;

typedef, followed by the type to alias, here long long unsigned int, followed by the name of the alias, here my_int. Following that, one can use my_int to refer to long long unsigned int: it is much shorter.

Custom Data Structures: struct

Custom data structures are extremely useful in C. They aggregate several fields of various types. They are created and manipulated with the struct keyword. On this example we define a struct person:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h> // needed for strcpy

// Definition of the struct:
struct person {
    char name[10];
    float size_in_meters;
    int weight_in_grams;

void print_person(struct person p) {
    /* Access fields with '.' */
    printf("%s has a size of %f meters and "
        "weights %d grams\n", p.name,
        p.size_in_meters, p.weight_in_grams);

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    // declare a variable of the struct type:
    struct person p1;
    // sets the variable field
    p1.size_in_meters = 1.6;
    p1.weight_in_grams = 60000;
    strcpy(p1.name, "Julie");
    struct person p2 = {"George", 1.8, 70000};
    return 0;

It has a name, which is a character array of length 10. A size_in_meter which is a float. And a weight in grams which is an int. In the main function we declare a struct person variable p1.

We can set values in the fields with the . operator. We do not detail strcpy here, just know that it sets Julie in the name field of p1. We can also do static initialisation with braces followed by the fields value in order. We have a print_person function that takes a struct person as parameter and prints its field values.

In memory, the fields of a struct are placed contiguously:

For our example, on x86-64 a char is one byte, so the array is 10 bytes in total. Followed by a float which is 4 bytes. Followed by an int which is also 4 bytes. So one instance of our struct should be 18 bytes. Note that the compiler may insert some padding for performance reasons.

Custom Data Structures and typedef

To avoid using the struct keyword each time one refer to a structure, typedef can be used:

struct s_person {
    /* fields declaration ... */
typedef struct s_person person;
void print_person(person p) { /* ... */}
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    person p1;
    person p2 = {"George", 1.8, 70000};
    /* ... */

After the struct declaration, use typedef followed by the name of the struct, here s_person, followed by the name of the alias, here person. And now one can just use person. A faster method to do so is to typedef during the struct declaration:

typedef struct {
    /* fields declaration ... */
} person;


Enumerations are textual names that are mapped by the compiler to integer constants under the hood. They are useful in situation where integers are required, for example a switch, but when textual names are more meaningful. Here is an example, we define a color enum with 3 values: RED, BLUE, and GREEN:

enum color {

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    enum color c1 = BLUE;
    switch(c1) {
        case RED:
            printf("c1 is red\n"); break;
        case BLUE:
            printf("c1 is blue\n"); break;
        case GREEN:
            printf("c1 is green\n"); break;
            printf("Unknown color\n");
    return 0;

We declare an enum color variable c1 and sets it to BLUE. Then we can use it as the condition of a switch. Note that by convention constants are often in capital letters in C.

Same as for structs, enums can be used with typedef to avoid using the enum keyword So for example we simply use color to declare c2:

enum e_color {
    /* ,,, */
enum e_color c1 = BLUE; // without typedef
typedef enum e_color color;
color c2 = RED;

Or, in a shorter way:

typedef enum {
    /* ... */
} color;

C Basics: Exercises

See here how to set up a development environment to do these exercises.

  • You should complete the essential exercises if you want to claim you know how to program in C.
  • If you want to go further and make sure you understand everything, you can also complete the additional exercises.

Essential Exercises

  1. Printing to the console
  2. Compilation errors
  3. Using variables
  4. Data type sizes
  5. Data types
  6. Printing a string
  7. Manipulating command line arguments
  8. Determining leap years
  9. Working with arrays
  10. Aliasing types with typedef
  11. Custom data structures with struct
  12. Enumerations with enum

Printing to the Console

Write a C program displaying a large 11x9 characters 'C' using dashes. The expected output is:

 ##      ##
 ##      ##

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named printf.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week2-c-basics/01-printf

Compilation Errors

The following program is supposed to print a line on the standard output, but compilation fails due to several errors:

#include <tdio.h>

void man() {
    printf("This should work!\n");
    retur 0;

Correct the program to have it display the following output:

This should work!

Hint: trying to build the program will have the compiler highlight the errors.

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named compilation-errors.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week2-c-basics/02-compilation-errors

Using Variables

Write a simple program declaring two variables: int_var with type int and double_var with type double. Assign a value to each of them and print their values. The expected output is as follows:

int_var: 42
double_var: 24.000000

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named variables.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week2-c-basics/03-variables

Data Type Sizes

Write a simple program printing the size of int variables, followed on the next line by the size of double variables, followed on a third line by the size of unsigned long long int variables. On a last line, print the value of the multiplication of these 3 sizes. The expected output (on a modern 64 bits machine) is:


To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named sizes.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week2-c-basics/04-sizes

Data Types

The following code fails to compile due to a missing variable declaration:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

    variable = 10;

    printf("variable is %u\n", variable);

    return 0;

Edit the code to have it compile and run successfully. The expected output is:

variable is 10

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named types.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week2-c-basics/05-types

Printing a String

The following program is supposed to print hi there on the standard output and exit:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    char string[8];

    string[0] = 'h';
    string[1] = 'i';
    string[2] = ' ';
    string[3] = 't';
    string[4] = 'h';
    string[5] = 'e';
    string[6] = 'r';
    string[7] = 'e';
    string[8] = '\n';

    printf("%s\n", string);

    return 0;

However, when compiled and executed it prints additional garbage values:

gcc string.c -o string
hi there

Modify the program so that it produces the expected output:

hi there

The string should still be created in the code in a character by character basis, i.e. solutions using char string[] = "hi there" will not be accepted.

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named string.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week2-c-basics/06-string

Manipulating Command Line Arguments

Write a C program that takes 3 floating point numbers as command line parameters and displays on the standard output the value of the multiplication of these 3 numbers. Examples of execution:

./cmdline 1.0 2.0 3.0

./cmdline 1.45 2.78 3.25

Warning. Use the type double rather than float to hold these values in order to pass the checks.

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named cmdline.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week2-c-basics/07-cmdline

Determining Leap Years

Write a C program taking a year as command line parameter and printing out on the standard output if this year is leap or not.

To determine if a year is leap, you can use the following algorithm (taken from Wikipedia):

if (year is not divisible by 4) then (it is a common year)
else if (year is not divisible by 100) then (it is a leap year)
else if (year is not divisible by 400) then (it is a common year)
else (it is a leap year)

The output format should be as described in these examples:

./leap 2000
2000 is a leap year
./leap 2100
2100 is not a leap year

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named leap.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week2-c-basics/08-leap

Working with Arrays

Write a program that takes up to 10 integers as command line parameters. These parameters are converted to integer types into an array of int named array. Then, the program sorts the array by increasing value and prints the result as follows:

./array 5 4 6 2 1 3 
1 2 3 4 5 6

./array 5 5 120
5 5 120

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named array.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week2-c-basics/09-array

Aliasing Types with typedef

The program below prints the dimensions of a rectangle passed from the command line arguments:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct s_rectangle {
    unsigned long long int width;
    unsigned long long int length;

void print_rectangle(struct s_rectangle r) {
    printf("Rectangle is %llu x %llu\n", r.width, r.length);

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    struct s_rectangle r;
    unsigned long long int width;
    unsigned long long int length;

    if(argc == 3) {
        width = atoll(argv[1]);
        length = atoll(argv[2]);

        r.width = width;
        r.length = length;


    return 0;

Modify this program to use typedef to alias:

  • struct s_rectangle into rectangle
  • unsigned long long int into ull

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named typedef.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week2-c-basics/10-typedef

Custom Data Structures with struct

Consider the following structure:

struct timestamp {
    unsigned int hour;
    unsigned int minute;
    unsigned int second;

Using this structure, write a C program adding two timestamps and displaying the result on the standard output. The program takes 6 command line parameters corresponding to the two timestamps. The addition is realised in a function named add_timestamps that takes 2 timestamp parameters and return the sum as a timestamp. Here are some output examples:

# 5h11m44s + 12h30m3s = 17h41m47s
./timestamp 5 11 44 12 30 3
17 41 47

# 10h30m50s + 1h5m15s = 11h36m5s
./timestamp 10 30 50 1 5 15
11 36 5

# 14h12m5s + 22h5m0s = 36h17m5s
./timestamp 14 12 5 22 5 0
36 17 5

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named struct.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week2-c-basics/11-struct

Enumerations with enum

The program below uses integer to represent days of the week, 0 corresponding to Monday, 1 to Tuesday, etc.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int d = 2;

    printf("Today is: ");
    switch(d) {
        case 0:
        case 1:
        case 2:
        case 3:
        case 4:
        case 5:
        case 6:

            printf("Unknown day...\n");
    return 0;

Replace the use of integers with that of an enumeration named enum day, defining constants for days: MONDAY, TUESDAY, etc.

The expected output is:

Today is: Wednesday

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named enum.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week2-c-basics/12-enum

Additional Exercises

  1. More on arrays
  2. Computing factorials
  3. Printing a right-angled triangle
  4. Printing an isosceles triangle
  5. More on enum

More on Arrays

Write a program that takes up to 10 integers as command line parameters. These parameters are converted to integer types into an array of int named array. Then, the program iterates over the array and outputs if each number is even or odd as follows:

./array2 1 2 3 4 5 6 
1 is odd 
2 is even 
3 is odd 
4 is even 
5 is odd 
6 is even

./array2 5 5 120
5 is odd
5 is odd
120 is even

Modulo in C. The modulo operator in C is %, for example: 42 % 2 evaluates to 0 and 41 % 2 evaluates to 1.

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named array2.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week2-c-basics/13-array2

Computing Factorials

Write a C program taking an integer as command line parameter and displaying the factorial of that integer on the standard output as follows:

./factorial 10
10! = 3628800

./factorial 15
15! = 1307674368000

./factorial 1
1! = 1

We assume that the parameter value can be up to 20, the maximum number which factorial can be stored in a 64 bits unsigned integer.

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named factorial.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week2-c-basics/14-factorial

Printing a Right-Angled Triangle

Write a C program taking an integer as parameter and printing a right-angled triangle on the command line which legs size is defined by the integer parameter. Here are some examples of execution:

./triangle 2

./triangle 5

./triangle 15

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named triangle.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week2-c-basics/15-triangle

Printing an Isosceles Triangle

Write a C program taking an odd integer n as parameter and printing an isosceles triangle on the standard output, with the triangle's base length being defined by n. Example of execution are:

./triangle 3

./triangle 5

./triangle 15

When the integer parameter n is even, the program corrects it to the next odd number by simply incrementing it.

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named triangle2.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week2-c-basics/16-triangle2

More on enum

Enumerations can be used in C in combination with bitwise operations to define flags, i.e. set of properties attached to objects, each object being able to have 0 or several properties enabled.

Consider the following program:

#include <stdio.h>

typedef enum {
    /* define FLAG1, FLAG2, FLAG3, FLAG4 */
} flags;

void print_flags(flags f) {

    if(f & FLAG1)
        printf("FLAG1 enabled\n");
    if(f & FLAG2)
        printf("FLAG2 enabled\n");
    if(f & FLAG3)
        printf("FLAG3 enabled\n");
    if(f & FLAG4)
        printf("FLAG4 enabled\n");

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    flags f1 = FLAG1 | FLAG2;
    flags f2 = FLAG1 | FLAG2 | FLAG3;



    return 0;

The goal of the exercise is to write the definition of flags so that the program behaves correctly, i.e. it should produce the following output:

FLAG1 enabled
FLAG2 enabled
FLAG1 enabled
FLAG2 enabled
FLAG3 enabled

Custom typedef values. Within a typedef definition, use = to set a particular integer value for an identifier, for example FLAG1 = 42,

Bitwise operations in C. C offers operators working on the bitwise representation of variables:

  • bitwise AND: & and OR |
  • bitwise shift, left << and right >>
  • etc. For more information see the Bitwise logic and shifts operators sections here

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named enum2.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week2-c-basics/17-enum2

Introduction to Pointers

You can access the slides 🖼️ for this lecture. All the code samples given here can be found online, alongside instructions on how to bring up the proper environment to build and execute them here. You can download the entire set of slides and lecture notes in PDF from the home page.

Here we introduce a fundamental concept in C, pointers

Program Memory Layout

Before explaining what a pointer is, it's important to understand how the memory that is accessible to a program looks like. All the data manipulated by a program, as well as all the code it executes, is present somewhere in memory. The area of memory that is accessible for the program to read, write and execute is called the address space.

One can see the address space as a very large array of contiguous bytes:

Each byte has an index into this array, named an address. Addresses range from 0 to the maximum addressable byte. On x86-64 the kernel configures virtual memory from address 0 to 128 TB to be accessible by each program. Note that this is virtual memory, so each program has his own copy of that array. Its size is also completely independent of the actual physical memory in the machine.

The address space is generally very sparse and only the bytes that are read/written are mapped to physical memory. Finally, note that we generally use hexadecimal numbers, prefixed with 0x, to indicate addresses as they can be pretty big.


Recall that all code executed and data manipulated by the program reside in memory. Each variable has an address which is the first byte of location in memory. We can get the address of a variable in C with the & operator. In this example we use that operator to retrieve and print the address of an int variable and also a data structure:

int glob = 12;
char string[] = "abcd";

typedef struct {
    int member1;
    float member2;
} mystruct;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    mystruct ms = {1, 2.0};
    // With modern processors an address is a 64 bits value, so we need the
    // right format specifier: `%lu` or `%lx` if we want to print in hexadecimal
    printf("ms address is: 0x%lx, glob address is 0x%lx\n", &ms, &glob);
    return 0;

Note the use of the marker %lx: an address is 64 bits on modern processors, so it's a long, and we use x to specify printing in hexadecimal. If this program outputs that ms address is: 0x123, glob address is 0x330, and if we assume that string is located somewhere else, say at 0x2f0, we can represent the in-memory layout for these variables as follows:


A pointer is simply a variable that holds an address, possibly the address of another variable. We can declare a pointer by indicating the type of the pointed variable, followed by *, and then the name of the pointer. For example here we create a pointer named ptr that holds the address of v:

int v = 42;
int *ptr = &v;  // ptr holds the address of v, i.e. v's location in memory

A pointer is itself a variable, and because it holds an address its size is equal to that of the address bus: with modern 64 bits architectures, the size of pointers is 64 bits. We can represent our example above in memory as follows:

Dereferencing a Pointer

An important feature of pointers is that one can access the pointed value through the pointer, with an operation called dereferencing the pointer. We can read or write this value it with the * operator:

int v = 42;
int *ptr = &v;
printf("pointer value:   0x%lx\n", ptr);
printf("pointed value:   %d\n", *ptr);

Through ptr one can read or write the value of v In the example, in the second printf we read v's value with *ptr, which evaluates to the value of v. It is an int so we use %d to print it. Here is a further example where we have 3 pointers to int, double, and a data structure variable:

int glob = 12;
double glob2 = 4.4;

typedef struct { int member1; double member2; } mystruct;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    mystruct ms = {55, 2.23};

    int *ptr1 = &glob;
    double *ptr2 = &glob2;
    mystruct *ptr3 = &ms;

    /* Print each pointer's value (i.e pointed address), and pointed value */
    printf("ptr1 = %p, *ptr1 = %d\n", ptr1, *ptr1);
    printf("ptr2 = %p, *ptr2 = %f\n", ptr2, *ptr2);
    printf("ptr3 = %p, *(ptr3).member1 = %d, *(ptr3).member2 = %d\n",
            ptr3, *(ptr3).member1, *(ptr3).member2);

We print the values of each pointer, i.e. the addresses of the pointed elements, and we also print the value of the pointed elements by dereferencing the pointers. Note that it also works for data structures: *(ptr3).member1* evaluates to 55, the value of the first member of ms. Note the use of the parentheses here: without them the . operator takes precedence on the *. Try to reason about what would happen if one forgot the parentheses (hint: nothing is mapped at address 55 and accessing it results in a crash).

The memory layout for the example above can be represented as follows:

Pointers: Applications

You can access the slides 🖼️ for this lecture. All the code samples given here can be found online, alongside instructions on how to bring up the proper environment to build and execute them here. You can download the entire set of slides and lecture notes in PDF from the home page.

In the previous lecture we have presented pointers, and in this one we will describe in what scenarios they can be useful.

Allow a Function to Access the Calling Context

Recall that arguments are passed by copy in C so with arguments of regular types a function cannot change its calling context. Consider the following code:

void add_one(int param) {
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int x = 20;
    printf("before call, x is %d\n", x);   // prints 20
    printf("after call, x is %d\n", x);    // prints 20
    return 0;

Before and after the call, x's value is the same, because a copy of x was made upon the call to add_one, and it is that copy that gets incremented by that function, then discarded when it returns. Let's illustrate what happens in memory. Each function stores its local variables as well as arguments somewhere in memory. We have an area for main and an area for add_one. In main's area we have x, and a copy of x is made upon call to add_one, in the area related to this function, in the form of the param parameter:

If we rather want add_one to increment the value of x as seen by main, i.e. we want add_one to modify the memory related to its calling context (main), we can use pointers:

void add_one(int *param) {

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int x = 20;
    printf("before call, x is %d\n", x);   // print 20
    printf("after call, x is %d\n", x);    // print 21
    return 0;

We now call add_one by passing as parameter the address of x. Let's illustrate what happens in memory:

In main's area we have x, let's say it's located at address 0x128 (we'll use fictitious addresses for all the examples of this lecture). In add_one's area, when that function is called, some space is reserved for param and filled with x's address, 0x128. Through param, add_one now has access to x's location in memory. In effect, add_one can increment x by dereferencing param:

Let a Function "Return" More Than a Single Value

Pointers can be used to access the calling context when we want a function to "return" more than a single value. Here is an example in which we have a function that return both the product and the quotient of two numbers:

// we want this function to return 3 things: the product and quotient of n1 by n2,
// as well as an error code in case division is impossible
int multiply_and_divide(int n1, int n2, int *product, int *quotient) {
    if(n2 == 0) return -1;      // Can't divide if n2 is 0
    *product = n1 * n2;
    *quotient = n1 / n2;
    return 0;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int p, q, a = 5, b = 10;
    if(multiply_and_divide(a, b, &p, &q) == 0) {
        printf("10*5 = %d\n", p); printf("10/5 = %d\n", q);

We also want it to return an error code if the divider is 0. So we have 3 things to return. The error or success code is returned normally, while the quotient and product are "returned" through pointers. It works as follows: main reserves space for the quotient and product by creating two variables p and q, then it passes their addresses to multiply_and_divide, that performs the operations and write the results in p and q through the pointers.

