Pointers: Applications

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In the previous lecture we have presented pointers, and in this one we will describe in what scenarios they can be useful.

Allow a Function to Access the Calling Context

Recall that arguments are passed by copy in C so with arguments of regular types a function cannot change its calling context. Consider the following code:

void add_one(int param) {
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int x = 20;
    printf("before call, x is %d\n", x);   // prints 20
    printf("after call, x is %d\n", x);    // prints 20
    return 0;

Before and after the call, x's value is the same, because a copy of x was made upon the call to add_one, and it is that copy that gets incremented by that function, then discarded when it returns. Let's illustrate what happens in memory. Each function stores its local variables as well as arguments somewhere in memory. We have an area for main and an area for add_one. In main's area we have x, and a copy of x is made upon call to add_one, in the area related to this function, in the form of the param parameter:

If we rather want add_one to increment the value of x as seen by main, i.e. we want add_one to modify the memory related to its calling context (main), we can use pointers:

void add_one(int *param) {

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int x = 20;
    printf("before call, x is %d\n", x);   // print 20
    printf("after call, x is %d\n", x);    // print 21
    return 0;

We now call add_one by passing as parameter the address of x. Let's illustrate what happens in memory:

In main's area we have x, let's say it's located at address 0x128 (we'll use fictitious addresses for all the examples of this lecture). In add_one's area, when that function is called, some space is reserved for param and filled with x's address, 0x128. Through param, add_one now has access to x's location in memory. In effect, add_one can increment x by dereferencing param:

Let a Function "Return" More Than a Single Value

Pointers can be used to access the calling context when we want a function to "return" more than a single value. Here is an example in which we have a function that return both the product and the quotient of two numbers:

// we want this function to return 3 things: the product and quotient of n1 by n2,
// as well as an error code in case division is impossible
int multiply_and_divide(int n1, int n2, int *product, int *quotient) {
    if(n2 == 0) return -1;      // Can't divide if n2 is 0
    *product = n1 * n2;
    *quotient = n1 / n2;
    return 0;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int p, q, a = 5, b = 10;
    if(multiply_and_divide(a, b, &p, &q) == 0) {
        printf("10*5 = %d\n", p); printf("10/5 = %d\n", q);

We also want it to return an error code if the divider is 0. So we have 3 things to return. The error or success code is returned normally, while the quotient and product are "returned" through pointers. It works as follows: main reserves space for the quotient and product by creating two variables p and q, then it passes their addresses to multiply_and_divide, that performs the operations and write the results in p and q through the pointers.

In memory things look like that:

In practice, this is another example of a function (multiply_and_divide) modifying the memory of its calling context (main). To generalise, with pointers a function can read or write anywhere in memory.

Inefficient Function Calls with Large Data Structures Copies

Let's see another use case for pointers. Let's assume we want to write a function that updates a large struct variable that has many 8-bytes fields. Without pointers we can do it like that:

typedef struct {
    // lots of large (8 bytes) fields:
    double a; double b; double c; double d; double e; double f;
} large_struct;

large_struct f(large_struct s) { // very inefficient in terms of
    s.a += 42.0;                 // performance and memory usage!
    return s;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    large_struct x = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0};
    large_struct y = f(x);
    printf("y.a: %f\n", y.a);

The function takes the large_struct as parameter, updates it, and returns it. The data structure is large 6 fields times 8 bytes, so 48 bytes in total on x86-64. We know C passes parameters by copy so when f is called there is a first copy corresponding to f's parameter s. Next f updates the struct member. An finally there is a second copy when we return the struct into y. In memory it looks like that:

This is very inefficient both in terms of performance and memory usage. The two copy operations take time because the struct is large. And in memory there are 3 instances of the struct (x, y, and s) so it takes a lot of space.

Efficient Function Calls with Pointers

We can fix that issue with a pointer. The goal is to maintain a unique copy of the variable and update it in f though a pointer, similarly to what we saw in the previous examples. We change the parameter type to a pointer and call the function with the address of x. In the function we dereference the pointer before accessing the field:

void f(large_struct *s) {  // now takes a pointer parameter
    (*s).a += 42.0;         // dereference to access x

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    large_struct x = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
    f(&x);                 // pass x's address
    printf("x.a: %f\n", x.a);
    return 0;

When the function is called we now have the pointer which is a small parameter (64 bits i.e. 8 bytes). Only the pointer is copied when f is called. And in f we can directly update the struct through the pointer, nothing needs to be copied/returned back to main. It's much more efficient, we don't have to hold multiple copies of the large struct and there is no expensive copy operations:

C Arrays are Pointers

Under the hood, arrays are implemented as pointers in C. Arrays can be quite large, and it would be very inefficient to pass them by copy. Here is a function that takes an int pointer as parameter:

void negate_int_array(int *ptr, int size) { // function taking pointer as parameter
    for(int i=0; i<size; i++)               // also need the size to iterate properly
        ptr[i] = -ptr[i];      // use square brackets like a standard array

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int array[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
    negate_int_array(array, 7); // to get the pointer just use the array's name
    for(int i=0; i<7; i++)
        printf("array[%d] = %d\n", i, array[i]);
    return 0;

Notice at how we call it: we just put the name of an array variable. Also notice how we can use the square bracket on a pointer variable to address it like an array. This function negates all the elements of an int array.

