Memory Safety

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Here we discuss a problem that is inherent to C: the fact that the language is not memory-safe.

Memory Unsafety in C Programs

C is not memory-safe. This means that there is no protection against a range of bugs when dealing with memory accesses. These bugs can relate to spatial safety: in C the programmer is free to read or write anywhere he/she wants to in memory. Bugs in this category include out of bound array accesses and bad pointer dereference (e.g. pointer being NULL or mistakes in pointer arithmetics). Other bugs relate to temporal safety: the compiler cannot check things like accessing a dynamically-allocated buffer after it has been freed: this is a use-after-free. These bugs lead to undefined behaviour: it can be a crash if the memory accessed is not mapped (remember the virtual address space is overall scarce), or incoherent (and hard to debug) behaviour when the memory accessed is mapped but does not contain what the programmer expects.

C is not memory safe for various reasons, including performance: adding runtime checks against these bugs is in theory possible, but it hurts performance. There is no bound check on buffers and array accesses. Uninitialised variables generally contain random garbage. Dynamic memory allocation can lead to a lot of mistakes that won't be caught by the compiler. Such as memory leaks, double free, use-after-free, and so on. All these issues are hard to detect and to debug. They can also be hard to reproduce: sometimes the bug only manifest after a long time, several executions, or on a particular platform. An important thing to note is that, in addition to crashes, which in some sense are a good outcome because they indicate something needs to be fixed, these memory issues can have dramatic implication in terms of security.

The lack of memory safety in C/C++ is very problematic: recent numbers by Google and Microsoft show that about 70% of the security vulnerabilities found stem from memory safety-related bugs. The NSA reports that the most prevalent type of disclosed software vulnerabilities are memory safety ones, and encourage, among others, the transition to memory safe languages. That transition is however not going to happen overnight given the huge amount of legacy/existing software written in memory unsafe languages.

Below we study 4 examples of memory bugs that lead to security issues.

Example 1: Infoleak

The first example regards the leak of confidential information. Let us assume the following scenarion: a security-sensitive program is distributed in binary-only form. It contains sensitive data: a password. An attacker has access to the binary of the program (not to the sources), and aims to figure out the password.

This is the program in question:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

char *welcome_message = "Hi there! How is it going?\n"; // 27 char
char *password = "secret";
char entered_password[128];

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    // Print welcome message character by character
    for(int i=0; i<27; i++) {
        printf("%c", welcome_message[i]);

    printf("Please input the password:\n");
    scanf("%s", entered_password);

    if(!strcmp(entered_password, password)) {
        printf("Passowrd ok!\n");
    /* ... */
    } else {
        printf("Wrong password! aborting\n");

    return 0;

The program checks a platform entered by the user using scanf. It starts by printing a welcome message character by character. Then asks for a password from the user and compares the input to the correct password. If the password is correct, the program then goes on to do something important. As the program is distributed in binary-only form, unauthorised users do not have access to the sources and cannot see the password.

Let's assume that during an update, the welcome message is updated as follows:

char *welcome_message = "Hi there!\n"; // shortened welcome message, only 11 chars now

Let's assume that the programmer forgets to update the number of iteration of the for loop printing that message. The message being now much smaller, the printing loop will overflow the welcome_message string and print whatever bytes are present next in memory. It may just be garbage... or not: due to how the compiler lays out variables in memory, there are actually good chances that the password is very close to the welcome message in memory. The password is in fact located right after it. So the printing loop overflows the welcome message and reads bytes from password, and the password is leaked to the standard output:

Running the faulty program gives:

$ ./infoleak-updated                 
Hi there!
secretPlease inPlease input the password:

Example 2: Sensitive Data Tampering

Let's consider a second example, regarding the same type of program performing a password check. This time we assume that the attacker has access to the source code (e.g. the program is open source). For that reason the password is stored encrypted in the form of a hash of the plain text password. A user attempting to authenticate will first input the password, that value will be hashed and compared to the ground truth hash stored somewhere in the program. In this scenario the attacker will not try to leak the password/hash, but rather to bypass the password check.