In memory things look like that:

In practice, this is another example of a function (multiply_and_divide) modifying the memory of its calling context (main). To generalise, with pointers a function can read or write anywhere in memory.

Inefficient Function Calls with Large Data Structures Copies

Let's see another use case for pointers. Let's assume we want to write a function that updates a large struct variable that has many 8-bytes fields. Without pointers we can do it like that:

typedef struct {
    // lots of large (8 bytes) fields:
    double a; double b; double c; double d; double e; double f;
} large_struct;

large_struct f(large_struct s) { // very inefficient in terms of
    s.a += 42.0;                 // performance and memory usage!
    return s;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    large_struct x = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0};
    large_struct y = f(x);
    printf("y.a: %f\n", y.a);

The function takes the large_struct as parameter, updates it, and returns it. The data structure is large 6 fields times 8 bytes, so 48 bytes in total on x86-64. We know C passes parameters by copy so when f is called there is a first copy corresponding to f's parameter s. Next f updates the struct member. An finally there is a second copy when we return the struct into y. In memory it looks like that:

This is very inefficient both in terms of performance and memory usage. The two copy operations take time because the struct is large. And in memory there are 3 instances of the struct (x, y, and s) so it takes a lot of space.

Efficient Function Calls with Pointers

We can fix that issue with a pointer. The goal is to maintain a unique copy of the variable and update it in f though a pointer, similarly to what we saw in the previous examples. We change the parameter type to a pointer and call the function with the address of x. In the function we dereference the pointer before accessing the field:

void f(large_struct *s) {  // now takes a pointer parameter
    (*s).a += 42.0;         // dereference to access x

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    large_struct x = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
    f(&x);                 // pass x's address
    printf("x.a: %f\n", x.a);
    return 0;

When the function is called we now have the pointer which is a small parameter (64 bits i.e. 8 bytes). Only the pointer is copied when f is called. And in f we can directly update the struct through the pointer, nothing needs to be copied/returned back to main. It's much more efficient, we don't have to hold multiple copies of the large struct and there is no expensive copy operations:

C Arrays are Pointers

Under the hood, arrays are implemented as pointers in C. Arrays can be quite large, and it would be very inefficient to pass them by copy. Here is a function that takes an int pointer as parameter:

void negate_int_array(int *ptr, int size) { // function taking pointer as parameter
    for(int i=0; i<size; i++)               // also need the size to iterate properly
        ptr[i] = -ptr[i];      // use square brackets like a standard array

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int array[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
    negate_int_array(array, 7); // to get the pointer just use the array's name
    for(int i=0; i<7; i++)
        printf("array[%d] = %d\n", i, array[i]);
    return 0;

Notice at how we call it: we just put the name of an array variable. Also notice how we can use the square bracket on a pointer variable to address it like an array. This function negates all the elements of an int array.

Indexing Arrays with Pointers, Pointer Arithmetics

Consider the following examples:

int int_array[2] = {1, 2};
double double_array[2] = {4.2, 2.4};
char char_array[] = "ab";

printf("int_array[0]      = %d\n", int_array[0]);
printf("int_array[1]      = %d\n", int_array[1]);
printf("*(int_array+0)    = %d\n", *(int_array+0)); // pointer arithmetic!
printf("*(int_array+1)    = %d\n", *(int_array+1)); // +1 means + sizeof(array type)

printf("double_array[0]   = %f\n", double_array[0]);
printf("double_array[1]   = %f\n", double_array[1]);
printf("*(double_array+0) = %f\n", *(double_array+0));
printf("*(double_array+1) = %f\n", *(double_array+1));

printf("char_array[0]     = %c\n", char_array[0]);
printf("char_array[1]     = %c\n", char_array[1]);
printf("*(char_array+0)   = %c\n", *(char_array+0));
printf("*(char_array+1)   = %c\n", *(char_array+1));

In memory we have the following:

int_array has 2 elements, each 4 bytes. double_array has 2 elements, each 8 bytes. char_array has 3 elements (counting the termination character), each 1 byte.

Remember that arrays elements are stored contiguously in memory. We can refer to each element of each array with either the square brackets, or the dereference operator. When we use the dereferencing operator, things work as follows. The name of the array corresponds to a pointer on the first element so dereferencing it gives the first element. The get access to the second element we increase the pointer by 1 element, hence the +1 before dereferencing. Operations on pointers are called pointer arithmetics and one needs to be careful with these int_array + 1 is interpreted by the compiler as: base address of int_array + the size of 1 element. In other words, the amount of bytes that will be added by the compiler to the base address of int_array to determine where exactly to read in memory depend on the type of the elements contained in the array. For example for int_array each element is 4 bytes. For double_array it will be 8 bytes. And for char_array 1 byte.

Pointers and Data Structures

Data structures are often passed as pointers. Furthermore, structs themselves can have pointer fields. Let's take an example with a struct having two integer parameters, member1 and member2, and an int pointer ptr_member:

typedef struct {
    int int_member1;
    int int_member2;
    int *ptr_member;
} my_struct;

We can create a pointer to a previously declared struct variable:

my_struct *p = &ms;

To access the int member we have two choices. The classic * operator for dereferencing followed by the point for field access. Don't forget the parentheses as the point takes precedence over the *:

(*p).int_member1 = 1; // don't forget the parentheses! . takes precedence over *

There is also a shortcut which is the arrow ->, that can be used on a struct pointer to access a field, it first dereferences the pointer then access the field:

p->int_member2 = 2;   // s->x is a shortcut for (*s).x

One can get the address of an individual struct member with the & operator. Here we set the pointer field equals to the address of one of the integer fields:

p->ptr_member = &(p->int_member2);

In memory this example looks like that:

Then we can print all the members value and dereference the member pointer:

printf("p->int_member1 = %d\n", p->int_member1);
printf("p->int_member2 = %d\n", p->int_member2);
printf("p->ptr_member = %p\n", p->ptr_member);
printf("*(p->ptr_member) = %d\n", *(p->ptr_member));

Pointer Chains

We can create pointers to pointer and construct chains. Consider this example:

int value = 42;         // integer
int *ptr1 = &value;     // pointer of integer
int **ptr2 = &ptr1;     // pointer of pointer of integer
int ***ptr3 = &ptr2;    // pointer of pointer of pointer of integer

printf("ptr1: %p, *ptr1: %d\n", ptr1, *ptr1);
printf("ptr2: %p, *ptr2: %p, **ptr2: %d\n", ptr2, *ptr2, **ptr2);
printf("ptr3: %p, *ptr3: %p, **ptr3: %p, ***ptr3: %d\n", ptr3, *ptr3,
        **ptr3, ***ptr3);

In memory we have a layout as follows:

Here we have a value, and we create a first pointer to it. Then we have a second pointer pointing to the first one. The type of this pointer of pointer is int **, which means pointer of pointer of int. We also create a pointer of pointer of pointer to int, int ***. Note in the code the use of several star operators for dereferencing the pointers of pointers. For example **ptr2 means get access to the value that is pointed by what is pointed by ptr2. In other words a first * gives us access to ptr1, and a second to val. Pointers of pointers are useful to create dynamically allocated arrays, as we will see in the next lecture.

Dynamic Memory Allocation

You can access the slides 🖼️ for this lecture. All the code samples given here can be found online, alongside instructions on how to bring up the proper environment to build and execute them here. You can download the entire set of slides and lecture notes in PDF from the home page.

Here we cover dynamic memory allocation, i.e. allocating memory space at runtime.

Dynamic Memory Allocation: Motivation

Until now we have only worked with data that is allocated statically. This means that the amount of memory space reserved for all the variables we used is determined at compile time. But there are some scenarios in which the amount of space needed is only known at runtime. Here is an example with a program taking an integer as command line argument and allocating an array which size is based on that number:

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    if(argc != 2) {
        printf("Usage: %s <array size>\n", argv[0]);
        return -1;

    int size = atoi(argv[1]);
    int array[size]; // variable-sized array
    for(int i=0; i<size; i++) {
        array[i] = i;
        printf("array[%d] = %d\n", i, array[i]);
    return 0;

size is only known at runtime and thus this is a variable-sized array. Variable-sized arrays are rarely used in C because they have many downsides. They are not supported in some versions of C. Most importantly, they are stored on a location in memory called the stack, that has very limited space. For example if when running the code above with a large number for size, a memory error will happen because the stack will overflow. We need another solution.

Program Memory Layout

Before explaining dynamic memory allocation, let's talk a bit about how the program memory is organised We take this example program manipulating 2 arrays:

int large_array[10000000];

int process_array(int *array, int size) { /* do some stuff with array */ }

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int size;

    /* check argc ... */

    size = atoi(argv[1]);
    if(size < 500) { /* Make sure small_array does not overflow the stack */
        int small_array[size];
        process_array(small_array, size);

    process_array(large_array, 10000000);
    return 0;

We have a static array (static meaning that its size is known at compile-time), large_array, with a relatively large size, declared as a global variable. And we have a variable-sized array for which we make sure that the size is not too big.

In memory, there is an area named the static memory that contains many things and in particular the global variables. Its size can be very large. And the size of what is contained in there is determined at compile-time. For example here the size of `large_array`` is 10 million of ints, and it won't change. It goes into static memory.

Another area is the stack, storing things like local variables and function parameters. Its size is very small, by default a few megabytes on Linux. Most allocation sizes on the stack are fixed at compile time, although this is where variable-sized arrays live too.

Finally, we have a third area called the heap. It has a large size and all allocations there are realised dynamically at runtime, i.e. the size of what we allocate there does not need to be known at compile-time:

Allocating on the Heap with malloc

There is a function used to perform dynamic memory allocation on the heap. It is called malloc. Here is an example of its usage:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // needed for malloc

int large_array[10000000];

int process_array(int *array, int size) { /* do something with array */ }
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int small_array[128];
    int *heap_array;
    /* ... */

    int size = atoi(argv[1]);

    /* Allocate size * sizeof(int) bytes on the heap: */
    heap_array = malloc(size * sizeof(int)); 
    if(heap_array == NULL)
        return -1;

    process_array(heap_array, size);

    free(heap_array); /* free the area previously allocated */
    return 0;

We declare an int pointer that will point to the allocated space. Then we call malloc. malloc takes one parameter, the size in bytes of the space we want to allocate. Here it is the size of the array we wish to allocate. It is equal to the number of elements we wish the array to contain, size, multiplied by the size of one element, that is sizeof(int). malloc allocates a contiguous memory space in memory on the heap, and returns a pointer to it. A very important thing with malloc is to check its return value. It can be NULL (an alias for 0) if the system runs out of memory. Without checking the execution will continue with the pointer set to NULL which will lead to bugs that can be hard to fix.

One last thing to know about dynamic memory allocation is that the programmer is responsible for releasing the allocated memory. This is done with the free function, taking as parameter a pointer that points to a space previously allocated with malloc. It is important to free up memory as soon as the program is done with it. Otherwise, the program is holding memory for nothing, it is called a memory leak.

The type of the pointer returned by malloc is void *. It's a generic type so malloc can be used to allocate data that will be pointed by pointers of all types.

For this example, In the example above, small_array is a local array, and it is allocated on the stack, e.g. it cannot be too large. large_array is much larger, which is OK because it is a global variable, allocated in static memory. Both small_array and large_array have their sizes fixed and known at compile-time. Finally, heap_array can be of any size (including large ones) and its size is not known at compile time, hence it must be allocated on the heap. In memory things look like that:

Heap memory can only be accessed with pointers. Consider this example:

double *ptr1;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int *ptr2;
    ptr1 = malloc(10 * sizeof(double));
    ptr2 = malloc(30 * sizeof(int));
    if(ptr1 == NULL || ptr2 == NULL) { /* ... */ }
    /* ... */
    free(ptr1); free(ptr2);
    return 0;

We have a global variable pointer ptr1, and a local variable pointer, ptr2. ptr1 itself resides in static memory, and ptr2 on the stack. We make two calls to malloc to reserve two areas of memory on the heap. Of course, we check that the allocations succeeds. Let's assume that the first call to malloc returns a chunk of allocated heap memory starting at address 0x40, and the second calls returns a chunk at address 0x230. Then we have ptr1 pointing to the heap at 0x40, and ptr2 also pointing to the heap at 0x230. In memory things look as follows:

Multidimensional Arrays and malloc

Below is an example of multidimensional array of size 3 (rows) by 2 (columns) elements allocated with malloc:

int a = 3; int b = 2;
int **array;

array = malloc(a * sizeof(int *));
if(array == NULL) return -1;

for(int i=0; i<a; i++) {
    array[i] = malloc(b * sizeof(int));
    if(array[i] == NULL) return -1;

array[2][0] = 12;
/* ... */

for(int i=0; i<a; i++)

The key idea is to store each row in its own contiguous area of memory allocated with malloc. And to have another area storing columns, i.e. a set of pointers, each pointing to the area representing a row.

We declare array, that will be the base pointer of our bi-dimensional array. array will hold the pointers to the rows: it is an int ** variable, i.e. a pointer of pointer of int. With malloc we allocate a first area of memory and have array point to it. Its size is equals to the first dimension of the array we wish to create, i.e. the number of rows, 3, multiplied by the size of one element, a pointer of int: sizeof(int *).

array now points to an area with enough space to store 3 pointers of int. Next we allocate in a loop the area for each row with malloc: 3 areas. Each has a size equal to the second dimension of the array, i.e. the number of columns, 2, multiplied by the size of the final elements held in the array: sizeof int.

After each call to malloc we check its success and abort (return -1) if it fails. After the rows and columns have been successfully allocated, we can use the original pointer array and the square brackets to index the array in the exact same way we would do with a static array.

Before exiting the program, we deallocate the memory with free in reverse order: first the row pointers in a loop, then what is pointed by array itself.

In memory, the array is laid out as follows:

We have our base pointer array, pointing to an area which size is equal to the number of rows of the array. Each element of that area points to another area representing a row, with a size equal to the number of columns of the array.

Memory Leaks

When the programmer forgets to free memory it is called a memory leak. Such wasted memory is inefficient and can lead to crashes when the system runs out of memory, for example with long-running programs such as servers. Valgrind is a very useful tool to detect leaks, amongst other features. Take this example program containing a leak:

/* leak.c */

void print_ten_integers() {
    int *array = malloc(10 * sizeof(int));
    if(!array) {
        printf("cannot allocate memory ...\n");

    for(int i=0; i<10; i++) {
        array[i] = rand()%100;
        printf("%d ", array[i]);

    /* array is never freed, leaking 10*sizeof(int) of memory each iteration */

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int iterations = atoi(argv[1]);
    for(int i=0; i<iterations; i++)
    return 0;

For Valgrind to work correctly, the program needs to be compiled with additional debug metadata so use the -g flag when calling gcc:

$ gcc -g leak.c -o leak

Valgrind reports the amount of bytes leaked, as well as the line in the sources of the corresponding calls to malloc:

$ valgrind --leak-check=full ./leak 10
==11613== HEAP SUMMARY:
==11613==     in use at exit: 400 bytes in 10 blocks
==11613==   total heap usage: 11 allocs, 1 frees, 1,424 bytes allocated
==11613== 400 bytes in 10 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 1 of 1
==11613==    at 0x483577F: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:299)
==11613==    by 0x109196: print_ten_integers (leak.c:5)
==11613==    by 0x109294: main (leak.c:32)
==11613== LEAK SUMMARY:
==11613==    definitely lost: 400 bytes in 10 blocks
==11613==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==11613==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==11613==    still reachable: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==11613==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks

Another useful tool to detect memory leaks, among other bad memory accesses, is Address Sanitizer (ASan). To enable it you should simply add the -fsanitize=address compiler flag:

gcc -g -fsanitize=address leak.c -o leak`

Then simply launch the application normally, once it exits ASan will report the leak:

./leak 10
==44945==ERROR: LeakSanitizer: detected memory leaks

Direct leak of 400 byte(s) in 10 object(s) allocated from:
    #0 0x7f42c92b89cf in __interceptor_malloc ../../../../src/libsanitizer/asan/asan_malloc_linux.cpp:69
    #1 0x561e71e3720a in print_ten_integers /tmp/leak.c:5
    #2 0x561e71e3737f in main /tmp/leak.c:23
    #3 0x7f42c9046249 in __libc_start_call_main ../sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h:58

SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: 400 byte(s) leaked in 10 allocation(s).

The C Standard Library Part 1

You can access the slides 🖼️ for this lecture. All the code samples given here can be found online, alongside instructions on how to bring up the proper environment to build and execute them here. You can download the entire set of slides and lecture notes in PDF from the home page.

In this lecture we start discussing the C standard library, a set of functions you can use in your C programs to realise various low-level tasks. We cover functions regarding string and memory manipulation, console input, math and time.

Manual Pages

We already came across a few functions of the standard library, such as printf or malloc. For every function of the standard library, man <function name> in a Linux terminal will give you everything you need to know to use that function: function description, prototype, required headers, return value. Manual pages are also available online, e.g. for printf: https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/printf.3.html.

String Copy

The = operator should not be used to copy a string in C. Remember that strings are arrays, and arrays are pointer. So effectively with = one just creates a copy of the pointer that points to the same array's content.

A proper string copy is realised with strcpy:

char *strcpy(char *dest, const char *src);

It takes the destination string as first parameter, and the source string as parameter. The const keyword is simply there to indicate that strcpy will not modify the src parameter. Care should be taken with respect to the sizes of the strings: if the destination buffer is smaller than the source string, it will overflow and a memory error will occur.

strncpy is somehow safer than strcpy as it accepts a 3rd argument, n, and copies only up to n bytes:

char *strncpy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t n);

n can for example be set to the size of the destination space to avoid overflows.