Indexing Arrays with Pointers, Pointer Arithmetics

Consider the following examples:

int int_array[2] = {1, 2};
double double_array[2] = {4.2, 2.4};
char char_array[] = "ab";

printf("int_array[0]      = %d\n", int_array[0]);
printf("int_array[1]      = %d\n", int_array[1]);
printf("*(int_array+0)    = %d\n", *(int_array+0)); // pointer arithmetic!
printf("*(int_array+1)    = %d\n", *(int_array+1)); // +1 means + sizeof(array type)

printf("double_array[0]   = %f\n", double_array[0]);
printf("double_array[1]   = %f\n", double_array[1]);
printf("*(double_array+0) = %f\n", *(double_array+0));
printf("*(double_array+1) = %f\n", *(double_array+1));

printf("char_array[0]     = %c\n", char_array[0]);
printf("char_array[1]     = %c\n", char_array[1]);
printf("*(char_array+0)   = %c\n", *(char_array+0));
printf("*(char_array+1)   = %c\n", *(char_array+1));

In memory we have the following:

int_array has 2 elements, each 4 bytes. double_array has 2 elements, each 8 bytes. char_array has 3 elements (counting the termination character), each 1 byte.

Remember that arrays elements are stored contiguously in memory. We can refer to each element of each array with either the square brackets, or the dereference operator. When we use the dereferencing operator, things work as follows. The name of the array corresponds to a pointer on the first element so dereferencing it gives the first element. The get access to the second element we increase the pointer by 1 element, hence the +1 before dereferencing. Operations on pointers are called pointer arithmetics and one needs to be careful with these int_array + 1 is interpreted by the compiler as: base address of int_array + the size of 1 element. In other words, the amount of bytes that will be added by the compiler to the base address of int_array to determine where exactly to read in memory depend on the type of the elements contained in the array. For example for int_array each element is 4 bytes. For double_array it will be 8 bytes. And for char_array 1 byte.

Pointers and Data Structures

Data structures are often passed as pointers. Furthermore, structs themselves can have pointer fields. Let's take an example with a struct having two integer parameters, member1 and member2, and an int pointer ptr_member:

typedef struct {
    int int_member1;
    int int_member2;
    int *ptr_member;
} my_struct;

We can create a pointer to a previously declared struct variable:

my_struct *p = &ms;

To access the int member we have two choices. The classic * operator for dereferencing followed by the point for field access. Don't forget the parentheses as the point takes precedence over the *:

(*p).int_member1 = 1; // don't forget the parentheses! . takes precedence over *

There is also a shortcut which is the arrow ->, that can be used on a struct pointer to access a field, it first dereferences the pointer then access the field:

p->int_member2 = 2;   // s->x is a shortcut for (*s).x

One can get the address of an individual struct member with the & operator. Here we set the pointer field equals to the address of one of the integer fields:

p->ptr_member = &(p->int_member2);

In memory this example looks like that:

Then we can print all the members value and dereference the member pointer:

printf("p->int_member1 = %d\n", p->int_member1);
printf("p->int_member2 = %d\n", p->int_member2);
printf("p->ptr_member = %p\n", p->ptr_member);
printf("*(p->ptr_member) = %d\n", *(p->ptr_member));

Pointer Chains

We can create pointers to pointer and construct chains. Consider this example:

int value = 42;         // integer
int *ptr1 = &value;     // pointer of integer
int **ptr2 = &ptr1;     // pointer of pointer of integer
int ***ptr3 = &ptr2;    // pointer of pointer of pointer of integer

printf("ptr1: %p, *ptr1: %d\n", ptr1, *ptr1);
printf("ptr2: %p, *ptr2: %p, **ptr2: %d\n", ptr2, *ptr2, **ptr2);
printf("ptr3: %p, *ptr3: %p, **ptr3: %p, ***ptr3: %d\n", ptr3, *ptr3,
        **ptr3, ***ptr3);

In memory we have a layout as follows:

Here we have a value, and we create a first pointer to it. Then we have a second pointer pointing to the first one. The type of this pointer of pointer is int **, which means pointer of pointer of int. We also create a pointer of pointer of pointer to int, int ***. Note in the code the use of several star operators for dereferencing the pointers of pointers. For example **ptr2 means get access to the value that is pointed by what is pointed by ptr2. In other words a first * gives us access to ptr1, and a second to val. Pointers of pointers are useful to create dynamically allocated arrays, as we will see in the next lecture.