Consider this program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

char user_input[32] = "00000000000";
char password_hash[32] = "tfdsfu"; // "secret" encrypted with caesar cypher with shift 1

void caesar_encrypt(char* text) { /* apply a caesar cyper with shift 1 */ }

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

    if(argc != 2) {
        printf("Usage: %s <password>\n", argv[0]);
        return 0;

    strcpy(user_input, argv[1]); // oopsie!

    if(!strncmp(password_hash, user_input, strlen(password_hash))) {
        printf("login success!\n");
        /* do important stuff  ... */
    } else {
        printf("wrong password!\n");

    return 0;

You can find the full version of this program here. It takes the password as command line parameter. The password is copied in a buffer user_input, which is then encrypted using caesar_encrypt. The encrypted data is then compared with the hash of the correct password, and if they match the program continues. The issue is that there are no checks done by strcpy regarding the sizes of the source and destination strings.

In memory, it is very likely that the compiler will place the correct password right after the user_input buffer:

If the user passes a string as command line parameter which size is larger than the 32 bytes of that buffer, strcpy will overflow user_input and start overwriting the password:

The user hence has the capacity to rewrite the correct password with the value of his/her choice. That value should be the same as the first 25 bytes that will go into user_input, so that when strcmp is called the strings will match:

An example of execution:

$ ./tampering xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
login success!

Example 3: Stack Smashing

Stack smashing is an old attack where a buffer overflow can be exploited on the stack to take over the control flow of an application. It was originally presented in 1996. Before going over the attack with an example, we first have to understand how the machine uses the stack to manage function call and return operations.

Functions from the Machine Code Point of View

The stack is a dynamic data structure in memory. It holds, among other things, local variables as well as function parameters and return values. The space on the stack dedicated to a function's data (local variables, etc.) is contiguous in memory, it is called the function's stack frame. When a function is called, the stack's size is increased to create the corresponding frame. In addition to the function's data, its frame also contains the return address. This is the address in the program's code (that is present somewhere else in memory) to which the CPU will jump once the function returns. The central idea of stack smashing is to overwrite the return address of a function f with the address of code the attacker wishes to execute (e.g. the successful branch of a password check): when f returns, rather than returning to f's caller, the program jumps to the target code.

In the example below we have the stack in the program's memory on the left, the machine code executed on the right, and the corresponding C code in the middle. Assume the CPU runs the machine code corresponding to the C function's f at the point where the function g is called: on x86-64 this is a callq instruction. This instruction pushes the return address on the stack, and jumps to g:

When g returns (ret x86-64 machine instruction), this return address is popped from the stack, and the CPU jumps to it, i.e. it jumps to the instruction in f that is right after the call to g:

Target Program

Consider this program:

char *password = "upqtfdsfu"; // properly hashed password

void caesar_encrypt(char* text) { /* ... */ }

void security_critical_function() {
    printf("launching nukes!!\n");

void preprocess_input(char *string) {
    char local_buffer[16];
    strcpy(local_buffer, string); // Oopsie!

    /* work on local buffer ... */

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    if (argc != 2) {
        printf("usage: %s <password>\n", argv[0]);
        return -1;


    if(!strncmp(password, argv[1], strlen(password)))
        printf("Unauthorized user!\n");

    return 0;

This program takes a password as command line parameter. The input is passed through a function that preprocess it after having it copied in a local buffer with strcpy. And if the password is correct we execute a security critical function. There is a bug in this program: strcpy check for the size of string prior to copying it in local_buffer, letting the attacker overflow that buffer if data passed on the command line is larger than 16 bytes. local_buffer is a local variable, hence it is allocated on the stack. Similarly to the other examples, assume an attacker that only has access to the program's binary, and that does not know the password.