Note that both strcpy and strncpy do copy the termination character. Below is an example of usage of both functions:

#include <string.h> // needed for strcpy/strncpy
/* ... */

char *string1 = "hello";
char *string2 = string1;   // this is not a string copy!
char string3[10];          // allocated space of 10 bytes, it's called a buffer

/* not super safe, what if the length of string1 is larger than the 10 bytes of string3? */
strcpy(string3, string1);
/* better */
strncpy(string3, string1, 10);

In this example, string3 corresponds to a region of contiguous memory, writable, used to hold data: it is called a buffer. After strcpy/strncpy is called, things look like this in memory:

String Concatenation

To concatenate two strings, use strcat or strncat:

char *strcat(char *dest, const char *src);
char *strncat(char *dest, const char *src, size_t n);

strcat takes two parameters, a destination and source strings. In effect, it concatenates the source at the end of the destination. Once again the programmer needs to consider the buffer sizes. Same as strncpy, strncat can be used to concatenate up to a given number of characters. Here is an example of usage of both functions:

#include <string.h>
/* ... */
char world[6] = "world";
char s1[32] = "hello ";
char s2[32] = "hello ";
strcat(s1, world);       // possibly unsafe
strncat(s2, world, 32);  // better

Format-based String Creation

sprintf is a useful function to create a string that is filled with values from variables of various type. This is done with printf-like specifiers:

int sprintf(char *str, const char *format, ...);

It takes as parameter the destination string. Then, a constant string filled with text as well as specifiers, same as with printf. Then, a list of variables or expression corresponding to the specifiers, like with printf. The destination string should be large enough to avoid memory errors. Here is an example of usage:

#include <string.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int a = 12;
    float b = 4.5;
    char *s = "hello";
    char string[64];

    sprintf(string, "a is %d, b is %f, s is %s\n", a, b, s);
    printf("%s", string); // a is 12, b is 4.500000, s is hello
    return 0;

String Length and Comparison

To get the size of a string, in characters, use strlen:

size_t strlen(const char *s);

Note that this function does not count the termination character. To compare two strings, use strcmp:

int strcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2);

It returns 0 if the string matches, a negative number if s1 is before s2 in the lexicographical order, and a positive one if s1 is after s2. Here is an example of usage of both functions:

#include <string.h>
/* ... */
char *s1 = "hello"; char *s2 = "hello";
char *s3 = "not hello";

printf("strcmp(s1, s2) returns: %d\n", strcmp(s1, s2));   // 0
printf("strcmp(s1, s3) returns: %d\n", strcmp(s1, s3));   // -6

printf("length of s3: %d\n", strlen(s3)); // 9

For more information about string manipulation functions type man string in a terminal. Further resources are also available online^[https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/C_Programming/String_manipulation.]

Console Input

fgets receives a string from the console:

char *fgets(char *s, int size, FILE *stream);

It takes the destination buffer as first parameter, the size of that buffer, and the special keyword stdin that indicate the standard input. The program will then read what is typed on the keyboard until the user presses enter.

To input numbers one should rather use scanf.=:

int scanf(const char *format, ...);

It takes a printf-like format string, with specifiers for the variable we wish to update the value based on the user input. Then we have the addresses of the variables in question. Below is an example of usage of both functions:

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int int1, int2;
    double double1;
    float float1;
    char s[128];

    printf("Please input a string:\n");
    fgets(s, 128, stdin);

    printf("Please input an integer:\n");
    scanf("%d", &int1);

    printf("Please input a float:\n");
    scanf("%lf", &double1); /* make sure to us %lf for double and %f for float */

    printf("Please enter an integer and a float separated by a space\n");
    scanf("%d %f", &int2, &float1);

    printf("You have entered: %d, %d, %lf, %f, and %s\n", int1, int2, double1,
            float1, s);
    return 0;

Writing Bytes to Memory, Copying Memory

memset repeatedly writes the byte c, n times starting from address s:

void *memset(void *s, int c, size_t n);

It can be useful for example when you want to zero out a buffer.

memcpy copies a buffer into another one:

void *memcpy(void *dest, void *src, size_t n);

An example of usage of both functions is presented below:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>   // needed for memcpy and memset
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int buffer_size = 10;

    char *ptr1  = malloc(buffer_size);
    char *ptr2 = malloc(buffer_size);

    if(ptr1 && ptr2) {
        memset(ptr1, 0x40, buffer_size);  // 0x40 is ascii code for @
        memcpy(ptr2, ptr1, buffer_size);
        for(int i=0; i<buffer_size; i++) {
            printf("ptr1[%d] = %c\n", i, ptr1[i]);
            printf("ptr2[%d] = %c\n", i, ptr2[i]);
        free(ptr1); free(ptr2);
    return 0;

Math Functions

There are a few: square root, power, cosinus, amongst many others. Most have a float and double version, for example ceil and ceilf. Here is an example with a few calls to some math functions:

// When compiling a program using math.h, // use -lm on the command line:
// gcc program.c -o program -lm
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h> // needed for math functions

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    printf("ceil 2.5:  %f\n", ceil(2.5));
    printf("floor 2.5: %f\n", floor(2.5));
    printf("2^5:       %f\n", pow(2, 5));
    printf("sqrt(4):   %f\n", sqrt(4));
    return 0;

The full list of available functions can be found online^[https://cplusplus.com/reference/cmath/]. Note that when building a program using math functions, you need to use a specific -lmflag when you call the compiler:

gcc src.c -o program -lm


To have the program wait for a given time one can use sleep for sleeping in seconds, and usleep for sleeping in microseconds:

unsigned int sleep(unsigned int seconds);
int usleep(useconds_t usec);

It is useful in certain applications that generally have an infinite main loop, but don't want to hang 100% of the CPU, such as servers. Here is a code example:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h> // needed for sleep and usleep

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

    printf("Sleeping for 2 seconds ...\n");

    printf("Now sleeping for .5 seconds ...\n");
    return 0;

Current Time

To get the current time thetime function can be used:

time_t time(time_t *tloc);   // time_t is generally a long long unsigned int

A simple way to call it is with NULL as a parameter. It returns the number of seconds elapsed since the 1st of January 1970, which is a standard timestamp for UNIX computers.

Measuring Execution Time

To get a more precise measurement of the current time we can use gettimeofday:

int gettimeofday(struct timeval *tv, struct timezone *tz);
// struct timeval {
//     time_t      tv_sec;     /* seconds (type: generally long unsigned) */
//     suseconds_t tv_usec;    /* microseconds (type: generally long unsigned) */
//  };

It takes a pointer to a struct timeval as parameter. This struct has two fields, one for seconds, tv_sec and the other for microseconds, tv_usec. The second parameter should always be NULL. Like time it also returns the time elapsed since the 1st of January 1970. gettimeofday is very useful to measure execution time, as shown in this example:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/time.h> // needed for gettimeofday

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    struct timeval tv, start, stop, elapsed;

    gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
    printf("Seconds since the epoch: %lu.%06lu\n", tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec);

    gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
    for(int i=0; i<1000000000; i++);
    gettimeofday(&stop, NULL);

    timersub(&stop, &start, &elapsed);
    printf("Busy loop took %lu.%06lu seconds\n", elapsed.tv_sec,

    return 0;

3 struct timeval variables are declared. A first call to gettimeofday is done before the code for which we want to measure the execution time. Here it is just a busy loop. A second call to gettimeofday is done right after that. Then timersub is called to compute the difference between the two timestamps. Notice how a struct timeval is printed, with "%lu.%06lu": this forces the inclusion of up to six leading zeroes if the microsecond value is inferior to one million.

The C Standard Library Part 2

You can access the slides 🖼️ for this lecture.All the code samples given here can be found online, alongside instructions on how to bring up the proper environment to build and execute them here. You can download the entire set of slides and lecture notes in PDF from the home page.

Here we continue to discuss the standard library. We cover reading and writing to files, as well as error management.

File I/O: Basic Access Functions


Before reading or writing from a file, we first need to obtain a handle to that file with open:

int open(const char *pathname, int flags, mode_t mode);

This handle is named a file descriptor. Open takes several parameters:

  • pathname is the path of the file, for example /home/pierre/test.
  • flags specifies how the file will be used. For that parameter several flags can be specified by piping particular keywords. The access mode indicates if we will only read the file (O_RDONLY), only write the file (O_WRONLY) or both (O_RDWR). We can indicate to create the file if it does not exist with O_CREAT. We can truncate the file size to 0 if it exists with O_TRUNC. There are more possible values for flags, described in open's manual page^[https://linux.die.net/man/2/open].
  • The final argument mode indicates file permissions if it is created, see in the man page the accepted values.

Open returns the file descriptor in the form of an int.


Once we have the file descriptor we can access the file. Use the read function to read from the file:

ssize_t read(int fd, void *buf, size_t count);

read takes 3 parameters:

  • The first parameter is the file descriptor to read from.
  • The second is the address of a buffer that will receive the data that is read.
  • The third is the amount of bytes to read.

The read function returns the amount of bytes that were actually read. That value can be used to check for errors. Note that it is not an error if the number of bytes read is smaller than what is requested, for example the end of the file could have been reached. An actual error is indicated by a return value equal to -1.


The write function is used to write in the file, it works similarly to read:

ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count);

Its parameters are:

  • The file descriptor to write to.
  • The address of a buffer containing the data we wish to write.
  • The amount of bytes to write.

write returns the amount of bytes that were actually written. Same as with read, it is not an error if the number of bytes written is smaller than what is requested, for example the disk could be full. However, it's an error when it returns -1.


Once the operations on a file are finished, the programmer must free the file descriptor using close:

int close(int fd);

Example: Writing to a File

Consider the following example:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>  // needed for open
#include <sys/stat.h>   // needed for open
#include <fcntl.h>      // needed for open
#include <unistd.h>     // needed for read and write
#include <string.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int fd1;
    char *buffer = "hello, world!";

    fd1 = open("./test", O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
    if(fd1 == -1) {
        printf("error with open\n");
        return -1;

    /* write 'hello, world!' in the file */
    if(write(fd1, buffer, strlen(buffer)) != strlen(buffer)) {
        printf("issue writing\n");
        close(fd1); return -1;

    /* write it again */
    if(write(fd1, buffer, strlen(buffer)) != strlen(buffer)) {
        printf("issue writing\n");
        close(fd1); return -1;

    return 0;

Here we first open a file. With the flags O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT we specify that we will perform on write operations, that if the file exist we want its size to be reduced to 0 upon open (this effectively destroys all the content of the file if there was any), and also that we want to create the file if it does not exist. If the file needs to be created, its permission will be read and write permissions for the current user (S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR).

For this example, we can illustrate the content of the (empty) file on disk and of the relevant part of the program's memory after the call to open as follows:

Next, we perform a write operation in the file. We have the file descriptor, and we write from buffer that contains "hello world". We set the amount of bytes to write to be the size of that buffer. For simplicity, we exit if we cannot fully write the buffer. And then we perform again the same write operation. Next we close the file and exit.

This is the content of the file test after execution of that program:

hello, world!hello, world!

When the file is opened, associated with the file descriptor there is an internal offset value that is set at the beginning of the file on disk, that is the address 0 in the file:

When we perform the first write the buffer is written in the file starting from the offset, then the offset is placed right after what was written:

Then we write a second time the buffer in the file starting at the offset, and we shift the offset at the end of what was written:

Example: Reading from a File

Things work very similarly for read operations. Consider the following example:

// Here ee Assume the local file "test" was previously created
// with previous (write) example program

char buffer2[10];
int fd2 = open("./test", O_RDONLY, 0x0);
int bytes_read;

if(fd2 == -1) { printf("error open\n"); return -1; }

/* read 9 bytes */
if(read(fd2, buffer2, 9) != 9) {
    printf("error reading\n"); close(fd2); return -1;

/* fix the string and print it */
buffer2[9] = '\0';
printf("read: '%s'\n", buffer2);

/* read 9 bytes again */
bytes_read = read(fd2, buffer2, 9);
if(bytes_read != 9) {
    printf("error reading\n"); close(fd2); return -1;

/* fix the string and print it */
buffer2[9] = '\0';
printf("read: '%s'\n", buffer2);


We open the file we previously created in read-only mode. We read 9 bytes from it inside buffer2 and we display the content of buffer2. We do this operation twice. Note how we manually write the string termination character in the last byte of buffer2, right after what was read. This program outputs the following:

read: 'hello, wo'
read: 'rldhello,'

When the file descriptor is created, the file offset is initialised to 0:

The first read operation of 9 bytes reads the first 9 bytes of the file into the first 9 bytes of buffer2 and shifts the offset right after that:

A second read operation reads the next 9 bytes from the file and shifts the buffer again:

Random Number Generation

The rand function returns a random integer ranging from 0 to a large constant named RAND_MAX:

int rand(void);

If we want to constrain the number to fall within a particular interval we can use the modulo operator. In this example we'll get only numbers ranging between 0 and 99:

for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
    printf("%d ", rand()%100);

Running this program one may notice that the sequence is always the same among several runs. This is not a very random behaviour. It is due to the way the numbers are generated, it is done in sequence based on a value called the seed. A given seed will always yield the same sequence. So to get variable sequences among multiple execution, we can initialise the seed based on the current time:

srand(time(NULL));  // init random seed
for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
    printf("%d ", rand()%100);

Note that in some cases it is good to have a fixed seed to ensure reproducible results.

Error Management

When a function from the C standard library fails, a variable maintained by the C library is set with an error code. This variable is errno. Consider this code:

#include <errno.h>  // needed for errno and perror

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int fd = open("a/file/that/does/not/exist", O_RDONLY, 0x0);

    /* Open always returns -1 on failure, but it can be due to many different reasons */
    if(fd == -1) {
        printf("open failed! errno is: %d\n", errno);

        /* errno is an integer code corresponding to a given reason. To format
         * it in a textual way use perror: */
    return 0;

Here we try to open a file that does not exist and open fails, it returns -1. We can print the value of errno, it's an integer, so it's not very helpful by itself. We can get a better description of the error with the function perror. It internally looks at errno and prints a textual description of the error on the terminal.

The C Standard Library Part 3

You can access the slides 🖼️ for this lecture. All the code samples given here can be found online, alongside instructions on how to bring up the proper environment to build and execute them here. You can download the entire set of slides and lecture notes in PDF from the home page.

In this third and last lecture on the C standard library, we discuss the strtol function, used to convert strings into numbers, as well as stream-based file operations, a series of functions to perform file I/O.

Limitations of atoi

Until now we have been converting strings to integers using the function atoi. The advantage of atoi is that it is easy to use, you simply pass the string as parameter, and it returns the converted integer. However, when the string is malformed or corresponds to a number that is too large or too small to be stored as an integer, atoi will not warn you that something has gone wrong. Things failing silently and the program continuing to execute in an inconsistent state can be very hard to debug.

Converting Strings to Integers with strtol

The solution to that problem is to use strtol:

long strtol(const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base);

Its usage is slightly more complicated than atoi, but it is also much more robust. strtol will convert the string pointed by nptr into a long that is returned. One can specify a base such as 10, 16 for hexadecimal numbers, etc.

endptr is used to check the validity of the string: after the call, what is pointed by endptr will point either to the first invalid character of the string, and to '\0' if the string is fully valid. In case of under or overflow, errno is set to ERANGE and strtol returns either LONG_MIN if it is an underflow, or LONG_MAX if it is an overflow.

Consider this example:

/* ... */
#include <errno.h>
#include <limits.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  if(argc != 2) { /* ... */ }

  char *endptr;
  long n = strtol(argv[1], &endptr, 10);

  if(*endptr != '\0') {
    printf("invalid string!\n");
    return -1;

  if(errno == ERANGE) {
    if(n == LONG_MIN) printf("underflow!\n");
    if(n == LONG_MAX) printf("overflow!\n");
    return -1;

  printf("n is: %ld\n", n);
  return 0;

We use strtol to detect malformed strings and under/overflows. When we call the function in question, we pass as parameter the string, a pointer of pointer of character for endptr, and 10 to indicate a decimal base. Note that because strtol wants to return a pointer through the endptr parameter, we need to pass a pointer of pointer, a char **. It is a pointer to a char * that we declared above.

We check if the string was valid by observing the value of what is pointed by endptr. If it is the NULL character the string is valid, otherwise we abort.

We also check that there was no overflow or underflow by looking at errnoand at the return value of strtol.

Stream-based File I/O: Main Functions

fopen and fclose

We create a stream object, also called FILE *, with the fopen function:

FILE *fopen(const char *pathname, const char *mode);

It takes the file path as parameter, and returns the stream object or NULL if something went wrong. It also takes another parameter, mode, that precises how the file will be accessed, as well as what to do if the file does not exists or if it already exists when fopen is called:

  • "r": read-only.
  • "r+": read-write.
  • "w": write-only, truncate file if it exists, create it if it does not.
  • "w+": read-write, truncate file if it exists, create it if it does not.
  • There are more options possible for mode, listed in the relevant manual page.

Once all operations on a stream are done, it needs to be released with fclose():

int fclose(FILE *stream);

fread and fwrite

To read and write in streams representing files, the functions fread and fwrite are used:

size_t fread(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream);
size_t fwrite(const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream);

fread reads nmemb contiguous items, each item being of file size, from the file represented by stream, into memory at address ptr. fwrite writes nmemb items, each of file size, into the file represented by stream, from memory at address ptr. These functions return the number of items read or written, which is only equal to the total number of bytes written when size is 1. Note that similarly to what happens with file descriptors, streams have an internal offset that gets incremented each time we access the file.

For example, this call to fread aims to read 3 items, each of size 4 bytes:

items_read = fread(buffer, 4, 3, file_ptr);

In memory and on disk, assuming a file with the same content as our previous example regarding read/write, after fread returns, things look like that:

Stream-based File I/O: Example

Consider that example program:

#include <stdio.h>

char *alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  FILE *f1, *f2;
  char buffer[27];

  f1 = fopen("test-file.txt", "w");
  if(f1 == NULL) {
    return -1;

  if(fwrite(alphabet, 2, 13, f1) != 13) {
    return -1;

  f2 = fopen("test-file.txt", "r");
  if(f2 == NULL) {
    return -1;

  if(fread(buffer, 1, 26, f2) != 26) {
    return -1;

  buffer[26] = '\0';
  printf("read: %s\n", buffer);

  return 0;

We start by opening a first stream f1 in write-only mode. This mode will create the file if it does not exist, and if it does, it will truncate its size to 0. Next we want to write the entirety of the string alphabet in the file. Using fwrite, we can do it for example as 13 chunks of size 2 bytes each. Once done we close the stream f1 with fclose.

Next we open a new stream f2, in read-only mode this time. Note that because this is a new stream independent of the previous one, its offset will be set to 0 in the file. We aim to read what we previously wrote in the file. With fread we can do it for example as 26 chunks of 1 byte each. Similarly to read, the programmer needs to fix up the buffer storing the result with the termination character to make it a proper C string.

Memory Management and the Standard Library: Exercises

See here how to set up a development environment to do these exercises.

  • You should complete the essential exercises if you want to claim you know how to program in C.
  • If you want to go further and make sure you understand everything, you can also complete the additional exercises.

Essential Exercises

  1. Working with pointers
  2. Working with pointers (2)
  3. Dynamic memory allocation with malloc
  4. Dynamic memory allocation with malloc (2)
  5. Dynamic memory allocation with malloc (3)
  6. Standard input and string comparison
  7. Sleeping and measuring execution time
  8. File I/O

Working with Pointers

Consider the following program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int add(int a, int b) {
    return a + b;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    if(argc == 3) {
        int a = atoi(argv[1]);
        int b = atoi(argv[2]);

        printf("%d + %d = %d\n", a, b, add(a, b));
    return 0;

Modify the function add and its invocation so that it takes two int pointer parameters. Examples of output:

./pointer 10 20
10 + 20 = 30

./pointer 154 -12
154 + -12 = 142

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named pointer.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week3-c-pointers-stdlib/01-pointer

Working with Pointers (2)

With a linked list, the programmer uses pointer chains to link together data structures. In the example program below, a simple linked list with 3 elements is constructed then the value of the last element is printed:

#include <stdio.h>

/* Typedef struct forward declaration for the pointer member */
typedef struct s_list_member list_member;

typedef struct s_list_member {
    int value;
    list_member *next;
} list_member;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    list_member lm1, lm2, lm3;

    lm1.value = 1; lm1.next = &lm2;
    lm2.value = 2; lm2.next = &lm3;
    lm3.value = 3; lm3.next = 0x0;

    printf("third member value is: %d\n", lm3.value);

    return 0;

Modify the second parameter of the call to printf in order to print the value of the third element by using the first member lm1 and following the pointer chain leading to the value of lm3. The expected output is:

third member value is: 3

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named pointer2.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week3-c-pointers-stdlib/02-pointer2

Dynamic Memory Allocation with malloc

Write a program taking a list of integers as command line parameters, storing them in an array allocated with malloc, and sorting that array in increasing order.

Output examples:

./malloc 5 4 3 2 1
1 2 3 4 5 

./malloc 546 874 18 13 87 54 4651 54 877 8 46351 87 654 657 654
8 13 18 54 54 87 87 546 654 654 657 874 877 4651 46351

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named malloc.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week3-c-pointers-stdlib/03-malloc

Dynamic Memory Allocation with malloc (2)

Write a C program that takes two integers as command line parameter, x and y, and prints on the standard output y lines of x integers corresponding to the first (x * y) natural integers. The numbers should be stored in a 2-dimensional array allocated with malloc before being printed.

# 3 rows, 4 columns
./malloc2 3 4
0 1 2 3
4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11

./malloc2 2 5
0 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9

./malloc2 10 11
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76
77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87
88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98
99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named malloc2.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week3-c-pointers-stdlib/04-malloc2

Dynamic Memory Allocation with malloc (3)

Fix the memory leak contained in the following program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int *a = malloc(10 * sizeof(int));
    if(!a) return -1;

    for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
        a[i] = i*2;

    int *b = a;

    for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
        printf("%d ", b[i]);

    return 0;

The expected output is:

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named malloc3.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week3-c-pointers-stdlib/05-malloc3

Standard Input and String Comparison

Write a C program reading two strings from the standard input using fgets, and indicating if the strings are similar or not. Output examples:

input string1:
input string2:
strings are similar

input string1:
hello world!
input string2:
strings are different

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named string.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week3-c-pointers-stdlib/06-string

Sleeping and Measuring Execution Time

Write a C program taking an integer n as command line parameter and sleeping for n seconds. The execution time of the sleep function is measured and displayed. Examples output:

./time 3
sleep duration: 3.000082 seconds

./time 5
sleep duration: 5.000108 seconds

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named time.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week3-c-pointers-stdlib/07-time

File I/O

Write a C program taking as command line parameter A) a file name f and B) a word w. The program then creates the file f-processed which is a copy of f where all occurrences of the word w have been deleted. Here is an example of execution:

cat sample-file-1
hello world
this is a test file containing the word hello several times
some lines do not contain that word
while others do: hello

./file sample-file-1 hello

cat sample-file-1-processed
this is a test file containing the word  several times
some lines do not contain that word
while others do: 

You download sample-file-1 here.

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named file.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week3-c-pointers-stdlib/08-file

Make sure that sample-file-1 is in the current directory alongside file.c

Additional Exercises

  1. Working with pointers (3)
  2. Working with pointers (4)
  3. Dynamic memory allocation with malloc (4)
  4. Dynamic memory allocation with malloc (5)
  5. String manipulation
  6. Copying data in memory with memcpy
  7. Math operations
  8. String to integer conversion with strtol
  9. Stream-based file I/O

Working with Pointers (3)

Write a program that takes an integer as parameter and places it in a variable of type int. The program then proceeds to print the value as well as the address of the variable as follows:

./pointer3 5
Variable contains 5 and is located @0x7ffcc6d1d7fc

./pointer3 93
Variable contains 93 and is located @0x7fffec3b3dfc

Printing pointers. Pointer can be printed in hexadecimal and prefixed with 0x using the %p format specifier for printf.

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named pointer3.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week3-c-pointers-stdlib/09-pointer3

Working with Pointers (4)

Consider the following program printing a string to the standard output character by character:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    char *string = "hello, world!\n";

    int i = 0;
    while(string[i] != '\0')
        printf("%c", string[i++]);

    return 0;

Alter the loop to use a char * pointer as the iterator and as the way to access characters within the string for printing. The source code should contain no square bracket. The expected output is:

hello, world!

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named pointer4.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week3-c-pointers-stdlib/10-pointer4

Dynamic Memory Allocation with malloc (4)

Write a C program using malloc to allocate an array able to contain 10 int, fill this array with the 10 first natural number (starting with 0). The expected output is:


To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named malloc4.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week3-c-pointers-stdlib/11-malloc4

Dynamic Memory Allocation with malloc (5)

Consider the following program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void *my_realloc(void *ptr, size_t old_size, size_t new_size) {
    /* complete here */

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    /* first malloc space for 5 int */
    int *array = malloc(5 * sizeof(int));
    if(!array) return -1;

    for(int i=0; i<5; i++) {
        array[i] = i*10;
        printf("before realloc, array[%d] = %d\n", i, array[i]);

    /* expand the size to 10 int */
    array = my_realloc(array, 5*sizeof(int), 10*sizeof(int));
    if(!array) return -1;

    for(int i=5; i<10; i++)
        array[i] = i*10;

    for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
        printf("after realloc, array[%d] = %d\n", i, array[i]);

    return 0;

Write the function my_realloc that changes the size of a buffer previously allocated with malloc while preserving all or part of the buffer content according to the requested size. The function parameters are:

  • ptr: buffer address
  • old_size: current size of the buffer
  • new_size: new size requested

The expected output is:

before realloc, array[0] = 0
before realloc, array[1] = 10
before realloc, array[2] = 20
before realloc, array[3] = 30
before realloc, array[4] = 40
after realloc, array[0] = 0
after realloc, array[1] = 10
after realloc, array[2] = 20
after realloc, array[3] = 30
after realloc, array[4] = 40
after realloc, array[5] = 50
after realloc, array[6] = 60
after realloc, array[7] = 70
after realloc, array[8] = 80
after realloc, array[9] = 90

Memory copy in C. Memory copy is achieved with the memcpy function that takes 3 arguments: the destination address, the source address, and the number of bytes to copy. To use it you'll need to #include <string.h>. See here for more information.

Realloc. Although this functionality already exists in the form of the standard function realloc (see here -- for the sake of the exercise it is asked to implement it manually here.

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named malloc5.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week3-c-pointers-stdlib/12-malloc5

String Manipulation

Write a C program reading a string from the standard input and capitalise the first letter of each word.

input a string:
we swears, to serve the master of the precious
We Swears, To Serve The Master Of The Precious

input a string:
and following our will and wind we may just go where no one's been
And Following Our Will And Wind We May Just Go Where No One's Been

Capitalising letters. See the toupper function: https://linux.die.net/man/3/toupper

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named string2.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week3-c-pointers-stdlib/13-string2

Copying Data in Memory with memcpy

Write a C program taking an integer n as command line parameter, allocating an array of integer of size n, and filling that array with random integers -- each between 0 and 100. Next, a second array of size n is created and the content of the first array is copied into the second one with a single call to memcpy. Finally, both arrays are printed. Example output:

./memcpy 10
array1: 32 32 54 12 52 56 8 30 44 94
array2: 32 32 54 12 52 56 8 30 44 94

./memcpy 15
array1: 32 32 54 12 52 56 8 30 44 94 44 39 65 19 51
array2: 32 32 54 12 52 56 8 30 44 94 44 39 65 19 51

Random Numbers. See the rand function: https://linux.die.net/man/3/rand. For example to get a random integer between 0 and 9 (included): int random_int = rand()%10.

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named memcpy.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week3-c-pointers-stdlib/14-memcpy

Math Operations

Write a C program reading a double with scanf and asking the user if he wants this number to be floored or ceiled. Next, the program performs the requested operation and displays the result. Output examples:

Input a number:
Input 0 for ceil, 1 for floor

Input a number:
Input 0 for ceil, 1 for floor

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named math.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week3-c-pointers-stdlib/15-math

String to integer conversion with strtol

The program strtol.c converts a string entered by the user into an integer and prints it on the standard output. The conversion is realised with atoi, and as such it is not robust in case of malformed strings as well as under/overflows.

Modify the implementation of the function convert_and_print in this program to use strtol for the conversion rather than atoi, and make the program more robust against improper inputs. Output examples:

$ ./strtol
please enter an integer number (base 10): 1234
you have entered: 1234

$ ./strtol
please enter an integer number (base 10): foo
invalid string

$ ./strtol
please enter an integer number (base 10): 100000000000000000000

$ ./strtol 
please enter an integer number (base 10): -100000000000000000000

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named strtol.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week3-c-pointers-stdlib/16-strtol

Stream-Based File I/O

This is a variation of a previous exercise targeting file I/O. The goal is similar: write a C program taking as command line parameter A) a file name f and B) a word w. The program then creates the file f-processed which is a copy of f where all occurrences of the word w have been deleted. This time, you should use the stream-based file I/O functions (fopen, fread, and fwrite) to write the program.

Here is an example of execution:

cat sample-file-1
hello world
this is a test file containing the word hello several times
some lines do not contain that word
while others do: hello

./stream sample-file-1 hello

cat sample-file-1-processed
this is a test file containing the word  several times
some lines do not contain that word
while others do: 

You download sample-file-1 here.

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named stream.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week3-c-pointers-stdlib/17-stream

Make sure that sample-file-1 is in the current directory alongside stream.c

The Preprocessor

You can access the slides 🖼️ for this lecture. All the code samples given here can be found online, alongside instructions on how to bring up the proper environment to build and execute them here. You can download the entire set of slides and lecture notes in PDF from the home page.

Here we discuss a particular tool that is executed by the compiler during the build process of a C or C++ program, and performing textual transformations in the code: the preprocessor.

Introducing the Preprocessor

The preprocessor is executed automatically by the compiler right before the source code is compiled into machine code:

It performs textual transformations on the sources, so it takes as input the C source file and produces as output a modified version of these sources, i.e. something that is still C source code. After that step the compiler transforms the modified sources into an executable containing machine code.

The preprocessor is used for doing mainly 3 things:

  • Include header files, we have actually been using the preprocessor to do this since the beginning of the course.
  • Expand textual tokens named macros into larger and more complex bits of source code.
  • Conditionally enable or disable some code.

Header Inclusion

Header files are these files ending with the .h extension. They generally contain what is necessary to use foreign libraries/source files. They contain functions prototypes, custom types/structs definitions, etc. For example stdio.h contains the prototype of printf, amongst other things.

There are two ways to include a header:

// In the .c source file, include headers like that:
#include <stdio.h>            // Use <> to include a file from the default include path
#include "my-custom-header.h" // Use "" for the local and user-supplied include directories

We have been using the first method extensively. It will search for the specified header file in a standard location on the filesystem. An example of such standard location is /usr/include.

Another method is to use the double quotes. This will search for the specified header file in the local directory, in other words the directory from which we call gcc when we build the program. So here in the example we assume that there is a file named my-custom-header.h in the local directory.

The preprocessor will include the entire content of the header in the source file before compilation. Si in our example here, #include <stdio.h> gets replaced by the content of stdio.h content, and #include "my-custom-header.h" gets replaced by that file's content:

Macro Expansions

Macros are textual substitutions based on tokens. They are very useful for defining things like compile-time constants. Consider this example:

#include <stdio.h>

// If we want to change the array size,
// we only need to update this:
*#define ARRAY_SIZE  10

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
* int array[ARRAY_SIZE];

* for(int i=0; i<ARRAY_SIZE; i++) {
    array[i] = i;
    printf("array[%d] = %d\n", i, array[i]);

  return 0;

We have a macro named ARRAY_SIZE. We generally put constants in capital letters in C/C++. ARRAY_SIZE will be replaced by the preprocessor with 10. The macro is used both in the array definition to set its size, and in the loop header iterating over the array, to set the number of iteration. The nice thing is that when we want to update the size of the array, one just needs to update the macro. If, on the contrary, 10 was hardcoded in the source code, there is a possibility of e.g. updating just the array size in the definition and then forgetting to update the loop header, which can lead to bugs.

In general, it is important to try to have a less hardcoded values as possible. When writing a constant value more than once, the programmer should consider if using a macro is possible.

Macro functions can also be defined^[https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/i/latest?topic=directive-function-like-macros], although this can be error prone^[https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/cpp/Macro-Pitfalls.html].

Macro Expansions and Operator Precedence

It is important to consider operator precedence when using macros. Consider the following code:

#define SIZE_1  10
#define SIZE_2  10

// We can use a macro in another macro's
// definition:
#define TOTAL   SIZE_1 + SIZE_2

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    // faulty, expands to:
    // 10 + 10 * 2
    printf("total twice = %d\n",
            TOTAL * 2);
    return 0;

We have two macros, SIZE_1 that is 10 and SIZE_2 that is also 10. We define a macro TOTAL that is the sum of both macros. Note that we can use a macro in another macro definition. We expect TOTAL to be 20. In the main function we multiply TOTAL by 2, so we expect the result to be 40. Because the preprocessor realised a textual transformation, TOTAL * 2 actually expands to 10 + 10 * 2. With the multiplication operator taking precedence over the addition one, we do not obtain the expected behaviour.

To avoid issues with operator precedence, parentheses should be used in the definition of the macro:

#define TOTAL   (SIZE_1 + SIZE_2)

Overall, it is advised that if a macro is made of more than a single item, parentheses should be used.

Conditional Compilation

The preprocessor allows the conditional inclusion of code. Consider the following example:

#define DEBUG_MODE             // controls the activation/deactivation of debug mode
#define VERBOSITY_LEVEL 4      // controls the debug verbosity level

int debug_function();

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    printf("hello, world\n");

    return 0;

int debug_function() {
    printf("This is printed only if the macro DEBUG_MODE is defined\n");

    printf("Additional debug because the verbosity level is high\n");
#endif /* VERBOSITY_LEVEL */

    return 42;
#endif /* DEBUG_MODE */

We define two macros DEBUG_MODE and VERBOSITY_LEVEL. DEBUG_MODE is defined without a particular value. Its goal is to control the inclusion of debug code. Through the use of #ifdef and #endif directives, all the code enclosed will be included in the compilation only if the DEBUG_MODE macro is defined. In other words, if we comment the definition of that macro, all the enclosed code will not be included in the resulting executable.

We have another macro, VERBOSITY_LEVEL, defined with a value, 4. With the #if directive we also include some code conditionally. We can use the > or < operators, but also the equality with == and inequality with !=. Note that we use a comment to detail which #if the #endif corresponds to, as preprocessor directives are generally not indented, to avoid any confusion.

Modular Compilation

You can access the slides 🖼️ for this lecture. All the code samples given here can be found online, alongside instructions on how to bring up the proper environment to build and execute them here. You can download the entire set of slides and lecture notes in PDF from the home page.

Here we discuss modular compilation, the process of decomposing a program's sources into several files and compiling a single executable from these sources.

Modular Compilation: Motivation

With large programs, it is necessary to organise the code in several source files. The Linux kernel v6.4 is for example composed of more than 56K C source files. One cannot run gcc <56K source files>: not only it is impossible to write manually, but also would take an enormous amount of time to compile each time one do just a small update to one or a few source files. Hence, here we will answer the following question: how to break up the program code into well isolated compilation units? In the next lecture we will see how to automate efficiently the build process?.