The Attack

With stack smashing we will use this overflow to overwrite the return address of preprocess_input with the address of security_critical_function in order to bypass the password check. This is possible because on x86-64 the stack grows down, from higher to lower addresses. The return address is located after local_buffer on the stack:

Overflowing local_buffer it with strcpy allows overwriting the return address with whatever the attacker inputs from the command line:

The schema represents the state of the stack at the time preprocess_input runs and strcpy is called. We have the calling context (main) local variables first. Then the return address that was pushed when we called preprocess_input. And then preprocess_input's frame with its local variables including local_buffer. Remember that because the stack grows down, lower addresses are on the bottom of this graph, so when we overflow local_buffer we are effectively writing up the top of the stack towards the return address By using a carefully crafted input string, we can overwrite the return address with the address of a function we would like to execute. For example the address of security_critical_function. And when the execution returns from preprocess_input, the CPU will jump to security_critical_function rather than returning to main: the password check is bypassed.

See the complete program's sources here for instructions on how to reproduce this attack. On the computer this code was tested, the payload (injected with echo -e and xargs to produce bytes and not ascii characters) looks like this:

$ echo -e "\x11\x11\x11\... (24 bytes of \x11 padding) ... \x5e\x17\x40\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" \
    | xargs --null -t -n1 ./stack-smashing
./stack-smashing ''$'\021\021\021\021\021\021\021\021\021\021\021\021\021\021\021\021\021\021
launching nukes!!
xargs: ./stack-smashing: terminated by signal 11

Example 4: Use-After-Free

A use-after-free happens when the programmer mistakenly uses an object after it has been freed. Consider this program:

typedef struct {
    double member1;
    double member2;
    void (*member3)(int);
} my_struct;

void print_hello(int x) {
    printf("Hello, parameter: %d\n", x);

void security_critical_function() {
    printf("Launching nukes!\n");
    /* ... */

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

    /* allocate and init ms */
    my_struct *ms = malloc(sizeof(my_struct));
    ms->member1 = 42.0; ms->member2 = 42.0;
    ms->member3 = &print_hello;

    /* call the function pointer */


    char *buffer = malloc(12);
    strcpy(buffer, argv[1]);

    ms->member3(12); // Oopsie!

Here ms is allocated with malloc, then freed, then mistakenly used right before the call to exit(0). This issue is not caught by the compiler, and in many scenarios will not manifest either at runtime.

If we look at the data structure declaration, it has an int member and a second member that is a function pointer. A function pointer is a variable that can store the address of a function, see how it is assigned in main: ms->member3 = &print_hello;. We put the address of the print_hello function in the member. And this function can be called through the function pointer, as it also done later: ms->member3(12);. Between the moment what is pointed by ms is freed and the use-after-free, a buffer pointed by buffer is allocated with malloc and a command line parameter is copied in that buffer with strcpy. Note the lack of check on the size of the command line argument: once again the attacker can overflow the memory pointed by buffer.

Let's see how we can exploit use this program to force the execution of security_critical_function, that is not supposed to be called in this particular program. The central idea behind many attacks leveraging a use-after-free vulnerability is to replace the data structure being used after free with a payload that will corrupt the behaviour of the program once the use-after-free happens.

buffer, as well as what is pointed by ms, are allocated on the heap:

ms is then freed:

malloc manages allocations on the heap, and to avoid memory waste malloc will reuse freed memory to serve new allocation requests: in other words, it is very likely that the memory used to hold what was pointed was ms will be reused for buffer. Recall that through the buffer overflow, the attacker has control over the content of buffer. The attacker is going to write inside buffer the address of security_critical_function, at the precise location where, if interpreted as an ms data structure, the function pointer would be located:

Once the function pointer is dereferenced, the CPU will in effect jump to security_critical_function:

Please see the full source code for instruction on how to reproduce that attack.

On the computer this code was tested, the payload looks like that:

echo -e "\x11\x11\x11\ ... (16 bytes of \x11 padding) ... \x7c\x16\x40\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" \
    | xargs --null -t -n1 ./use-after-free
./use-after-free ''$'\021\021\021\021\021\021\021\021\021\021\021\021\021\021\021
Hello, parameter: 12
Launching nukes!
# program continues to misbehave after that


C is not memory safe. The memory safety bugs introduced by programming mistakes lead not only crashes, but more importantly to security vulnerabilities that can have very serious consequences.