A Closer Look at the Compilation Phase

Until now we saw that when we compile a source file into an executable, set aside the preprocessor phase, the compiler directly transforms the source code into the executable. Actually things are a bit more complicated under the hood. The compiler produces (sometimes transparently) an intermediate format: object files. And then we have a second tool named the linker, called under the hood by the compiler, that transforms object files into executables:

We can trigger these steps manually with the following commands:

$ gcc -c src.c -o src.o
$ gcc src.o -o executable
$ ls
executable src.c src.o

First we generate the object file with the -c switch when invoking the compiler. The object file here is src.o. Then we link it into an executable. With only one source file, the linker does little work, but it plays an important role with modular compilation. The object files are binary files: they contain compiled machine code, however that code is not ready for execution and needs linking. Generally, object files have the .o extension.

Breaking Down the Program into Modules

Running Example

Now let us study how to break down the program sources into several source files. It is good to regroup code into source files (named modules in C) by functionality. Let's assume that we have a hypothetical simple server application that works as follows:

When it is launched, the server initialises and enters its main loop. In this loop the server waits for a request from a client. When such a request is received, the server first parses it to exctract its content, then it processes the request. Once done with that request, the server continues its main loop and wait for the next request to arrive.

The server is built from 3 source files:

  • network.c contains the code related to networking operations.
  • parser.c contains the code to parse the requests received by the server.
  • main.c contains the main function, initialisation/exit code, and the main server loop.

We can compile each into the corresponding object file as we saw previously, and link all the object files together into an executable as follows:

On the command line:

$ gcc -c main.c -o main.o                   # build main.o
$ gcc -c parser.c -o parser.o               # build parser.o
$ gcc -c network.c -o network.o             # build network.o
$ gcc main.o network.o parser.o -o prog     # link executable

Application Programming Interfaces

Each source file exposes a set of functions that can be called from other files: an application programming interface, API. This interface should be as small as possible to hide internal module code and data. For example if we have a function implemented in network.c and this function is only supposed to be called internally within the network module, there is no reason to give main.c the possibility to call that function.

We assume the following interactions between the 3 source files composing our program:

  • When the program starts, in order to initialise networking, main.c calls init_network() which is implemented in network.c.
  • main.c then runs the main sever loop:
    • main.c calls rcv_request() implemented in network.c to wait for the next request.
    • When a request is received, main.c calls parse_req() which is implemented by parser.c to process the request.
    • Rinse and repeat.

These interactions can be illustrated as follows:

Defining APIs with Header Files

To define the APIs exposed by each module that can be called externally, we use header files (with *.h extension) and the #include preprocessor directives to realise this compartmentalization. Let's assume that the external interface offered by the network module is constituted of 2 functions, init_network and receive_request, both supposed to be called from main.c. The interface offered by the parser module is a single function, parse_request, also supposed to be called from main.c.

We create one header file per module exporting an interface: network.h and parser.h. These header files will be included in several source files, so it is important that they contain only declarations: function prototypes, struct/typedef/enum declarations, variable declarations, etc. They should contain no definitions.

On the filesystem our source code now looks like that:

This is network.h:

#ifndef NETWORK_H // include guard
#define NETWORK_H

typedef struct {
    int id;
    char content[128];
} request;

void init_network();
int rcv_request(request *r);

#endif /* NETWORK_H */

It contains everything that the world outside the network module needs to know in order to use the network interface. We have the prototypes of the two functions of the interface, and also the declaration of the struct that is used as parameter in one of these functions. Note the enclosing #ifdef NETWORK_H, it's call an include guard. It avoids the problem of double declaration when we include in a C file several files that themselves include this header.

Below is the content of network.c, also called its implementation:

/* std includes here */
#include "network.h"

// this function and variable are internal
// so they are not declared in network.h
// the keyword static force their use
// to be only within the network.c file
static void generate_request(request *r);
static int request_counter = 0;

void init_network() {
    /* init code here ... */

int rcv_request(request *r) {
    /* ... */

static void generate_request(request *r) {
    /* ... */

We need to include the corresponding header to get access to the struct definition. We have a function generate_request and a global variable request_counter that are internal to the module, and they are not supposed to be called/accessed from outside, we can enforce that with the static keyword. And we have the implementation of the 2 functions that are exported by the network module.

parser.h and parser.c follow the same principles:

/* parser.h */

#ifndef PARSER_H
#define PARSER_H

/* needed for the definition of request: */
#include "network.h"

void parse_req(request *r);

/* parser .c */
#include "parser.h"

static void internal1(request *r);
static void internal2(request *r);

void parse_req(request *r) {

static void internal1(request *r) {
    /* ... */

static void internal2(request *r) {
    /* ... */

We have an external interface function declared in the header. We also need the declaration of the struct so we include network.h in the parser header. And in the module implementation we include the parser header. We have a couple of internal functions, as well as the exported function.

Finally, main.c looks like that:

/* main.c */

#include "network.h"
#include "parser.h"

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    request req;

    /* call functions from network module */

    /* call function from parser module */
    /* ... */

It's including both headers to get access to the interface function prototypes. And within the main function the functions from the interface can be called.

Automated Compilation

You can access the slides 🖼️ for this lecture. All the code samples given here can be found online, alongside instructions on how to bring up the proper environment to build and execute them here. You can download the entire set of slides and lecture notes in PDF from the home page.

Here we introduce a tool called make, that allows to automate the compilation of programs composed of multiple and potentially many source files.

Incremental Build

When we have a program composed of several modules, there is no need to rebuild the entire program when just one or a few source files are changed. Let's take the example from the following lecture in which we build our program from 3 source files, network.c, parser.c and main.c. A possible scenario is:

# Initial build:
$ gcc -c network.c -o network.o
$ gcc -c parser.c -o parser.o
$ gcc -c main.c -o main.o
$ gcc main.o network.o parser.o -o prog

# Assume we update parser.c, to rebuild we don't need to recompile everything:
$ gcc -c parser.c -o parser.o
$ gcc main.o network.o parser.o -o prog

# Now we update parser.h, remember it's included in both parser.c and main.c, so:
$ gcc -c parser.c -o parser.o
$ gcc -c main.c -o main.o
$ gcc main.o network.o parser.o -o prog

We have an initial build in which we compile each file and link the object files into the program. Now assume we update parser.c, to rebuild the entire program we only need to recompile that source file and relink all object files. We don't need to recompile network.c and main.c. Same thing if we modified parser.h, we only need to recompile the files including that header, parser.c and main.c, then relink.

We compile and link the program as follows:

And the dependencies between source/object/executable files can be represented as follows:

Keeping track of all these dependencies manually to avoid rebuilding the entire program each time we modify a subset of the source files is difficult though. Thankfully there exists a tool that can automatically manage all that process.

Makefiles: Automated Build and Dependency Management

This tool is called make. It relies on configuration files named Makefiles. They live alongside the sources, describing the build and its dependencies, following a particular format.

Let's consider the build dependencies for our server application example:

  • The final executable prog is produced by the link stage that requires the 3 object files, network.o, parser.o, and main.o.
  • network.o is the result of compiling network.c, which also include network.h.
  • parser.o is the result of compiling parser.c that also includes network.h and parser.h.
  • Finally, main.o is the result of compiling main.c, which includes both headers.

Now that we have reasoned about the dependencies we know what needs to be done when a given file is modified. For example, if parser.h is modified, then main.o and parser.o need to be rebuilt, and prog needs to be relinked.

An Example of Makefile

We describe these dependencies in a file named Makefile:

# The first rule is executed when the
# command make is typed in the local folder:
all: prog

# executable deps and command to build it:
prog: main.o network.o parser.o
    gcc main.o network.o parser.o -o prog

# network.o deps and command to build it:
network.o: network.c network.h
    gcc -c network.c -o network.o

parser.o: parser.c parser.h network.h
    gcc -c parser.c -o parser.o

main.o: main.c network.h parser.h
    gcc -c main.c -o main.o

# Special rule to remove all build files
    rm -rf *.o prog

It contains rules describing dependencies and actions with the following format:

  • We have the target file on the left, followed by :, followed by the file the target depends on. For example main.o depends on main.c, network.h and parser.h; The final executable prog depends on main.o, network.o and parser.o; etc.
  • Below each target and list of dependencies, we have the command used to rebuild the target. For example main.o is created by compiling main.c, and prog is created by linking the 3 object files. We also have a special rule all that will be executed when we type make in the local directory. And another special rule clean that removes all build file.

After this file is properly set up, typing make in the local directory will trigger the rebuild of only what is needed to rebuild the target referenced by all.

Type Conversion and Casting

You can access the slides 🖼️ for this lecture. All the code samples given here can be found online, alongside instructions on how to bring up the proper environment to build and execute them here. You can download the entire set of slides and lecture notes in PDF from the home page.

Here we discuss type conversion and casting in C.

Implicit Type Conversions

In many situations the compiler performs implicit conversions between types. With arithmetic operations, it applies integer promotion, converting smaller types to larger ones. Consider this example:

char char_var = 12;   // 1 byte, -128 -to 127
int int_var = 1000;   // 4 bytes, -2*10^9 to 2*10^9
long long ll_var = 0x840A1231AC154; // 8 bytes, -9*10^18 to 9*10^18

// here, char_var is first promoted to int, then the result of the first
// addition is promoted to long long:
long long result = (char_var + int_var) + ll_var;

We declare signed integers of various sizes. We have a char, note that we can store integers in chars, on x86-64 char size is one byte so it can store only 256 values. We also have a regular int, on x86-64 its size is 4 bytes so it can store about 4 billions values. And we also have a long long int, on x86-64 its size is 8 bytes, so it can store much more numbers.

Considering the operation computing the value of result, when the char is first added to the int, the char is automatically promoted to an int, and what is between parentheses evaluates to an int. This value is then promoted to a long long because it's added with a long long, and the resulting value is a long long. We can store it in a long long variable (result) without fear of loosing precision or data truncation due to the intermediary operations and types.

These implicit conversions, with an operation applied to integers of different types, are called integer promotion.

Integer Promotion

The key idea behind integer promotion is that no information is lost when going from smaller to larger types. Integer types are given ranks. In decreasing order of rank we have:

  • long long int, unsigned long long int (highest rank).
  • long int, unsigned long int.
  • int, unsigned int.
  • short int, unsigned short int.
  • signed char, char, unsigned char (lowest rank).

The promotion rules for 2 operands of an operation are as follows, in order:

  1. If the operands have the same type there is no need for promotion.
  2. If both operands are signed or both operands are unsigned, the operand of lesser rank is promoted to the type of the operand of higher rank.
  3. If the rank of the unsigned operand is superior or equal to the rank of the other operand, the signed operand is promoted to the type of the unsigned operand.
  4. If the signed operand type can represent all the values of the unsigned operand type, the unsigned operand gets promoted to the signed type.
  5. Otherwise, both operands are converted to the unsigned type corresponding to the signed operand's type.

It is important to keep these rules in mind, otherwise bugs may arise when mixing signed and unsigned integers. Consider this example:

int si = -1;
unsigned int ui = 1;
printf("%d\n", si < ui); // prints 0! si converted to unsigned int

We have a comparison between a signed int which is -1 and an unsigned int. According to the rules the signed int gets converted to an unsigned int. And the binary representation of -1 in memory when interpreted as an unsigned int, corresponds to the maximum value that can be stored in an unsigned int, which is about 4 billions So the expression evaluates to false, which is 0 in C. This is very counter-intuitive.

Integer Overflows

It is important to keep in mind the storage size of all types when mixing them in operations. Here's another example of behaviour that can be surprising:

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int i = -1000;
    unsigned int ui = 4294967295;
    printf("%d\n", i + ui); // prints -1001
    //      i:   11111111111111111111110000011000 (A)
    //     ui:   11111111111111111111111111111111 (B)
    // i + ui:  111111111111111111111110000010111 (C)
    //  final:   11111111111111111111110000010111 (D)
    // (A) originally 2's complement promoted to unsigned
    // (B) standard unsigned representation, max number an unsigned int can store
    // (C) addition result
    // (D) result overflows 32 bits as an int (expected by %d), loosing MSB
    // Solution: use %ld rather than %d to store the result on 64 bits
    return 0;

We add a signed int, i, equal to -1000, to an unsigned int, ui, that is actually the maximum value we can store with that type. i is promoted to an unsigned int, and because signed numbers are encoded with 2's complement we have the leading ones in the binary representation. ui being the maximum number that can be stored in an unsigned int, it is 32 bits full of ones. The addition overflows and the most significant bit gets truncated. What we obtain is the binary representation of -1001.

Integer to Floating-Point Conversion

Regarding floating point numbers, if an operand is float/double, the other gets converted to float/double. This is another implicit conversion realised by the compiler. Conversion spreads from left to right. See the following examples with explanation in comments:

//prints 7:  25/10 rounds to 2; 2 * 15 = 30; 30/4 rounds to 7
printf("%d\n", 25 / 10 * 15 / 4);

// prints 7.5: 25/10 rounds to 2; 2*15 = 30; 30 gets converted to
// 30.0 (double) and divided by 4.0 (double) giving result 7.5 (double)
printf("%lf\n", 25 / 10 * 15 / 4.0);

// prints 9.375: 25.0 / 10.0 (converted from 10) is 2.5, multiplied by 15.0
// (converted from 15) gives 37.5, divided by 4.0 (converted from 4) gives
// 9.375
printf("%lf\n", 25.0 / 10 * 15 / 4);

// prints garbage, don't try to interpret a double as an int!
printf("%d\n", 25.0 / 10 * 15 / 4);

Implicit Conversion When Passing Parameters

Conversion also happens implicitly when calling functions. Consider this example:

void f1(int i) {
    printf("%d\n", i);

void f2(double d) {
    printf("%lf\n", d);

void f3(unsigned int ui) {
    printf("%u\n", ui);

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    char c = 'a';
    unsigned long long ull = 0x400000000000;

    f1(c);    // prints 97 (ascii code for 'a')
    f2(c);    // prints 97.0
    f3(ull);  // overflows int ... prints 0 (lower 32 bits of 0x400000000000)

    return 0;

Here we have a character variable c containing 'a', passed as parameter to functions expecting int (f1) and double (f2). Characters are encoded with ascii code, so when this data is interpreted as an int or a double, we get the ascii code for 'a': 97 or 97.0. We also have a long long unsigned variable, ull, that is passed to a function expecting an unsigned int, but ull is too large for that. So when printed within the function body we only see its lower 32 bits.

Note that this code, and all the faulty programs presented in this lecture, is perfectly legit from the compiler point of view: it will produce no warnings. Hence it is really important to be aware of the various implicit conversion rules to avoid bugs, some of which may be quite hard to investigate and fix.

Type Casting

Type casting lets the programmer force a conversion. It is achieved by writing the target type between parentheses in front of the expression one wish to covert. For example here we cast an int into a float:

// prints 3.75: 4 gets converted to 4.0
printf("%lf\n", (float)15/4);

Here we cast a floating point number into an integer:

// prints 4: 2.5 converted to 2 (int), multiplied by 12 gives 24, divided by 5 gives 4
printf("%d\n", ((int)2.5 * 12)/5);

Another example:

// prints 4.8: 2*12 = 24, converted to 24.0, divided by 5.0 gives 4.8
printf("%lf\n", ((int)2.5 * 12)/(double)5);

Recall the example above in which an unsigned int equal to 1 was evaluated as not inferior to an int equal to -1 due to integer promotion. This can be fixed that with a cast:

int si = -1;
unsigned int ui = 1;
printf("%d\n", si < (int)ui); // prints 1

We force the unsigned variable to be converted to a signed one, and we now compare two signed int.

Generic Pointers

In combination with the special type void *, casting also allows us to implement generic pointers in C. Generic pointers allow a pointer parameter or return value to point to data of different types. Consider the following code:

typedef enum {
} type_enum;

void print(void *data, type_enum t) {
    switch(t) {
        case CHAR:
            printf("character: %c\n",
                *(char *)data);
        case INT:
            printf("integer: %d\n",
                *(int *)data);
        case DOUBLE:
            printf("double: %lf\n",
                *(double *)data);
            printf("Unknown type ...\n");

We have a function that takes a void *`` generic pointer as parameter. According to a second parameter that is an enum, the function prints the value of what is pointed by the pointer. It can be a char, an int, or a double. When we call the function, we cast the pointers to these data types to void *. Of course, we need to indicate the type somewhere, in this case we use the enum`. When printing the value, we use another cast to get the proper type.

Debugging with GDB

You can access the slides 🖼️ for this lecture. All the code samples given here can be found online, alongside instructions on how to bring up the proper environment to build and execute them here. You can download the entire set of slides and lecture notes in PDF from the home page.

Here we discuss how to debug C programs with GDB, the GNU Debugger.

Buggy Program

Consider the following program:

/* buggy-program.c: */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define ARRAY_SIZE  100

int fill_array(int *array, int size) {
    for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
        array[i] = rand()%10;

/* array[slot] = value */
int update_slot(int *array, int slot, int value) {
    array[slot] = value;
    printf("Updated index %d to %d\n", slot, value);

int process_array(int *array, int size) {
    int ii = 1000000;

    for(int i=0; i<size; i++) {
        /* If the value is even, change it to 1000000 */
        if(!(array[i] % 2)) {
            update_slot(array, ii, i);

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int *array = malloc(ARRAY_SIZE * sizeof(int));

    fill_array(array, ARRAY_SIZE);
    process_array(array, ARRAY_SIZE);

    return 0;

It contains a bug and crashes at runtime:

$ gcc buggy-program.c -o buggy-program
$ ./buggy-program
[2]    9983 segmentation fault  ./buggy-program

This behaviour gives very little information about what actually went wrong. Blindly debugging, e.g. by adding printf statements, to try to understand what happens is useful but very cumbersome, especially on large codebases. We'll use a debugger to easily find the bug.

Fixing the Issue with GDB

GDB is the GNU debugger, a command line tool that helps inspect the state of the program at runtime to understand and fix bugs. To use it, the program should be compiled with debug symbols using the -g flag passed to the compiler:

$ gcc -g buggy-program -o buggy-program
$ gdb buggy-program

To launch the execution of the program within the debugger, use the run command:

(gdb) run
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00005640b87c51fe in update_slot (array=0x56..., slot=1000000, value=1) at buggy-program.c:13
13	    array[slot] = value;

The debugger executed the program until the crash happened. It indicates us the faulty line of code, line 13 in buggy-program.c. Something wrong happens when trying to write in a slot of the array. We can see from the value of update_slot's parameters that slot is way too large (1000000) with respect to the array size (100). In effect the program tries to access the memory at address array + 1000000 * sizeof(int), which is probably not mapped, so a page fault happens, and the operating system kills the program. That's our bug, the programmer inverted the second and third arguments when calling update_slot.

Other Basic GDB Features


Breakpoints can be placed at various locations (referenced by their line number in the source files) in the program. When a breakpoint is hit during execution under the debugger, the program will pause and the debugger will let the user inspect the state of the program. Here is an example, still using our buggy program, we want to pause the execution when entering the function fill_array which is at line 6:

(gdb) br buggy-program.c:6
Breakpoint 1 at 0x5640b87c5178: file buggy-program.c, line 7.
(gdb) run
Breakpoint 1, fill_array (array=0x5568886282a0, size=100) at buggy-program.c:7
7	    for(int i=0; i<size; i++)

The execution starts and pauses when fill_array is called. Notice that the debugger corrected the line to 7 of the source file, i.e. the first instruction of the function. The user can then choose different ways to continue the execution of the program:

  • The continue command will resume execution until the next breakpoint/crash is hit.
  • The step command will execute the next line of code and will pause right after that. If that line of code is a function call, the debugger will dive into the function and the pause will happen on the first instruction of that function.
  • The next command will execute the next line of code and will pause right after that. If that line of code is a function call, the debugger will execute the entire function call before pausing on the next line of code of the calling context.

Breakpoints can be deleted with the del command, followed by the breakpoint identifier (e.g. 1 for the one seen above).

Printing Values and Addresses

During execution, when a breakpoint/crash is hit, the user can print values and addresses to inspect the state of the program with the p command:

(gdb) p array
$1 = (int *) 0x5568886282a0
(gdb) p array[0]
$2 = 0
(gdb) p size
$3 = 100
(gdb) p &size
$4 = (int *) 0x7ffdde0ba444

When inspecting the state of the program, the user can go up and down the call stack with the up and down commands:

(gdb) up
#1  0x0000556886ba22ac in main (argc=1, argv=0x7ffdde0ba5a8) at buggy-program.c:31
31	    fill_array(array, ARRAY_SIZE);
(gdb) down
#0  fill_array (array=0x5568886282a0, size=100) at buggy-program.c:7
7	    for(int i=0; i<size; i++)

Conditional Breakpoints

The user can instruct GDB to pause execution when a breakpoint is hit only under certain condition, e.g. a variable having a certain value. Here is an example in which we put a breakpoint in fill_array at the 42nd iteration of the loop:

br buggy-program.c:8 if i==42
Breakpoint 1 at 0x1181: file buggy-program.c, line 8.
(gdb) run
Breakpoint 1, fill_array (array=0x5586448b22a0, size=100) at buggy-program.c:8
8	        array[i] = rand()%10;
(gdb) p i
$1 = 42

Further Resources

You can find a plethora of resources online regarding GDB, including its official documentation, as well as a reference card listing the most important commands for the tool. GDB's interface can be heavily customised and made more user-friendly, see an example here.

Case Study: High Performance Computing

You can access the slides 🖼️ for this lecture. All the code samples given here can be found online, alongside instructions on how to bring up the proper environment to build and execute them here. You can download the entire set of slides and lecture notes in PDF from the home page.

In this lecture we discuss a first case study of the application of C: High Performance Computing (HPC).

C in HPC

C is extensively used in HPC because it is fast. This speed is due to many reasons. Contrary to more high-level programming languages (e.g. Python):

First, C is close to the hardware, there are few layers to traverse when calling system functions:

With Python your script need to run through the interpreter. With Java, things are similar with the JVM: these additional layers in high-level languages introduce many overheads compared to low-level ones such as C.

Another source of overheads in high-level languages like Python or Java is automatic memory protection and management. For example languages such as Java or Python have a garbage collector, that automatically takes care of dynamic memory management tasks. To enforce memory safety these languages also perform bounds checking e.g. when indexing an array. In C memory management is manual: there is no garbage collector, and there is also no memory protection. Although this creates more burden for the programmer, C avoids the related overheads with the goal of execution speed.

Another advantage of C is that it is very easy to integrate with assembly, which sometimes needs to be used to optimise specific operation for performance.

And last but not least, C gives the programmer control over the data memory layout. We discuss this particular aspect in this lecture, showing how useful it can be when optimising a program for performance.

Memory Hierarchy 101

Here is a quick recap about a subset of the memory hierarchy present on all computers:

The CPU has local memory in the form of registers, there are very few of these, between 10 and 30, and accessing them is very fast: data present in registers is instantaneously available for computations. Main memory stores most of the program data because it is large so bringing data from memory to registers for computations is slow: it can take hundreds of CPU clock cycles So we have this intermediary layer named the cache, it is made of a relatively small amount of fast memory (faster than the RAM, slower than registers) that holds a subset of the program's data. Data is loaded in the cache from memory on demand when requested by the CPU, and the unit of transfer between memory and the cache is a cache line, generally 64 contiguous bytes, to exploit the principle of locality. So, to get the best performance possible for a program -- and this is the goal in HPC -- it is important to fit as much as possible of the program's data in the cache.

Cache-unfriendly Program Example

Let's discuss an example. Consider the following program:

typedef struct {
    char c[60];
    int i;
    double d;
} my_struct;

#define N 100000000
my_struct array[N];

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  struct timeval start, stop, res;
  my_struct s;

  gettimeofday(&start, NULL);

  /* Randomly access N elements */
  for(int i=0; i<N; i++)
      memcpy(&s, &array[rand()%N], sizeof(my_struct));

  gettimeofday(&stop, NULL);
  timersub(&stop, &start, &res);
  printf("%ld.%06ld\n", res.tv_sec, res.tv_usec);

  return 0;

This program accesses a large array of data structures. The data structure contains a string member, an int member, and a double member. In a relatively long loop the program uses memcpy to read from the array a given member from a random index. We use gettimeofday to measure the execution time of the loop. This program is extremely memory intensive, there is not much computation: it is memory-bound by the memory copy operations.

It turns out that this program is not very cache friendly. If we look at the size of one member of the array, that is the sizeof my_struct, we can see that it's 60 + 4 + 8 = 72 bytes. This is slightly larger than a cache line which is 64 bytes, and the array is likely laid out into memory like that:

So most calls to memcpy in the program's inner loop will require to fetch 2 cache lines from memory to be brought into the cache.

Fitting Data into the Cache

We can fix that issue by updating the structure and array definitions as follows:

typedef struct {
    char c[52]; // down from 60, we have 52 + 4 + 8 == 64 bytes i.e. a cache line
    int i;
    double d;
} my_struct;

// force alignment of the array base address:
my_struct array[N] __attribute__ ((aligned(64)));

We reduce the size of the structure to be equal to that of a cache line. More precisely we reduced slightly the size of the string so that the size of one instance of the data structure is 64 bytes. Then we use the special keyword attribute to make sure that the array is aligned to a cache line. In effect this will make that each member of the array is fully contained in a cache line:

On the computer this code was tested, this effectively speeds up the program by about 25%:

Such optimisations are possible in C because the language gives the programmer a large area of control over the program's memory layout, in other word one can control the placement and sizes of data structures in memory.

Case Study: C Standard Library

You can access the slides 🖼️ for this lecture. All the code samples given here can be found online, alongside instructions on how to bring up the proper environment to build and execute them here. You can download the entire set of slides and lecture notes in PDF from the home page.

Here we discuss another case study: the implementation of the C standard library.

The C Standard Library

The C standard library, also abbreviated libc, is the library providing the implementation of functions declared in stdio.h, stdlib.h, etc., that we have been using since the beginning of the course. It is written mostly in C, with a few bits of assembly. The default library coming with Linux distribution such as Ubuntu/Debian or Fedora is the GNU Libc, Glibc. It is very complex and difficult to study, so in this lecture we will rather have a look at a simpler C standard library named Musl. Musl is a production-ready C standard library, and is widely used: for example the Alpine Linux container-oriented distribution ships with Musl as libc.

Using Musl

It is very easy to try out Musl. It can be downloaded, built, and used to build a small hello world C program as follows:

# Download musl
$ git clone https://github.com/ifduyue/musl.git

# Compile it and install it locally
$ cd musl
$ ./configure --prefix=$PWD/prefix
$ make
$ make install

# Write a hellow world and compile it against Musl rather than Glibc
# Don't forget the -static
$ ./prefix/bin/musl-gcc hello-world.c -o hello-world -static
$ ./hello-world
$ hello world!

In the rest of this document we take a brief look at how the libc works, and why it makes sense for it to be written in C. The main job of the C library is to interface the application with the operating system. To study this, let's see how Musl implements the function we have been using the most, printf. But before that, we need to understand how the C Library request services from the OS, through system calls.

System Calls

Letting application access the hardware directly is too dangerous. So applications use system calls (abbreviated syscalls) to ask for services from the kernel, which is the only privileged entity that can directly manipulate the hardware to do things like reading and writing from/to disk, sending and receiving packets to/from the network card, printing to the console, etc. Syscalls are rarely made directly by the user code: the programmer rather calls functions from the libc, which in turn takes care of invoking syscalls. For example, to print to the console, the programmer calls printf, and if we look at its implementation within the libc code, we can see that it calls the write syscall (or a variant of it like writev). Therefore, the libc provides wrappers to the user code around system calls. Some wrappers have the same name as the system call in question such as write.

When a syscall is made, what happens under the hood is a bit more complex than a simple function call. There is a world switch of the CPU execution state, from user mode to privileged (kernel) mode. There is a particular convention on how this switch should happen, i.e. what are the machine instruction that user mode should issue to indicate to the kernel what syscall to run, and with what parameters.

The System Call Application Binary Interface

On Intel x86-64, an application wishing to issue a Linux system call uses the following machine instructions:

  1. First the syscall number is put in the %rax register. This number identify uniquely a given syscall, you can see the list of Linux syscalls and their numbers for x86-64 here.
  2. The syscall parameters are put in %rsi, %rdx, %r10, %r8, and %r9 (in order).
  3. Then the "syscall" instruction should be executed, this triggers a trap to the kernel and the OS will process the syscall.
  4. When done the kernel place the syscall return value in %rax.

This is a convention put in place for communication between 2 entities: the program (that includes the libc) invoking the system call, and the kernel receiving the call and processing it. These 2 entities are compiled separately, hence for interacting they cannot use application programming interfaces (APIs), i.e. language level constructs such as functions, like one would normally do within a single program or between a program and a library it compiles against. They rather use directly machine instructions: it's an application binary interface, ABI.

The Linux system call ABI is architecture-specific, but for other ISAs the principles are similar: the system call identifiers and arguments are set up in a set of predefined registers, then a special instruction is executed to trap to the kernel. Once the kernel is done, the system call return value will be placed by the kernel in a predefined register.

Musl's Implementation of printf

printf is implemented in Musl's sources in the src/stdio/printf.c file. It calls vfprintf, which calls printf_core, which itself calls out. All of these functions are in src/stdio/vfprintf.c. Their job is to expand the token in the string passed to printf (e.g. %d) with the value of the corresponding variables. For example, they transform "hello: %d, %lf", 12, 12.0" into "hello: 12, 12.00000".

out calls __fwritex which is in src/stdio/fwrite.c. In __fwritex there is a call to a function pointer: f->write(f, s, i);. We do not describe function pointers in details here (for more information please check the description of function pointers from Wikipedia), just know that this will lead at runtime to a call to __stdout_write(f, s, i). That function is located in src/stdio/__stdout_write.c and calls __stdio_write in src/stdio/__stdio_write.c, which itself calls syscall(SYS_writev, f->fd, iov, iovcnt).

syscall is a macro expansion, defined in src/internal/syscall.h. This macro expands a series of other macro functions which, in the case of printf, will end up in a call to syscall3:

__syscall_3(SYS_writev, f->fd, iov, iovcount);

This will lead to a call to the writev system call with parameters f->fd, iov, and iovcount. writev realises several write operations at once in a file descriptor, each characterised by a memory address to write from, and the amount of bytes to write: in other words it is equivalent to a series of calls to write on the same file descriptor. The series of operation is described in an array of iovec data structures:

struct iovec {
    void  *iov_base;    /* Starting address */
    size_t iov_len;     /* Number of bytes to transfer */

writev takes as parameter the file descriptor to write to, (in the call above, f->fd), the array of iovec structs (iov), and its size (iovcount). At runtime f->fd will be 1, a special file descriptor representing the standard output. Indeed, in UNIX-like operating systems such as Linux, everything is a file, and printing to the console is realised by writing to a (pseudo-) file representing the standard output.

syscall3 is a function defined in arch/x86_64/syscall_arch.h:

static __inline long __syscall3(long n, long a1, long a2, long a3) {
    unsigned long ret;
    __asm__ __volatile__ (  "syscall" :  // 5) the syscall instruction
                            "=a"(ret) :  // 6) we'll get the return value in rax
                            "a"(n),      // 1) syscall number in rax
                            "D"(a1),     // 2) argument 1 in rdi
                            "S"(a2),     // 3) argument 2 in rsi
                            "d"(a3) :    // 4) argument 3 in rdx
                            "rcx", "r11", "memory");
    return ret;

This function will be inlined by the compiler wherever it is called, as indicated by the __inline keyword, hence it is fine to have its body implemented in the syscall_arch.h header file. We will not go into the details of how inline assembly works here, but know that this generates the code adhering to the ABI previously described. In assembly and in the proper order, instructions will look approximately like this:

mov $20, %rax
mov $1, %rdi
mov <address of the iovec array>, %rsi
mov $1, %rdx

The steps are:

  1. The system call identifier of writev (n, i.e. SYS_writev, i.e. 20) is placed in %rax.
  2. The 3 parameters (file descriptors, array of struct iovec, size of the array) are placed in %rdi, %rsi, and rdx.
  3. The syscall instruction is invoked. At that point the kernel starts to run to process the system call. We will discuss what happens there further in the next lecture.
  4. When the kernel returns to the application from the system call execution, the return value of the system call (an unsigned long) is present in %rax. In __syscall3 it is placed in the ret variable, and returned up the call stack.

Hello World without Libc

Now that we know how to issue a system call to print on the console, an interesting exercise is to achieve that without the libc, i.e. without printf. This can be done with the following program (that will work on Intel x86-64 CPUs only):

// nolibc.c

// Print "hello!" to the standard output without the C library, directly making a
// write syscall to stdout file desccriptor (by convention 1)
// Notice the abscense of '#include': we don't want to use the libc

/* Without libc the default entry point is _start */
void _start() {
    unsigned long ret;

    /* Write syscall */
    __asm__ __volatile(
            "syscall" :            // the syscall instruction
            "=a"(ret) :            // we'll get the return value in rax
            "a"(1),                // syscall number (1 for write)
            "D"(1),                // argument1: file descriptor (1 for stdout)
            "S"((long)"hello!\n"), // argument2: char array to print
            "d"(7) :               // argument3: number of bytes to write
            "rcx", "r11", "memory");

    /* exit syscall to quit properly */
    __asm__ __volatile( "syscall" : :  // syscall instruction
            "a"(60),                   // exit's syscall number
            "D"(0) :                   // exit parameter: 0
            "rcx", "r11", "memory");

This program issues 2 system calls: one write to the standard output, followed by exit to terminate the program. It can be compiled without the libc and executed as follows:

$ gcc -nostdlib nolibc.c -o nolibc
$ ./nolibc

Case Study: Operating System Kernel

You can access the slides 🖼️ for this lecture. All the code samples given here can be found online, alongside instructions on how to bring up the proper environment to build and execute them here. You can download the entire set of slides and lecture notes in PDF from the home page.

Here we discuss a last and third use case where using C is appropriate: the implementation of an operating system (OS) kernel.

System Calls and Context Switches

Because of its proximity with the hardware and performance, C is heavily used in OS kernels. Here we will study how two key OS operations are implemented: system call and context switch. We already talked about how user space programs invoke system calls in the previous lecture regarding the C standard library. Here we'll get an overview of how they are handled on the kernel side. Regarding context switches, it corresponds to the action of replacing a task running on the CPU by another one:

We'll see an overview of how the kernel manages that, by studying the Linux kernel code. Linux is used absolutely everywhere: in all Android phones and most embedded or IoT systems, on the majority of server computers, as well as super computers. Linux also happens to be the operating system currently running on my computer.

System Calls in a Nutshell

When a user space task is executing on the processor, the CPU state of this task consists in the values present in the processor registers:

We have general purpose registers used for computations, but also special-purpose ones such as stack and instruction pointers. As its name suggests, the stack pointer points to the stack, a contiguous memory area used to store various things such as local variables. The instruction pointer (also known as program counter) points to the instruction currently executed by the CPU, located inside the program code in memory. When running user programs the CPU is in user mode, i.e. for security reasons it cannot perform privileged operations which execution is reserved to the kernel, such as installing a new page table or shutting down the CPU.

When the system call instruction is issued (e.g. syscall for x86-64), the CPU switches to supervisor mode, also known as kernel mode, giving it the permission to execute every operation supported by the CPU, including privileged ones. The CPU also jumps to a predefined system call handler in the kernel, which switches to the kernel stack:

The kernel starts by saving the application state by pushing all registers on the kernel stack:

Then the kernel determines which system call is invoked (e.g. on x86-64 by looking at the system call identifier in %rax) and starts processing it. When the system call has been processed, the kernel restores the task state by popping all the registers from the kernel stack:

And then user space execution resumes at the next instruction following the system call invocation instruction:

Context Switches in a Nutshell

Let's assume a single core CPU, with a task running (scheduled) on the CPU, we'll call it task A. We also assume a task B that is currently sleeping, i.e. it is not scheduled. Each task has its code and data (including its stack) in memory. In memory, we also have the kernel code, as well as a kernel stack for each task A and B:

Context switch should be done by the kernel, so let's assume at some point there is a trap to the kernel, either due to a system call or a hardware interrupt:

After the interrupt is treated, in many OSes the scheduler will check if there is a task ready with a higher priority than the one currently running. Let's assume task B is ready, and its priority is higher than the currently running task A. The scheduler then decides to run B instead of A and a context switch is needed.

The context switch operation starts by saving the state of the task getting scheduled out of the CPU, A, pushing all of its registers' values on its kernel stack:

Next the state of task getting scheduled, B, is restored from its own kernel stack, where it was previously saved the last time that task was scheduled out:

Then the execution of B can resume, in kernel mode first:

Then the kernel returns to user space, and B resumes:

System Call and Context Switch Implementations in a Real OS

Let's explore in a real world operating system how system call handling and context switching are implemented. We are going to have a look at how the Linux kernel code. Its code is obviously relatively complex, and we will not discuss most of the code present in the files and functions we will look at here: we will only focus on the key operations for you to get a good idea of how things work from a high level point of view.

A great way to browse the Linux kernel source is Elixir. All the references to the code we make below will point to this website.

We are going to study the code path in the kernel when an application calls the sleep function. It is implemented by the C standard library which will invoke the nanosleep system call to ask the kernel to put the calling program to sleep, which will force a context switch on the CPU to schedule in another task ready to run. So it's an exact illustration of the scenario we have depicted earlier.

1. System Calls: Entering the Kernel

1.1. System Call Entry Point

We have seen in the previous lecture on the C standard library that a user space program invokes a system call on x86-64 with the syscall instruction. When it is executed by the C library wishing to invoke the nanosleep system call, there is an exception and the user space program's execution is interrupted. The CPU switches to supervisor mode, and jumps to a predefined piece of kernel code, the system call entry point. When kernel code runs following a system call or any other form of interruption of user space code execution (e.g. a hardware interrupt received while a user task is running), we say that the kernel is running in the context of the task that was interrupted, and that task is named the current task. The overwhelming majority of kernel code invocations are made in the context of a user space task.

The kernel defines the system call entry point as the label entry_SYSCALL_64 in an assembly file. The assembly code starts by saving the user stack pointer in a scratch space and switching the stack pointer register (%rsp) to a kernel stack, as sharing a stack between user and kernel space would be unsafe:

movq	%rsp, PER_CPU_VAR(cpu_tss_rw + TSS_sp2)   // save user stack pointer
/* ... */
movq	PER_CPU_VAR(pcpu_hot + X86_top_of_stack), %rsp // load kernel stack pointer

Next, through a series of stack push (pusq instruction) operations, the values of many CPU registers that correspond to the current task's user state when it invoked syscall are pushed on the kernel stack. The user CPU state needs to be saved so that it can be restored later when the application resumes: doing so the interruption that corresponds to handling the system call will have been completely transparent to the application's execution. Most of that state saving job is realised with the macro PUSH_AND_CLEAR_REGS which expands among other things into a series of pushq for the general purpose registers:


After that the system call entry point is going to jump to a function in C code. This function takes 2 arguments. The first parameter is a pointer to a data structure of type pt_regs containing the state of the CPU that was just pushed to the stack (register's values at the time the application invoked syscall). The second is the identifier for the system call being invoked: in the case of nanosleep it will be 35.

Remember the calling conventions: the first parameter of a function is passed in the %rdi register, and the second in %rsi.

movq	%rsp, %rdi
movslq	%eax, %rsi

Here, the value of the stack pointer, which is a pointer to the task user state pt_regs that was just pushed to the stack is written in %rdi. Also remember that the system call convention states that the system call identifier should be set in %rax: its lower 32 bits (aliased as %eax, there are only about 400 system calls, so 32 bits is largely enough to identify them all) are moved to %rsi.

The system call entry point finally jumps to C code by calling the do_syscall_64 function:

call	do_syscall_64

Assembly files can be assembled into object files which can be linked with other object files resulting from the compilation of C code into an executable program. As seen above symbols (e.g. function names, global variables) can be shared: C functions can be called from assembly, and C code can jump to assembly labels.

1.2. System Call C Handler

As mentioned earlier, do_syscall_64 takes the registers' state and system call identifier as parameters:

__visible noinstr bool do_syscall_64(struct pt_regs *regs, int nr);

It calls do_syscall_x64 which itself calls x64_sys_call. That function looks like this:

long x64_sys_call(const struct pt_regs *regs, unsigned int nr)
	switch (nr) {
	#include <asm/syscalls_64.h>
	default: return __x64_sys_ni_syscall(regs);

It's a switch case on the identifier of the system call that was invoked by the current task. The code embedded in the middle with #include is a jump table mapping each system call identifier to the corresponding C function handling that system call in the kernel. The included code is automatically generated at compile time from the Linux system call table. For example for the nanosleep system call we have the following entry:

35	common	nanosleep		sys_nanosleep

So in the case of that system call being invoked, the switch in x64_sys_call will jump to sys_nanosleep.

1.3. Implementation of nanosleep

sys_nanosleep calls hrtimer_nanosleep, itself calling do_nanosleep that contains the core logic of the sleep operation: the function schedule is called in a loop as long as the nanosleep delay is not spent. That function is implemented by the Linux scheduler, and will effectively set the current task to sleep and trigger a context switch to another task ready to run.

2. The Scheduler

2.1. Grabbing Task Structs

schedule calls __schedule_loop, which itself calls the main scheduler function: __schedule. It is called on 2 occasions:

  1. When a user programs explicitly blocks, e.g. our example with nanosleep.
  2. Upon return from interrupt or system call.

This function first obtain a data structure of type task_struct representing the current task into a variable named prev:

cpu = smp_processor_id();
rq = cpu_rq(cpu);
prev = rq->curr;

Here cpu identifies the core executing the code, and rq is its runqueue: the list of tasks ready to run on that core.

Next the scheduler gets the task_struct of the next task that should run on this core:

next = pick_next_task(rq, prev, &rf);

The rules based on which the next task to run is selected are many, and depend on the model of the scheduler used (Linux has several schedulers): it can be based on priorities, fair division of time between tasks, etc. Here just know that next is the task struct of whatever task the scheduler decided was going to run on the current core next.

In the rest of this document we will refer to the task being scheduled out of the CPU as the previous task (here prev), and to the task to be scheduled as the next task (next).

2.2. Disabling Interrupts

A bit earlier in the __schedule function, interrupt are disabled with local_irq_disable, which ends up calling native_irq_disable which is an architecture specific function. For x86-64 it looks like this:

static __always_inline void native_irq_disable(void)
	asm volatile("cli": : :"memory");

Here inline assembly is used to call the cli x86-64 instruction that effectively disables interrupts.

As a side note we have here what may look like a function implementation within a header file, something we previously said was not OK. In this case this is actually fine, because the function in question is declared as inline.

2.3. Determining if a Context Switch is Needed

Let's go back to __schedule. At that stage the kernel checks if the next task is different from the previous one:

if (likely(prev != next)) {

If prev and next represent the same task, there is no need for a context switch: the function will return, and soon the kernel will return to the current task for it to resume. If the tasks are different, then the kernel needs to context switch to the next task. To that aim the context_switch function is called.

3. Context Switch

As explained earlier the context switch consists in switching the content of many CPU registers from the state that corresponds to the execution of the previous task to that of the next task. Notable registers which value is switched include:

  • The general purpose registers.
  • The stack pointer (each task has its own kernel stack).
  • The register holding the root of the page table, because each task has its own address space.

Note that here we are running kernel code and the context switch happens in kernel context: we'll be switching the CPU state of the kernel running in the context of the previous task to the state of the kernel running in the context of the next task. This is not to be mixed up with the user to kernel state switching we have seen earlier, that happens upon system calls and other forms of interrupts.

3.1. Switching Page Tables

context_switch takes as parameters the runqueue for the current core, pointers to the previous and next tasks, as well as to some flags. It starts by checking what type of task we are switching to:

if (!next->mm) {

Tasks can be either standard user space programs, or kernel threads. Switching to a kernel thread (when next->mm is 0) does not require a page table switch because the memory corresponding to the kernel is mapped in the address space of all user programs (although for obvious security reasons not directly accessible from user code): the address space currently in use is that of the previous task, and it will contain all the kernel memory that any kernel thread may need to address. If we are switching to a standard user space task, we need to switch page tables to install its address space. This is the job of switch_mm_irqs_off, which executes a bunch of code and in particular switches the content of the %cr3 x86-64 register holding the root of the page table with native_write_cr3:

static inline void native_write_cr3(unsigned long val)
	asm volatile("mov %0,%%cr3": : "r" (val) : "memory");

Here the inline assembly takes val (root of the page table of the next task) and use the mov instruction to write it in %cr3.

3.2. Switching Stack Pointer and General Purpose Registers

Now that the page table is taken care of we have loaded the address space of the next task. The CPU state corresponding to this task now needs to be switched too. If we go back to context_switch, at that stage it will call switch_to to handle that, which itself will call the x86-64 architecture-specific function __switch_to_asm. This function is defined in an assembly file, and contains the core logic of the CPU state switch:

pushq	%rbp
pushq	%rbx
pushq	%r12
pushq	%r13
pushq	%r14
pushq	%r15

movq	%rsp, TASK_threadsp(%rdi)
movq	TASK_threadsp(%rsi), %rsp

popq	%r15
popq	%r14
popq	%r13
popq	%r12
popq	%rbx
popq	%rbp

jmp	__switch_to

At the beginning of the function the stack pointer (register %rsp) still references the previous task's stack. The callee-saved registers representing the previous task's CPU kernel state are saved on that stack with a series of push instructions. Then the previous task's stack pointer is saved on the stack with a movq instruction, and the next task's stack pointer is installed with another movq. Now that the stack pointer references the stack of the next task, with a series of pop instructions the values of the callee-saved registers for that task are loaded. These values were previously saved on the next task's stack the last time it was scheduled out of the CPU (i.e. it is the next task's CPU kernel state), similarly to what we just described for the previous task. Finally, the code goes back to C by jumping to __switch_to.

__switch_to takes care of saving/restoring more CPU state including segment registers, floating point registers, among others. When __switch_to returns, the next task is now the current task. In other words the kernel now executes in the context of the next task: as you know the return path is defined by the values of return addresses stored on the stack, so we take the next task's return path up to schedule, which itself returns to whatever part of the kernel code invoked it the last time the next task was scheduled out.

4. System Call: Exiting the Kernel

Let's assume that at this occasion the next task was scheduled out following an explicit system call to nanosleep. schedule returns back to do_nanosleep, which exits its waiting loop and returns to hrtimer_nanosleep, which itself return to the top level implementation of nanosleep, i.e. sys_nanosleep. The system call handling code returns back from do_syscall_64 in the assembly system call entry point. The user space state of the next task is then popped from the stack where it was saved the last time the task entered the kernel (when it called nanosleep):

POP_REGS pop_rdi=0

POP_REGS expands into a series of popq instructions restoring the value for general purpose registers.

The kernel stack pointer is then saved to a scratch space, and from that scratch space the user space stack pointer is popped into %rsp:

movq	%rsp, %rdi
movq	PER_CPU_VAR(cpu_tss_rw + TSS_sp0), %rsp
pushq	RSP-RDI(%rdi)	/* RSP */
/* ... */
popq	%rsp

Finally, we exit kernel code to return to user space:


The sysretq instruction switches the processor mode from supervisor to user (i.e. unprivileged) mode, and jumps to the first user space instruction after syscall: the application resumes its execution.


And that's it! Through this example we have seen how C is a very practical language for writing operating systems as they require, for some very specific operations such as system call handling and context switching, close interactions with assembly code (inline as well as in the form of assembly files) as well as full control over the location/layout of data structures in memory.

Building C Programs: Exercises

See here how to set up a development environment to do these exercises.

  • You should complete the essential exercises if you want to claim you know how to program in C.
  • If you want to go further and make sure you understand everything, you can also complete the additional exercises.

Essential Exercises

  1. Using macros
  2. Conditional code inclusion
  3. Modules: breaking down a program into several source files
  4. Using makefiles
  5. Type casting

Using Macros

The program macro.c generates a series of random numbers and outputs the distribution of their value into several bins:

bin 0: [000 - 020[ *******************
bin 1: [020 - 040[ *******************
bin 2: [040 - 060[ *******************
bin 3: [060 - 080[ **********************
bin 4: [080 - 100[ ******************

There are several redundant hardcoded numbers in the code of macro.c that should rather be defined as macros (constants) to ease the code clarity and the possibilities of evolution. Fix this problem by introducing at least 2 macros:

  • SAMPLE_SIZE defining the size (i.e. number of integers) of the array manipulated by the program -- currently 1000 in the provided code sample
  • MAX_VAL defining the value that the generated random integers can take as the range [0 - MAX_VAL[, currently 100 in the code sample.

Define these macros to be 10 for SAMPLE_SIZE and 50 for MAX_VAL. An example of expected output is:

bin 0: [000 - 010[ 
bin 1: [010 - 020[ **********
bin 2: [020 - 030[ ********************
bin 3: [030 - 040[ **************************************************
bin 4: [040 - 050[ ********************

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named macro.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week4-compilation/01-macro

Conditional Code Inclusion

The program macro-conditional.c is a variant of the program presented in the previous exercise, where many debug messages are printed on the standard output:

[DEBUG] Allocating memory
[DEBUG] Allocation successfull
[DEBUG] Filling array
[DEBUG] Generated 1000 random numbers
[DEBUG] Dividing numbers into bins
[DEBUG] Printing results
bin 0: [000 - 020[ ********************
bin 1: [020 - 040[ *******************
bin 2: [040 - 060[ ********************
bin 3: [060 - 080[ ********************
bin 4: [080 - 100[ *******************
[DEBUG] Printing done
[DEBUG] Memory freed

Update the program so that the display of the debug output happens only when the macro DEBUGMODE is defined. Do not define the macro itself in the code, we will rather use the -D gcc parameter to do so at compile time:

gcc -DDEBUGMODE macro-conditional.c -o macro-conditional
# Debug output displayed

gcc macro-conditional.c -o macro-conditional
# Debug output suppressed

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named macro-conditional.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week4-compilation/02-macro-conditional

Modules: Breaking Down a Program into Several Source Files

The objective is to break down the program module.c into several modules:

  • module1.c and the corresponding header module1.h, containing module1_function1 and module1_function2
  • module2.c and module2.h containing module2_function1
  • module3.c and module3.h containing module3_function1 and module3_enum
  • main.c containing the main function.

Take care of including in C files only the necessary headers. The expected output is:

module3_function1 called with parameter CASE2
res1: 84
res2: 1.000000
res3: 1595255563434

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed. In a terminal, with all the mentioned source files in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week4-compilation/03-module

Using Makefiles

Consider the program compiled from the following files:

Write a Makefile automating the compilation of this program. It should contain intermediate rules compiling 1) C source files into object file and 2) linking object files into the final executable which name should be prog. Include also a clean rule to delete the executable and intermediate object files.

You can download all the aforementioned source filed in a compressed archive here.

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed. In a terminal, with all source files as well as the Makefile in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week4-compilation/04-makefile

Type Casting

Complete the program cast.c by writing the generic array printing function array_print:

#include <stdio.h>

typedef enum {
} array_type;

void array_print(void *ptr, int size, array_type type) {
    /* complete here */

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int int_tab[3] = {1, 2, 3};
    char char_tab[2] = {'a', 'b'};
    float float_tab[3] = {2.5, 1.1, 12.42};

    array_print(int_tab, 3, INT);
    array_print(char_tab, 2, CHAR);
    array_print(float_tab, 3, FLOAT);

    return 0;

The expected output is:

[1, 2, 3]
[a, b]
[2.500000, 1.100000, 12.420000]

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named cast.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week4-compilation/05-cast

Additional Exercises

  1. Header inclusion
  2. Type casting (2)
  3. Investigating a bug with GDB

Header Inclusion

Consider the program constituted of the following two source files: preprocessor.c and preprocessor.h.

This program fails to compile due to missing header inclusions. Correct these issues by writing the proper include preprocessor directives. The expected output is:

Please enter the amount of random number to generate:
Generated 10000000 numbers in 0.084871 seconds

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed. In a terminal, with the source file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week4-compilation/06-preprocessor

Type Casting (2)

In C, characters are encoded in memory using ascii code. Knowing that there is a constant offset between the code for a given letter in lowercase and the code for that letter in capital, complete the capitalize function in the program ascii.c presented below:

#include <stdio.h>

char *alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";

char capitalize(char c) {
    /* complete here */

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    for(int i=0; i<26; i++)
        printf("capital %c: %c\n",
            alphabet[i], capitalize(alphabet[i]));

    return 0;

Ascii code in C.

  • When printed as an integer with the %d marker, the ascii code for a given char variable can be displayed.
  • You can also check out some ascii tables such as this one.

The expected output is:

capital a: A
capital b: B
capital c: C
capital d: D
capital e: E
capital f: F
# ...
capital z: Z

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named ascii.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week4-compilation/07-ascii

Investigating a Bug with GDB

The following program, bug.c, contains several memory corruption bugs:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int array[1000];

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	int x;

	for(int i = 0; i < 10000; i++){
		int ran_num = rand()% 1000;
		array[i] = ran_num;

	printf("Please enter an integer between 0 and 9999: ");
	scanf("%d", x);

	printf("array[%d] = %d\n", x, array[x]);

Use GDB to debug this program and fix the bugs. An example of expected execution is as follows:

Please enter an integer between 0 and 9999: 10
array[10] = 362

Note that you won't necessarily get 362 as the array's content is generated randomly, the important part is that the program does not segfault.

To check the correctness of your program, use a use a Linux distribution with check50 installed and write your solution in a file named bug.c. In a terminal, with that file in the local directory, check with this command:

check50 -l --ansi-log olivierpierre/comp26020-problems/2024-2025/week4-compilation/08-bug

Memory Safety

You can access the slides 🖼️ for this lecture. All the code samples given here can be found online, alongside instructions on how to bring up the proper environment to build and execute them here. You can download the entire set of slides and lecture notes in PDF from the home page.

Here we discuss a problem that is inherent to C: the fact that the language is not memory-safe.

Memory Unsafety in C Programs

C is not memory-safe. This means that there is no protection against a range of bugs when dealing with memory accesses. These bugs can relate to spatial safety: in C the programmer is free to read or write anywhere he/she wants to in memory. Bugs in this category include out of bound array accesses and bad pointer dereference (e.g. pointer being NULL or mistakes in pointer arithmetics). Other bugs relate to temporal safety: the compiler cannot check things like accessing a dynamically-allocated buffer after it has been freed: this is a use-after-free. These bugs lead to undefined behaviour: it can be a crash if the memory accessed is not mapped (remember the virtual address space is overall scarce), or incoherent (and hard to debug) behaviour when the memory accessed is mapped but does not contain what the programmer expects.

C is not memory safe for various reasons, including performance: adding runtime checks against these bugs is in theory possible, but it hurts performance. There is no bound check on buffers and array accesses. Uninitialised variables generally contain random garbage. Dynamic memory allocation can lead to a lot of mistakes that won't be caught by the compiler. Such as memory leaks, double free, use-after-free, and so on. All these issues are hard to detect and to debug. They can also be hard to reproduce: sometimes the bug only manifest after a long time, several executions, or on a particular platform. An important thing to note is that, in addition to crashes, which in some sense are a good outcome because they indicate something needs to be fixed, these memory issues can have dramatic implication in terms of security.

The lack of memory safety in C/C++ is very problematic: recent numbers by Google and Microsoft show that about 70% of the security vulnerabilities found stem from memory safety-related bugs. The NSA reports that the most prevalent type of disclosed software vulnerabilities are memory safety ones, and encourage, among others, the transition to memory safe languages. That transition is however not going to happen overnight given the huge amount of legacy/existing software written in memory unsafe languages.

Below we study 4 examples of memory bugs that lead to security issues.

Example 1: Infoleak

The first example regards the leak of confidential information. Let us assume the following scenarion: a security-sensitive program is distributed in binary-only form. It contains sensitive data: a password. An attacker has access to the binary of the program (not to the sources), and aims to figure out the password.

This is the program in question:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

char *welcome_message = "Hi there! How is it going?\n"; // 27 char
char *password = "secret";
char entered_password[128];

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    // Print welcome message character by character
    for(int i=0; i<27; i++) {
        printf("%c", welcome_message[i]);

    printf("Please input the password:\n");
    scanf("%s", entered_password);

    if(!strcmp(entered_password, password)) {
        printf("Passowrd ok!\n");
    /* ... */
    } else {
        printf("Wrong password! aborting\n");

    return 0;

The program checks a platform entered by the user using scanf. It starts by printing a welcome message character by character. Then asks for a password from the user and compares the input to the correct password. If the password is correct, the program then goes on to do something important. As the program is distributed in binary-only form, unauthorised users do not have access to the sources and cannot see the password.

Let's assume that during an update, the welcome message is updated as follows:

char *welcome_message = "Hi there!\n"; // shortened welcome message, only 11 chars now

Let's assume that the programmer forgets to update the number of iteration of the for loop printing that message. The message being now much smaller, the printing loop will overflow the welcome_message string and print whatever bytes are present next in memory. It may just be garbage... or not: due to how the compiler lays out variables in memory, there are actually good chances that the password is very close to the welcome message in memory. The password is in fact located right after it. So the printing loop overflows the welcome message and reads bytes from password, and the password is leaked to the standard output:

Running the faulty program gives:

$ ./infoleak-updated                 
Hi there!
secretPlease inPlease input the password:

Example 2: Sensitive Data Tampering

Let's consider a second example, regarding the same type of program performing a password check. This time we assume that the attacker has access to the source code (e.g. the program is open source). For that reason the password is stored encrypted in the form of a hash of the plain text password. A user attempting to authenticate will first input the password, that value will be hashed and compared to the ground truth hash stored somewhere in the program. In this scenario the attacker will not try to leak the password/hash, but rather to bypass the password check.

Consider this program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

char user_input[32] = "00000000000";
char password_hash[32] = "tfdsfu"; // "secret" encrypted with caesar cypher with shift 1

void caesar_encrypt(char* text) { /* apply a caesar cyper with shift 1 */ }

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

    if(argc != 2) {
        printf("Usage: %s <password>\n", argv[0]);
        return 0;

    strcpy(user_input, argv[1]); // oopsie!

    if(!strncmp(password_hash, user_input, strlen(password_hash))) {
        printf("login success!\n");
        /* do important stuff  ... */
    } else {
        printf("wrong password!\n");

    return 0;

You can find the full version of this program here. It takes the password as command line parameter. The password is copied in a buffer user_input, which is then encrypted using caesar_encrypt. The encrypted data is then compared with the hash of the correct password, and if they match the program continues. The issue is that there are no checks done by strcpy regarding the sizes of the source and destination strings.

In memory, it is very likely that the compiler will place the correct password right after the user_input buffer:

If the user passes a string as command line parameter which size is larger than the 32 bytes of that buffer, strcpy will overflow user_input and start overwriting the password:

The user hence has the capacity to rewrite the correct password with the value of his/her choice. That value should be the same as the first 25 bytes that will go into user_input, so that when strcmp is called the strings will match:

An example of execution:

$ ./tampering xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
login success!

Example 3: Stack Smashing

Stack smashing is an old attack where a buffer overflow can be exploited on the stack to take over the control flow of an application. It was originally presented in 1996. Before going over the attack with an example, we first have to understand how the machine uses the stack to manage function call and return operations.

Functions from the Machine Code Point of View

The stack is a dynamic data structure in memory. It holds, among other things, local variables as well as function parameters and return values. The space on the stack dedicated to a function's data (local variables, etc.) is contiguous in memory, it is called the function's stack frame. When a function is called, the stack's size is increased to create the corresponding frame. In addition to the function's data, its frame also contains the return address. This is the address in the program's code (that is present somewhere else in memory) to which the CPU will jump once the function returns. The central idea of stack smashing is to overwrite the return address of a function f with the address of code the attacker wishes to execute (e.g. the successful branch of a password check): when f returns, rather than returning to f's caller, the program jumps to the target code.

In the example below we have the stack in the program's memory on the left, the machine code executed on the right, and the corresponding C code in the middle. Assume the CPU runs the machine code corresponding to the C function's f at the point where the function g is called: on x86-64 this is a callq instruction. This instruction pushes the return address on the stack, and jumps to g:

When g returns (ret x86-64 machine instruction), this return address is popped from the stack, and the CPU jumps to it, i.e. it jumps to the instruction in f that is right after the call to g:

Target Program

Consider this program:

char *password = "upqtfdsfu"; // properly hashed password

void caesar_encrypt(char* text) { /* ... */ }

void security_critical_function() {
    printf("launching nukes!!\n");

void preprocess_input(char *string) {
    char local_buffer[16];
    strcpy(local_buffer, string); // Oopsie!

    /* work on local buffer ... */

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    if (argc != 2) {
        printf("usage: %s <password>\n", argv[0]);
        return -1;


    if(!strncmp(password, argv[1], strlen(password)))
        printf("Unauthorized user!\n");

    return 0;

This program takes a password as command line parameter. The input is passed through a function that preprocess it after having it copied in a local buffer with strcpy. And if the password is correct we execute a security critical function. There is a bug in this program: strcpy check for the size of string prior to copying it in local_buffer, letting the attacker overflow that buffer if data passed on the command line is larger than 16 bytes. local_buffer is a local variable, hence it is allocated on the stack. Similarly to the other examples, assume an attacker that only has access to the program's binary, and that does not know the password.

The Attack

With stack smashing we will use this overflow to overwrite the return address of preprocess_input with the address of security_critical_function in order to bypass the password check. This is possible because on x86-64 the stack grows down, from higher to lower addresses. The return address is located after local_buffer on the stack:

Overflowing local_buffer it with strcpy allows overwriting the return address with whatever the attacker inputs from the command line:

The schema represents the state of the stack at the time preprocess_input runs and strcpy is called. We have the calling context (main) local variables first. Then the return address that was pushed when we called preprocess_input. And then preprocess_input's frame with its local variables including local_buffer. Remember that because the stack grows down, lower addresses are on the bottom of this graph, so when we overflow local_buffer we are effectively writing up the top of the stack towards the return address By using a carefully crafted input string, we can overwrite the return address with the address of a function we would like to execute. For example the address of security_critical_function. And when the execution returns from preprocess_input, the CPU will jump to security_critical_function rather than returning to main: the password check is bypassed.

See the complete program's sources here for instructions on how to reproduce this attack. On the computer this code was tested, the payload (injected with echo -e and xargs to produce bytes and not ascii characters) looks like this:

$ echo -e "\x11\x11\x11\... (24 bytes of \x11 padding) ... \x5e\x17\x40\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" \
    | xargs --null -t -n1 ./stack-smashing
./stack-smashing ''$'\021\021\021\021\021\021\021\021\021\021\021\021\021\021\021\021\021\021
launching nukes!!
xargs: ./stack-smashing: terminated by signal 11

Example 4: Use-After-Free

A use-after-free happens when the programmer mistakenly uses an object after it has been freed. Consider this program:

typedef struct {
    double member1;
    double member2;
    void (*member3)(int);
} my_struct;

void print_hello(int x) {
    printf("Hello, parameter: %d\n", x);

void security_critical_function() {
    printf("Launching nukes!\n");
    /* ... */

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

    /* allocate and init ms */
    my_struct *ms = malloc(sizeof(my_struct));
    ms->member1 = 42.0; ms->member2 = 42.0;
    ms->member3 = &print_hello;

    /* call the function pointer */


    char *buffer = malloc(12);
    strcpy(buffer, argv[1]);

    ms->member3(12); // Oopsie!

Here ms is allocated with malloc, then freed, then mistakenly used right before the call to exit(0). This issue is not caught by the compiler, and in many scenarios will not manifest either at runtime.

If we look at the data structure declaration, it has an int member and a second member that is a function pointer. A function pointer is a variable that can store the address of a function, see how it is assigned in main: ms->member3 = &print_hello;. We put the address of the print_hello function in the member. And this function can be called through the function pointer, as it also done later: ms->member3(12);. Between the moment what is pointed by ms is freed and the use-after-free, a buffer pointed by buffer is allocated with malloc and a command line parameter is copied in that buffer with strcpy. Note the lack of check on the size of the command line argument: once again the attacker can overflow the memory pointed by buffer.

Let's see how we can exploit use this program to force the execution of security_critical_function, that is not supposed to be called in this particular program. The central idea behind many attacks leveraging a use-after-free vulnerability is to replace the data structure being used after free with a payload that will corrupt the behaviour of the program once the use-after-free happens.

buffer, as well as what is pointed by ms, are allocated on the heap:

ms is then freed:

malloc manages allocations on the heap, and to avoid memory waste malloc will reuse freed memory to serve new allocation requests: in other words, it is very likely that the memory used to hold what was pointed was ms will be reused for buffer. Recall that through the buffer overflow, the attacker has control over the content of buffer. The attacker is going to write inside buffer the address of security_critical_function, at the precise location where, if interpreted as an ms data structure, the function pointer would be located:

Once the function pointer is dereferenced, the CPU will in effect jump to security_critical_function:

Please see the full source code for instruction on how to reproduce that attack.

On the computer this code was tested, the payload looks like that:

echo -e "\x11\x11\x11\ ... (16 bytes of \x11 padding) ... \x7c\x16\x40\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" \
    | xargs --null -t -n1 ./use-after-free
./use-after-free ''$'\021\021\021\021\021\021\021\021\021\021\021\021\021\021\021
Hello, parameter: 12
Launching nukes!
# program continues to misbehave after that


C is not memory safe. The memory safety bugs introduced by programming mistakes lead not only crashes, but more importantly to security vulnerabilities that can have very serious consequences.

Good Practices

You can access the slides 🖼️ for this lecture. All the code samples given here can be found online, alongside instructions on how to bring up the proper environment to build and execute them here. You can download the entire set of slides and lecture notes in PDF from the home page.

The Problem

In this unit we described the benefits of C, as well as multiple use cases demonstrating that these languages are still extensively used. We also saw that programs written in C are prone to memory issues which is concerning for security. How can we avoid (as much as possible) the programming mistakes that lead to these security issues? Here we discuss a few tools that can help. And we will also see a few guidelines about how to write good code.

Extra Compiler Warnings

A first piece of advice is to enable the many compiler warnings that are disabled by default. This can help detect bugs. It can be done by using the following flags:

  • -Wall will enable a first set of warnings.
  • -Wextra will activate additional warnings on top of that.
  • -pedantic, will enable warnings forcing you to write C code that conforms strictly to the ISO C standard.

All these options activate warnings that are particularly strict, and the programmer will need to reason a bit about the potential issues they point in the code. Are these things bugs or not? For example, -Wall will warn about variables that are declared but not used. While it is probably fine to have some during development, it is suspicious for e.g. a production build.

Analysis Tools

Code and program analysis tools generally fall within be classified into two main categories. Dynamic analysis tools work by instrumenting your program with additional checks and observing its behaviour at runtime. Static analysis tools analyse the code or other representations of your program (binary, compiler intermediate representation) without running it.

  • In terms of dynamic analysis tools, we already discussed Valgrind, that focuses on the heap and is very practical to check for memory leaks, uninitialised memory reads, etc. There is also another popular tool named address sanitiser or ASAN, that can detect overflows, use after frees, leaks, etc. To use ASAN simply add the following compiler flags and run the program normally:
$ gcc -fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer program.c -o program
$ ./program

The program will crash when ASAN detects a bad memory access, with a log of exactly what went wrong

An important thing to note is that static and dynamic tools have their pros and cons, and there is no silver bullet. No tool will detect all the memory errors in all programs. Moreover, even if one runs all the possible tools on a given program, it is not guaranteed that all the errors will be detected. (next slide)

Writing Good Code

Even if some tools can help, it is of course very important to write good code. The compiler does not catch all mistakes and the tools are not perfect. Writing good code will save a lot of debugging time, and of course will reduce the chances of introducing security vulnerabilities.

Undefined Behaviour

In C there is the notion of undefined behaviour. Once the program enters undefined behaviour, all the programmer's assumption are off: although the program may seem to work fine under certain circumstances, it's a bug, and it needs to be fixed:

Memory errors lead a program into undefined behaviour. Examples include:

  • Reading an uninitialised variable.
  • Reading/writing out of the bounds of an array.
  • Dereferencing a NULL (0x0) pointer.
  • Overflows in signed integer arithmetic.
  • Dereferencing a freed pointer.
  • Freeing a pointer twice.
  • etc.

Array/Buffers Sizes, Integer Overflows

Arrays in C do not embed their sizes, and it is the programmer's responsibility to keep track of the sizes. This is true for any array, including strings, as well as all types of buffers. If a function takes an array or a buffer as parameter, its size should probably also be passed. You should also be aware of the sizes of different types on the architecture you target to avoid overflows. Recall that sizeof() gives you that information. Unsigned overflow wraps over to 0 but signed overflow is undefined. In case of doubt, use wider types for arithmetics, check for overflow and if the result is indeed within bounds convert back to the smaller type.

The C standard Library

Concerning the C standard library, it is good to check out the man pages for its functions. Some libc functions allocate results with malloc, and it may be your responsibility to free the corresponding space. Also, these functions should never be used, they are almost always unsafe:

String Manipulation Functions

  • Regarding string manipulation functions, generally you should use the versions including n, that not only check for \0 to find the end of a string but also allow a programmer-defined character limit. Use strncpy rather than strcpy, snprintf rather than sprintf, and so on. Even with the n functions, be careful about some particularities: for example strncpy does not ensure that the target buffer is terminated by \0. Consider the following code:
char string1[] = "hello, world";
char string2[32] = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
strncpy(string2, string1, strlen(string1));
printf("%s\n", string2); /

This will print hello, worldxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, which is unlikely what the programmer intended.

Dynamic Memory Allocation

A few things regarding dynamic memory allocation:

  • malloc return value should always be checked to avoid NULL pointer usage.
  • After free, the pointer is invalid:
    • It cannot be dereferenced, (that is relatively obvious)
    • But even its value itself, the previously pointed address, cannot be used anymore for example for comparison with other addresses.
  • When it fails, realloc returns null but does not free the old pointer. So, in effect, the following code is a memory leak:
ptr = realloc(ptr, new_size);

With this code, if realloc fails, the old address pointed by ptr is overwritten by null and, assuming no other pointer points to that space, it won't be possible to free it.

Going Further

This guide contains further advice:

C Programming: Going Further

There is no exercise for this week.

Below you can find a list of exercises representing examples of C projects that are more ambitious than the autocorrected tests you have done until now, while still being quite didactic. They are fully optional and do not need to be done to complete the unit: check these out if you would like to go further. Due to the nature of these exercises, COMP26020 instructors cannot provide support to complete them, so you are on your own!

If you find that kind of low-level programming exciting, please consider doing your Y3 project with me 🙂.

  • Writing a Linux kernel module. In this exercise you will write a bit of code and load it at runtime within the Linux kernel. Consider starting to read from the introduction in order to understand how to set up your distribution for kernel development. The rest of the book is great too, covering many aspects of Linux kernel programming.
  • Writing a simple web server. In less than 200 lines of code!
  • Using Linux's optimised io_uring I/O API. Here you will build various simple applications (2 programs equivalent to the cat and cp commands and a simple web server) using the optimised io_uring API which provides significant enhancements vs. using what we saw in the unit i.e. read/write and their variants.
  • Emulate a simple device in Qemu and write a driver for it in Linux. Here you will emulate a simple device in Qemu and will access it from a virtual machine through a driver you'll write. This is part of an assignment for another course I am running, please disregard anything regarding submission/deadlines/marking scheme.
  • Writing a minimal OS kernel. This OS contains the bare bone code (assembly for the boot process, then C) to print on the console. You can access more cool OS tutorials here.
  • Writing a compiler. This is a relatively ambitious project in which you'll build a self-compiling compiler, i.e. a compiler that can compile itself (yes, after all the compiler is itself a program, and is built from source code!).